
Term 4 Week 2

Principal's and Deputy Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you had a nice break and were able to take some time to soak up the beautiful weather and enjoy some walks and picnics with family and friends.

Thank you for your continued support of the Learning from Home model. Everyone has done an amazing job, which I am extremely grateful for. We have all faced many challenges, and together we have taken these on and come through with flying colours.

Mrs Valensise and I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary staff here at Wattle Grove P.S. We are extremely proud of the work planned and delivered for 12 weeks of home learning by our teachers for our students. The average day for our teachers consisted of: creating teaching videos to deliver explicit instruction of new concepts, providing feedback in a timely manner, making adjustments for the different learning abilities within the class, daily phone calls to parents and students, the creation of offline packs and the consistent Zoom lessons and wellbeing check ins, as well as additional Zoom lessons for students with additional needs.  Our SLSOs liaised with class teachers to create videos and social stories, as well as modified work for some of our students. Our office staff who prepared the offline packs and delivered these efficiently whilst still managing the administrative tasks for the school. They have been instrumental in making sure we are covid safe and ready for next week. Our General Assistant, Mr Harvey has been back on site getting our school tidy for our students’ return and getting things in order. As you can see, it is a collective effort and we would like to thank every single staff member for the commitment and dedication they have shown for the past 12 weeks.

We are all excited about the freedoms available to those who are fully vaccinated in NSW and are looking forward to our Kindergarten and Year One students returning on Monday 18 October. We ask families to hold out for another week before sending your children in the other grades as this provides valuable space to ensure our plans are in place for all grades returning onsite.

We know that while there will be excitement, there will also be some uncertainty about being back together at school. NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education have worked hard to provide schools with COVID-safe plans to return to school sites. These plans clearly outline practices for schools to follow which include vaccinations for all staff on site, mask wearing, reduced mingling of staff and student groups, ventilation in classrooms and continued good hygiene and cleaning. We are confident that this, in combination with support from our school community, will minimise risk and help to keep students safe when learning face-to-face next to their peers.

Specific information relating to these procedures has been communicated via the SkoolBag app. I encourage all families to read this information as there will be changes to our usual school routines to ensure we adhere to all safety guidelines.  These procedures will be revised daily, and any changes communicated in a timely manner. Additionally, we are happy to receive feedback. Please call to talk to Mrs Valensise or myself.

Order of return -Students will return to face-to-face learning with NSW Health-approved COVID-safe settings on school sites in the following order:

From 18 October 2021 – Kindergarten and Year One.

From 25 October – Remaining grades.

We understand students may face several challenges on their return, and the teachers will be planning and implementing both learning and wellbeing programs to cater for all students at point of need. Our teachers are experts at this, and I am confident the students will settle in and adjust as they return to life back  in the classroom. Please reach out to your child’s teacher via an email or call the front office if you have any questions or concerns as working together ensures the best for the children. 

School Visitor Check-in System 
A new single School Visitor Check-in system for every school across the state is coming from 18 October.

The Department of Education has partnered with Service NSW to provide a streamlined, digital school sign-in system for visitors and contractors at every NSW government school. 

Benefits of the new system include:

·         Accelerating your check-ins to as fast as 20 seconds!  

·         Linked to NSW Health’s COVID-19 contact tracing ensuring every school is compliant with the NSW COVID-19 mandate.External link.

·         Giving every school greater access to streamlined NSW Government services. 

Watch our short parent videoExternal link to see how it works for parents.

Who can use the School Visitor check-in?
Visitors such as parents and carers, contractors, service providers and volunteers.

Students or visitors under the age of 18 are not required to use School Visitor Check-in.

School Visitor Check-in will be ready from 18 October at all NSW Government schools.

For more information visit School Visitor Check-in on the department website.

Please note that under our current restrictions parents and visitors are not permitted onsite.

Our modified report template for Semester Two has been finalised and teachers are currently working on these. Departmental guidelines for reporting this semester have been adjusted due to the changes in Learning Models across Terms 3 and 4. There will be no A-E scale and reporting of student achievement will focus primarily on English and Mathematics. Information will also be provided on students’ commitment to learning and social development. Student reports are scheduled to go home to families in Week 10 of this term.

Spelling Bee
Due to the impact of COVID-19 across NSW, the 2021 NSW Premier’s Spelling Bee is cancelled. We would like to congratulate Audrey (Stage 2) and Joah (Stage 3) our stage winners this year. Audrey and Joah will receive a certificate when we return to school.

Wattee’s Day of Awareness – Wednesday 20 October 2021
Following the success of our Wattee Themed day, we have planned another for next week. This day will focus on awareness of different organisations which support many people around us and provide an opportunity for students to move away from their screens for the day. A grid has been uploaded in the Skoolbag App and will also be posted on the students’ (Years 2-6) Seesaw and Google Classroom streams.

As part of this day students are encouraged to wear a Loud Shirt to school (Kindergarten and Year 1) or upload a photo (Years 2-6) for those who are still learning from home. The Shepherd Centre is a specialist provider helping children with hearing loss learn to listen and speak.  So let’s get loud by wearing a loud shirt to raise awareness for a great organisation who help children like our very own Monty in Year 2.  

Intention to apply for Year 7 placement in a selective high school in 2023
Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic standard. Selective high schools help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, and by using specialised teaching methods.

If you would like to have your Year 5 child considered for Year 7 selective high school entry in 2023, you need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address).

The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 10 March 2022.

Detailed instructions on how to apply and the link to the online form will be available in early-October 2021 at

Applications open on 19 October 2021 and close on 17 November 2021. You must apply before the closing date.

You must submit only ONE application for each student.

More information will be posted on the SkoolBag App. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

Opportunity Class Placement Test
Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, this year's Opportunity Class Placement Test has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 17 November 2021. It has been agreed by the Minister that the test will be administered as a computer-based test. Information will be sent to parents directly from the High Performing Students Team.

2022 Planning - Enrolments 2021  
It is that time of year again where the school must start planning for next year. It is extremely important we have accurate information about enrolment numbers for 2022, as these impact on staffing levels and the general organisation of the classes we will have. Can I please ask that anyone who knows that their children won’t be at Wattle Grove next year or families, who have a child to start kindergarten in 2022, please contact the school office with your details. If new people move into your street, please encourage them to contact us here at school if they have primary school aged children.

Kindergarten Orientation and Transition
Plans are now underway and we have started to distribute information and resources to our 2022 Kindergarten families. Our main form of communication is through the 2022 Kindergarten Seesaw class. At this stage, all events will be done virtually as parents are not permitted onsite. The Kindergarten team are working hard to ensure we provide our newest students with a comprehensive transition program to support their start to school life. We will be having two virtual information sessions on Thursday 28 October and 4 November at 7:00pm, where our families will receive important information and have the opportunity to ask questions. Although not in person, it will be lovely to see everyone. The link is available on the Seesaw platform, SkoolBag App and our Facebook page.

Take care and stay safe!

Miss Cameron (Principal)     

Mrs Valensise (Deputy Principal)

Loud Shirt Day Wednesday 20 October

Miss Cameron and Mrs Valensise Zooming

Start Strong 
On Thursday 14 October, 40 parents of Kindergarten and Year 1 students joined our parent information session via Zoom, hosted by our Wellbeing Officer Miss Arelda Cady. Miss Arelda shared with parents and teachers some sound advice on how to successfully transition our younger students back to the classroom after such a long period of learning from home.

Key take aways from the session were:

-       To start establishing routines such as regular bedtimes, getting out of pyjamas, waking up and having breakfast at an earlier time.

-       Leave yourself some extra time in the first week so that it does not feel rushed getting out the door and  to school.

-       Talk to you child about what is the same, (eg. Classroom, teacher) and what will be different.

-       Connecting is important, so setting up a playdate with a friend will help children re-establish friendships.

-       If your child is going to worry about being separated from you, maybe write a little note and place in their lunchbox or provide them with a little something they can hold onto that reminds them of you (eg. A photo)

-       If your child is worried, set up a worry box where your child talks about their worry. You write it down and put it in the box and put the worry box away.

-       Set the tone with positive affirmations.

Miss Arelda also went through the ‘Hand Brain Model’. She has shared a kid friendly explanation in the link below.

Thank you to Miss Arelda for a wonderful session. Based on the wonderful response we are looking at hosting another session for the Years 2 to 6 parents next week. 

Zooming with Ms Arelda Keys

Class Merit Awards

K Blue - Nixon, Zarlee, Bailey, Ava, Elliana2 Jade - Ryan, Emily, John, Adelaide, Aakifah4 Scarlet - Piper, Liam, Brooklyn, Tahlia, Heston, Riley
K Green - Asher, Mya, Francesca, Blake, Mila, Reegan, Claire2 Kiwi - Larissa, Isla-Rose, Liam, Audrey, Ashton, Brookyln 4/5/6 Violet - Cody, Elias, Lucas, Ben, Aralia, Mitchell
K Purple - Hamish, Silas, Georgia, Maddison, Koby2 Teal - Leon, Kimiora, Charlotte, Eston, Eloise, Andrew5 Amethyst - Darian, Mason, Chelsey, Samuel, Charlotte, Jackson
K Yellow - Mia, Riley, Aleko, Zara, Sophie3 Canary - Harry, Michael, Sophie, Rosalie, Hannah, Xander5 Lilac - Vienna, Alexia, Jayde, Zander, Malachi, Abbey
1 Aqua - Orlando, Tarisi, Mia, Holly, Talia, Bailey3 Daffodil - Madison, Tayla, Patrick, Sophia, Hamish, Ivy5 Royal - Savannah, Isabella, Zoe, Dylan, William, Jett
1 Navy - Cristian, Jason, Alex, Pippa, Jake, Brooklyn3 Honey - Addison, Amilia, Thomas, Damian, Isabel, Macey6 Fuchsia - Joshua, Danica, Nikita, Lily, Arya
1 Sky - Linda, Emilia, Emily, Margaret, Alex, Isla4 Crimson - Jack, Shyla, Flynn, Serena, Lilly, Sophia6 Pink - Adia, Ethan, Deeana, Alexandre, Ella, Sebastianne
2 Emerald - Luca, Joshua, Olivia, Amelia, Cruz, Indiana4 Ruby - Ryder, Zac, Sereen, Clara, Cooper, Bria

Miss Cameron's and Mrs Valensise's Recognition Calls

Despite learning from home coming to an end very soon, class teachers are still recognising the outstanding achievements and effort of our students who have consistently engaged in online or offline learning. Teachers have commented on students who are engaged during Zoom lessons, or who turn in all their work to a high standard. There are those students who go above and beyond, completing additional tasks and those who been consistent in their application and work ethic. Miss Cameron and I love to hear about those students who bring a positive energy to their class Zooms or who respond to the feedback provided by their teacher and take the time to resubmit work. We have seen students in K-2 practise their reading daily, making significant improvements in this area and have seen student creativity flourish.

Miss Cameron and I phoned the students nominated by their class teachers for these learning qualities. These calls are a way of acknowledging the students’ efforts and also a way for us to say thank you to the families for the adjustments they have made to their lives to accommodate their children learning from home. Congratulations to the students below who have been consistent when learning from home, have met teacher expectations and have been resilient in the way they have approached and dealt with such a different learning model. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!

The students who received a call from Miss Cameron and I in the past two weeks are:

Mia – K Yellow

Jais and Veronika – 1 Aqua

Nalika- 1 Navy

Riaana – 1 Sky

Olivia and Martin – 2 Emerald

Sienna and Chloe – 2 Kiwi

Jackson, Hunter and Jiaan – 2 Jade

Lilly  – 4 Crimson

Annabel.F – 4 Ruby

Oliver- 4 Scarlet

Audrey- 4/5/6 Violet

Eliza – 5 Lilac

Jessica. S – 6 Pink

Antonio – 6 Fuchsia

Defence News

Dear Defence Families,
Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you all had a restful break from the computer screens and have been able to get out and about with your family and friends since the easing of some restrictions.

As posting orders continue to be released, I encourage you to make contact with myself and the school office if you will be relocating, having this information is appreciated for future school planning.

Messages from Defence Member and Family Support Branch (formerly DCO)

Want to know what’s on in your local area? Visit the events calendar on our website at

ADF members and families, did you miss any of our webinars in September?

Not to worry, we’ve recorded everything and they’re all available on our website to view at your convenience.

Check out our ‘Preparing for relocation over the pandemic’ webinar, aimed at providing support and connection for Defence members and families who are relocating during the upcoming posting cycle.

We’ve also got our ‘Member with Dependants (Unaccompanied)’ webinar available. This webinar addressed some of the advantages and disadvantages of MWD(U), and covered planning strategies and tips to help families who may face some of the likely challenges living MWD(U).

To access the recorded webinars, head to

Useful Contacts

Defence Member and Family Support Branch (formerly DCO)

DMFS is available to support all Defence members as well as their families.  You can contact them anytime, all contact is confidential.

1800 624 608 or

Open Arms (formerly VVCS)

Free and confidential counselling for all current and ex-serving ADF members and their families

1800 011 046 or

Defence Families of Australia (DFA)

A Ministerial appointed advocacy group for Defence families.

1800 100 509 or

Defence Special Needs Support Group (DSNSG)

A network of peer support for Defence families with special needs.

1800 037 674 or


Kim Lazarevic
Defence School Mentor