Drummoyne Public School

Term 4 Week 10 Newsletter - Friday 10 December 2021


Presentation Day Assemblies

Congratulations to all our students for their achievements throughout the year. This week we recognised students at our presentation day assemblies. Please see photos below. Well done to all our primary award winners.


Thank you to every family who supported the Activitython in recent weeks. Some $24,000 was raised by the P&C.

Congratulations to classes KH & 3A for raising the most funds in infants and primary. To recognise their outstanding fundraising efforts pizza parties were held today for both classes.

A student in each class will receive a $20 voucher for displaying the three school values, respect, reponsibility and resilience, during the activitython. Well done to:  Oscar Melville, Oliver Mills, Luke Luciano, Kai Georgiev, Liam Kalotheos, Mila Mathew, Roman Grimstad, Ella Cleave, Thomas Harcourt, Ashun Chee, Alessi Calautti, Shireen Raina, Deniz Kutlu, Phoebe Voukenas, Jacob Irvine, Levi Nevell, Ned Lea, Roxy Stedman, Sam Cenere, Leo Balmond, Julian Doyle, Dion Haynes, Kristen Sebie & Callum Park.

Monty's Roll Call

Thank you to all our canteen volunteers this term, namely: Emilie Rohmer, Johanna Moore, Stacy Malcolm, Deepan Pavendranathan, Jane Duquemin, Peter & Lee Bockos, Amanda Zagarella, Belle Paton, Jenny Haoui, David Lyons, Emma Auzins, Julia Calutti, Megan de Sousa and Melissa Holder. Your service of the school community is greatly appreciated!

Leaving Early or Arriving Late in 2022

Will your child be finishing the school year early or returning late in 2022 due to leave with the family? The final school day for 2021 is Thursday 16 December and the commencement date of 2022 is Tuesday 1 February.

If your child will be absent at these times, would you please contact the office and confirm that your child will be requiring a place at DPS next year and let us know the date you are returning. 

Unexplained Absence notes

Notes for unexplained absences were automatically generated this week and sent home with students who were marked absent during term 4, with no explanation from parents. If your child was absent for several days and you called to explain one of the days, you may still receive a note for the unexplained days.

Please fill in the reason for the absence and sign below before returning it to the office.

School Reports

Student reports for semester 2 will be sent home next week.

Plan for our new K-2 Playground

What's ahead

 Term 4 2021

14 December3.45pm - 4.30pm Kindergarten 2022 orientation session for students with Surnames L - Z
14 & 15 DecemberYear 6 Manly Surf School
15 DecemberK-5 Circus and Tabloid Games, Hip Hop Tricks and Fundamental Skills Incursion. Please return note and pay on POP
16 DecemberLast day of Term 4 for students
17 December Staff Development Day
Term 1 2022
28 & 31 January 2022Term 1 2022 Staff Development Days
1 FebruaryFirst Day of school for students in years 1-6
1-3 FebruaryKindergarten Best Start interviews
4 FebruaryKindergarten Orientation session #2
7 FebruaryFirst day of school for Kindergarten students
18 FebruaryPrimary swimming carnival for students in Years 3-6
8 MarchSchool Photo Day
9 MarchZone Swimming Carnival
10 MarchSelective High School Test for registered students
15 MarchP&C AGM


Birthday congratulations

We would like to acknowledge students who are celebrating their birthdays this week and wish them a special day.

Congratulations to:  Sienna KL, Kai 1A, Charlotte 1M, Chloe 1M, Mason 2D, Lucas 3A, Natalia 3W, Joseph 3S, Oliver 3A, Victor 3A, Aria 3A, Max 4O & Olivia 6N

Class of the Week - 6P

The paintings created by class 6P are influenced by the Tingatinga painting style that developed in the second half of the 20th century in Tanzania, Africa. It is named after its founder, Tanzanian painter Edward Said Tingatinga. Tingatinga is traditionally made on masonite, using several layers of bicycle paint, which make them bright and colourful.

Year 6 2021

Year 6 we have admired the way you have persevered this year and the way you have faced challenges and viewed them as opportunities to grow. We know that your final year of primary school has not gone the way you had hoped, or the way we had planned, however we know that the important skills learnt are not wasted. The challenges that COVID brought meant that you have become adaptable and independent learners, all while demonstrating new found levels of resilience. We are confident Year 6 that the skills developed and the knowledge gained this year will serve you well, next year and in the years ahead. I hope that in future years, your challenges are not like this year, and, if they are, then look back and remember how you have persevered and recovered.

We are excited for you as you journey into high school. Ahead are infinite opportunities. Opportunities to serve, opportunities to learn and opportunities to grow. We are proud of you for the way you have looked out for one another this year, for leading with integrity and for some of you, taking risks like never before. Thank you to each one of you for playing your valuable part in the Year 6 team.

To our parents, we have sincerely valued your support and especially the way you’ve worked with us this year. Thank you for your partnership. We know our students thrive when home and school are working as one. Together we are a stronger team and we thank you.

Year 6, we know you are ready for your destination beyond the gates of Drummoyne Public School. You are ready, due so much to the work of your teachers who have shaped you, mentored you and provided endless learning opportunities to enrich your lives. To Mrs McCauley, Mrs Nixon, Mrs Pegler and Ms Hill, thank you for your tireless work often at personal cost and for your strong commitment to each student.

Congratulations Year 6. We wish you every success as you transition to high school and for the years ahead.

Year 6 Crazy Hair fundraiser

On behalf of the Year 6 students and teachers, thank you for your support of last Friday's Crazy Hair fundraiser.  Last night our senior students enjoyed a wonderful night making memories together at the Canada Bay Club Five Dock which was possible through the generous donations of the Drummoyne school community by contributing $2,500 to the event.

Leigh Russ

Assistant Principal


NSW Health update

With the increase in the number of cases in students aged 5-11, please keep your child at home next week if they have any cold or flu symptoms and get them tested. Please also remind children to sanitise or wash their hands regularly. Masks are strongly encouraged for primary aged students.


Circus and Tabloid Games, Hip Hop Tricks and Fundamental Skills Incursion

As part of our end of school year activities, all students in years K - 5 will be participating in an incursion on Wednesday 15 December 2021.

This incursion is organised by the external provider ‘Dancefever Multisports’, who have previously provided us with programs over the past few years.

 The Dancefever instructors will provide equipment and deliver some fun activities to each class at school, such as circus and tabloid games and Hip Hop tricks for primary students and fundamental movement skills for infants students, in a safe way.

The cost of the program is $3. Please make payment through the POP online payment system.

Thank you for your support with this incursion and what will be a fun day for our students as the school year comes to a close.

 Orla Page                                                                     

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL                                         


Years 3 & 4

Years 5 & 6

Stage 3 Presentation Day Assembly recording

The link to the Stage 3 recording and graduation dinner will be sent home next week.


Respect awards

Rawson says congratulations to:
  • Oscar Melville - KH
  • Emily Shen - 1C
  • Chloe Frith - 1M
  • Oliver Bernia - 1/2T
  • Aria Anastasiou - 2D
  • Shireen Raina - 3A
  • Aria Shipp - 3A
  • Boston Blaszczynski - 4A
  • Jacob Irvine - 4A
  • Jack Brierty - 4C
  • Victor Victor-Felix - 4C
  • Ben Adessky - 6M
  • Josh Bala - 6N
  • Siena Taylor - 6N

Responsibility awards

Monty says congratulations to:
  • Eliza Pang - KM
  • Anastasia Dabinett - 1C
  • Oliver Booth - 3A
  • Boston Blaszczynski - 4A
  • Nayana Vanza - 4D
  • Zara Ziino - 4D
  • James La - 5C
  • Josh Bala - 6N
  • Siena Taylor - 6N

Resilience awards

Bretty says congratulations to:
  • Kai Georgiev - 1A
  • Allegra Ibarburu - 1A
  • Diego Settecasse - 1C
  • Adem Yavuz - 1C
  • Isabel De Sousa - 4A
  • Sophia Sutherland - 4C
  • Liam Seedsman - 4D
  • Ben Adessky - 6M
  • Sophie Mitchell-Cook - 6M
  • Taneisha Munday - 6M
  • Josh Bala - 6N

Principal's Badges

Mr Dill says congratulations to:
  • Oliver Bernia - 1/2T - Respect
  • Isabel De Sousa - 4A - Resilience
  • Jack Brierty - 4C - Respect
  • Dimitri Panagakis - 4C - Resilience
  • Sophia Sutherland - 4C - Respect
  • Tilly Morrison - 4D - Respect
  • Nayana Vanza - 4D - Resilience
  • Zara Ziino - 4D - Respect
  • Sam Bains - 4O - Responsibility
  • Cristian Iliadis - 4O - Responsibility
  • Sophie Mitchell-Cook - 6M - Responsibility
  • Josh Bala - 6N - Respect
  • Grace Coleman - 6P - Responsibility

Year 6 Community Languages Lunch

Traditionally Year 6 Community Languages classes celebrate the end of year with an excursion to a Greek or Italian restaurant. This year, for obvious reasons, we had to be a little more creative and bring the restaurant to DPS.

Today, the Italians feasted on Arancini while the Greeks enjoyed delicious Zeus Greek Street food.

On behalf of Year 6 and the DPS community, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Anastasiadis family for their generosity and for their kind donation of all the Greek food.

We wish all the Year 6 students ‘Βuon Natale’, ‘Καλά Χριστούγεννα’ and all the best for their future studies in languages!

Community Languages Team



Thanks to everyone who has returned their library books already! If you have a stray library book hiding at home, please return it to the library as soon as possible!

Book Club parent volunteer needed!

It is with sadness that we say thank you to Kerrie Hudson who has looked after our Book Club for many years! Kerrie has been amazing at getting orders in and books out to many families in our school community. This helps get books into our student’s hands and raises funds for our school library!

This does mean that we are now looking for a new volunteer to help organise Book Club! As Kerrie says, “It's not a hard job. It's just a bit of time, usually 1-2 hours twice a term.”

If you would like to help out, please email the school and let us know!

Joseph Neufeld

Teacher Librarian


Volunteer Ethics teachers wanted

Please come and teach ethics at Drummoyne Public School.

We are building an ethics program at the School with lessons delivered by Primary Ethics volunteers. Ethics lessons are now offered to students in years 1-6. In ethics, students explore everyday issues suitable for their age. They learn to listen closely to each other, to disagree without putdowns and to think carefully as they form their opinions. We always need more volunteer ethics teachers so that all parents have the option of choosing ethics classes for their child.

You can teach ethics if:

  • You’re interested in what children think and you have an interest in learning
  • You’re willing to learn how to use our lesson scripts to ask children ethical questions
  • You can remain neutral and give the children space to think
  • Starting next year, you’re available each school week on Fridays from 9.15am to11am – you’ll need about an hour each week to prepare and give the scripted lesson
  • You complete our free training and pass background checks.

It is a great community of Primary Ethics volunteers at DPS and across NSW. You’ll have the rewarding opportunity of listening to the fantastic students at our school and helping them grow. You’ll develop new skills yourself – facilitation skills, plus skills in communication and active listening. Primary Ethics provides free, comprehensive training with online self-paced learning plus trainer-led workshops (by Zoom or face-to-face).

Curious? Please visit www.primaryethics.com.au Or contact coordinator Helen Kerr-Roubicek on 0423 806 896

DIM band update - Mid-Term Update

Going forward, we are really looking forward to new eligible year 2 and 3 students joining us next year and making the Band a huge success in 2022. Please see enrolment details on the flyer below.

Kevin Christmas - Program Manager


Picking up students from school during the day

Parents are asked to schedule appointments outside of school times where possible. Students are currently completing assessments for reports and it is important that they don't miss out.

If you do need to collect your child early, please phone the office when you are on your way so we have time to locate your child and have them waiting at the office. 

School Bus Travel from Term 1 2022

Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass for 2022 can apply now. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for a school travel pass for the first time, or if they are requesting an additional travel entitlement as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation (e.g. joint custody).

Students who change address, school, campus location, or who have repeated a year or received an expiry notification from Transport for NSW for their school travel entitlement should renew or update their details before the end of term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications and current entitlements are updated and remain valid. School Opal card holders will have the changes applied to their existing card.

Applications for the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) open at the start of Term 4 2021 for travel in 2022, so parents/students can apply or update details early and be ready for the start of the new school year. Most students using the Opal network will not need a new Opal card and can continue travelling on their existing card each year.

See further information attached below or go to: https://transportnsw.info/school-travel-apply

School Opal Card Information


2022 Kindergarten enrolments last days

Local area enrolments

Applications are now being finalised for Kindergarten 2022. If your child turns 5 before 31 July 2022, they are eligible to start school next year.  Please enrol now as draft classes are being formed and preschools are being contacted this term to support transition.



Please order uniforms online via the school24 website

During the current Covid restrictions, the P&C will process orders for uniforms and the school office staff will distribute them.

Summer uniform should be worn during Term 4. Please order uniforms online at: https://www.school24.net.au

 Use our school Registration ID: 2572963 to create an account if you don’t already have one for canteen orders.



Monty’s Munch canteen is open for online orders only

 End of term sausage sizzle

It's that time again...holidays just around the corner and yes we do have end of term sausage sizzle next Thursday, 16 December.

Sausages are supplied by Camintis, Five Dock and bread rolls are supplied by Rise bakery, Birkenhead. The rolls are fresh and picked up in the morning just like every Friday.

A couple of extra volunteers will be needed as the last day is an exceptionally busy one. It is a lot of fun with lots of chit chat, laughs. It's a great day to volunteer with a friend. Please register in the usual place...Log in school24. To the right click on 'Volunteer'.

Sausage Sizzle 1 : COST: $6.80

Includes a chill j drink or flavoured milk. Flavours subject to availability on the day.

OPTION: Tomato sauce or BBQ sauce

ADDED OPTION: Quelch stick : $0.70

Sausage Sizzle 2 : COST: $ 5.80

Includes a just juice or water. Flavours subject to availability on the day.

OPTION: Tomato sauce or BBQ sauce

ADDED OPTION: Quelch stick : $0.70

Orders are now open. They will close Monday 13th Dec 4pm  to allow Caminitis time to fill the order.

To order Log in to school24 account. Click on EVENT, to the right of screen.

Don't miss out!

Thank you to all of our volunteers. Your help has been greatly appreciated. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Stay safe and look forward to having your company next year!

Canteen and P&C Committee


Congratulations! Your school canteen meets the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy

The NSW Healthy School Canteen has assessed the DPS menu and are pleased to inform you that our school canteen is meeting the requirements of the Healthy Foods Strategy.

Of the foods and drinks checked on our menu, they found that: 

  • Sugar-sweetened drinks (included frozen varieties and jellies) and energy drinks are not for sale in your school canteen.
  • Occasional packaged foods and drinks have a Health Star Rating of 3.5 stars or above.
  • Portion limits are met for Occasional foods and drinks and Everyday flavoured milk and 99% fruit juices. 
  • At least 75% of the menu are Everyday foods and drinks and no more than 25% of the menu are Occasional food and drinks.
  • Only Everyday foods and drinks are actively promoted in meal deals and specials. Occasional foods and drinks are not placed on the countertop at the point of sale.

Congratulations to Eugenie Nakat, our Monty's Munch canteen manager on being recognised in this way.

Canteen volunteers needed

In order for the canteen to be able to offer a sausage sizzle on Fridays and pasta etc during the week we desperately need volunteers. If you have half an hour or more to spare we would love to have your help.

Volunteers need to be double vaccinated and wear a mask. When arriving at the school, please show your certificate at the office and check in with the school QR code outside the office. To volunteer, please log in to your school24 account.

  • Click on Volunteers Roster in purple.
  • Choose month-click view roster.
  • Choose day and time. It’s so easy!

We are so looking forward to having your company and help plus your children will be so excited to see you too!

Canteen, P&C Committee



Summer Vacation Thursday 16 December 2021 – Thursday 27 January 2022

Staff Development Days Friday 28 January & Monday 31st January 2022

Year 1-6 Students return on Tuesday 1st February 2022

Kindergarten Students start on Monday 7th February 2022

Autumn Vacation Monday 11 April – Friday 22 April 2022

Staff Development Day Tuesday 26 April 2022

Winter Vacation Monday 4 July – Friday 15 July 2022

Staff Development Day Monday 18 July 2022

Spring Vacation Monday 26 September – Friday 7 October 2022

No Staff Development Day for Start of Term 4


BandMonday and Friday am

Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

Keyboard & GuitarTuesday and Thursday pm

Contact David Koh on 9411 3122

Greek ClassesMonday, Tuesday, Friday pm

Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

ChiFUNese Class Friday am

email admin@chifunese.com or call (02) 8006 8606

Turkish Language ClassThursday pm

OmerCan 0418 695 766 Bahar 0475 738 726

Enrolment forms and detailed Information on


Mindfulness ClassesMonday and Friday pm



Results from Saturday’s Sausage Sizzle. 

On Saturday volunteers cooked 810 sausages and raised a total of $2,171 for the school!

We would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers, namely: Rowena, Duncan, Danton and Rowan Watson, Kendal Mackay, Zoltan Szabo, Tania Adams, Peiyan Zhang, Dionne Davis, Todd Shipp, Mike ? Sharon Brown, Tim Counter, Pete Bockos, Iona Hopkins, Matt Stedman, Ellena Mangavoulakis, Ria Giann, Chris Booth & Brendan O'Brien.

Thank you to our generous sausage sizzle sponsors

Contact our P&C

The P&C Committee

Please follow us on:

Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc

Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc

And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


Enrolments for 2022

We’re really looking forward to welcoming some new faces in the new year when 2022 kicks off. We are now accepting enrolments for the new school year via the Gowrie Drummoyne website.

This year we have designed an orientation booklet with information on our OSHC program to help new families receive relevant information about our service prior to enrolment. Our Orientation Booklet is also available from the school offices of both Drummoyne and St Mark’s, or from us upon request!

Upcoming Summer Vacation Care 2022-23

This term is a short one, so before we know it the summer holidays will be upon us! We’ve already started planning for the period and have several great experiences booked that and some cool ideas for what to do throughout but would love some feedback from you to help shape it! Was there anything your child/children loved about the spring holidays, or anything they’d really love to do in the future? Please let us know!

For the January school holidays we accept bookings of children starting Kindergarten that year. I highly recommend that new kindy children attend the January holiday program as It is a great way for them to transition into school. It helps them to familiarize themselves with the surroundings and make friends in this free setting, thus feeling less anxious when BIG school begins.

Contact Rekkha for more information on 0436 616 744.

To book Gowrie NSW enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website:


Gowrie Parent Handbook


Gowrie Summer 2022 vacation care program



K-5 End of Year Incursion


Year 6 Manly Surf School permission note



(The following notices are listed as a service to the community but are not necessarily endorsed by the school)

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