School Camp - Night Activities
On the first night we did some stunts and played some games on the soccer field. The first game we played was where you had to high five students and grab their hand and stick your pointer finger out. Once you were ready to start you had to try to touch their knee with your pointer finger or make them step back. The second game we played was the quickest game of tag. The third game we played was hide and seek with a partner after that we played rock-paper-scissors, but there are stages and the stages are egg, chicken, dinosaur, unicorn and then super hero. The last game we played was Pac Man, but with pool noodles to whack the people that where not in.
The second night was tabloids games where you have to compete with a team and try to get the most points. There were games like trying to get basket balls throw a hoop to get points, you have to catch frisbies to get points, you had to drag people in a blanket like a taxi for points, you have to kick soccer balls to get points, you have to walk 5 metres with frisbies on your head and a lot of other cool stuff. At the end, the team with the most points won.
Third night was a glowsticks activity in the hall. We made 2D and 3D pictures about the camp with glowsticks, and then the teachers turned the lights off and then judged them all. The first thing that we had to make was something from your cabin, the second thing that we had to make was something that reminded you of school and the forth thing that we had to build was a famous landmark and the last thing we built was a 3D thing that reminded us of camp. We all had heaps of fun and we also got to take the glowsticks home.
Forth night was trivia night. We got split up into groups, and had to answer questions while trying to do a challenge. The first round was about the stuff that was on the news, the second round was about movies and the last round was about songs. The first challenge was how long can you make a strip of paper with half a piece of A4 paper, the second challenge was draw a portrait of someone that was participating in trivia and the last challenge was that you had to make the paper plane that would go the furthest.
After trivia we tried to watch the movie but I didn’t work so we had to watch it in the morning. The movie was about all the fun time we had on camp. What was in it was a heap of pictures of the people that participated in all the events, so they had pictures of the rock climbing, the archery, the kayaking, the sailing, the paddle boarding, the palm beach hike, the abseiling, the high ropes, the low ropes and all the other games into a movie.
We all enjoyed the camp and had an amazing time doing all the activities and had heaps of fun.
By Toby Harisson and James Kinney