
Edition 6 Term 2 2021

In this edition

From the Principal

Deputy Principal

Head of Curriculum


Mobile Phone Policy

From the Guidance Officer

From the P & C

Term 2 2021

ANZAC Ceremony

Year 7 Camp

Chinese / Digital Technologies / HPE

Digital Technologies Year 7 - 9


Cross Country and Fun Run Overall Results

Cross Country and Fun Run 19/4/21 

Cross Country Age Campions

Winning House:  Congratulations Binbian

Experience your Future

Heavy Vehicle Industry Careers Day

Future Pathways Program Day 1 - 'World of Opportunities'

Careers Day MSHS

Future Pathways Program

Miles SHS Calendar of Events - WK 3 and WK 4

School Values

Miles SHS Date Claimers / Notices

QCAA survey

Parent / Teacher Interviews

School Photos/Student ID Cards 2021

Position Vacant

Dance Club

Community Events/Notices

Download the SkoolBag App

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back, we have had a very busy start to the Term 2 and students are on task and fully engaged in many academic and extra-curricular activities.


2021 ANZAC Ceremony

On Friday 23 April, Miles SHS held its annual ANZAC Ceremony at Miles in front of our own ANZAC memorial garden outside the MPA. Miles SHS Community Citizenship Committee, which is chaired by Natasha Hoffmann led the ceremony with such grace and dignity.  I also want to acknowledge the incredible organisation and behind the scenes preparation for this year’s ANZAC Service. Mrs Fleur Steel and all members of the committee, Miss Jessica Slaughter, Mr Daniel Daveson, Mr Steve Hayward and Mr Gordon King. Congratulations to all our students, you represented yourselves and our school with such respect and dignity and you should all be proud. Our school’s contribution to this special day was followed on Sunday 25 April with a number of our students and teachers marching and contributing to our community ANZAC ceremonies both at the dawn and mid-morning service. Many thanks to these students and their families who joined us on this very special important event in our country’s calendar.  Well done to the Community Citizenship Committee members – Makayla Knight, Remmi Bannister, Ayla Leslie, Abigail Cowley, Ciara Delphin and Sarah Hallett.  


Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews

A reminder that next Wednesday 5th May is our student/parent/teacher interviews being held in our Multi-Purpose Assembly Area.  These interviews provide valuable feed-back to students and parents. The progress in achievement, behaviour and effort along with the feedback discussed assists students to develop strategies that will improve their skills and achievement outcomes. Please note it’s not too late to book. If you are having any difficulties with our online booking system please call our office on 4628 5111 where Administration staff will be only too happy to assist you to make these bookings. If you are unable to attend Wednesday’s interviews due to prior commitments, feel free to contact the school or email the classroom teacher with regards to identifying an alternative time to discuss your child’s progress.  Our teachers are looking forward to having interviews again so that together with your child they can provide feedback and support to ensure student success.


Looking forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday.

Take care



From the Deputy Principal

Hi everyone,

My name is Kath Wenban and I am the newly appointed Deputy Principal at Miles State High School. My family and I would like to thank the school and wider community of Miles for their welcome and hospitality. We are very much looking forward to our time here.

 I thought I would take this opportunity to provide you with some information about myself. I am married and have six children. Two of my children are attending Miles State High School. I have been involved in education in the state schooling sector in both a primary and high school context for over 35 years – the last 24 as a school principal and deputy principal. My family and I chose to come to Miles because of the extensive and varied educational and vocational offerings available through the school. That, combined with the size and community presence that regional schools can provide, made the decision an easy one to make.

On Sunday, I was invited to attend the community Anzac Day ceremony and was impressed with the support for and by community for the event. It certainly showed that both the schools and community are well regarded and can work together to produce great outcomes for our young people.

I am looking forward to meeting our parents, carers and members of the wider community so that I can also contribute to these outcomes.

Thank you


From the Head of Curriculum

Welcome back students and parents/carers

Year Level Placemats

Firstly, I would like to extend my appreciation to Mrs Fleur Steel and Miss Al Turner for the dedication and commitment to ensure the Term 2 Year Level Placemats (YLP) are ready to send out to parents in Week 3.  Listening to the feedback from parents, these ladies have also created an individual Term planning calendar for parents to follow each week of the Term.  With coloured coding, parents can clearly see when assessment is handed out (green), drafts due (yellow) and finals (exam or assessment) should be completed (pink).  Together, these two documents provide parents with information of what their student is learning within the term and aligns to the Australian Curriculum.


Respectful Relationships

Our school continues to educate our students on building Respectful Relationships within the school community.  We use a whole school approach in creating a culture of respect in the school environment.  This approach requires students to understand their rights and responsibilities.  We also teach our students that it is okay to speak up and seek assistance when necessary.  When students can identify and understand the qualities of healthy relationships, such as trust, personal safety, respect, honesty, acceptance and loyalty, they can confidently establish and maintain positive and respectful relationships.


As part of our Respectful Relationships, every day counts and it is important that your student attends school regularly (five days a week), to receive the necessary support and information to achieve in their subject area.  If your student is unable to attend, please notify the office 4628 5111 or email to notify us of their absence. 



Raelene Bates

HOD Curriculum, Teaching and Wellbeing


Uniform Policy

Effective Communication

Effective Communication is important and we encourage all partners to take an active role in communicating with Miles State High School. To assist in this process we have attached our Miles State High School Parent/Carers  Communication Flowchart. Please follow the steps below to contact your child's Curriculum Teacher or Care Class Teacher.

If unsuccessful in attempts to contact teachers of staff, please contact the office on 4628 5111.

Enrolment Information; Parent/Carer Communication Flowchart


School absenteeism and truancy can impact significantly on students' learning and wellbeing. At Miles State High School, we expect students to attend school every day.

Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance is associated, on average, with higher student achievement. Additionally, attending school every day helps children to build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience. Did you know that missing one day of school each week adds up to 2 months missed over a year?  Each day a student is absent in high school will have an impact on numeracy skills.

Under the law, you must make sure your child is enrolled and attends school on all school days unless there is a reasonable excuse. Our school monitors attendance of students and will follow up with parents and caregivers any unexplained absences. 

Our process:

  • We will monitor student attendance
  • We will notify you if your child has an unexplained absence as soon as practicable on the day of your child's absence and continue to follow-up with you as practicable
  • We can help you with strategies to encourage your child to go to school

If your child does not want to go to school, or is missing school without you knowing, contact us so we can provide support for you and your student. Schools will: 

Here are some strategies that you can try to support your child in attending school.

  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation. Regular attendance at school sets up good behaviours for regular attendance at work.
  • Help your teenager maintain daily routines such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep. On average, teenagers need 8-9 hours of sleep to be healthy and alert. You may also need to monitor their use of the Internet, mobile phone and TV at night to ensure they are not staying up too late or being disturbed while sleeping.
  • Try not to schedule hair, dental or medical appointments during school hours. Arrange family holidays during scheduled school holidays so that they are not missing out on classes and, therefore, will not have to struggle to make up for lost time.
  • Don’t let your teenager stay home unless genuinely sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety. Contact the school should you have concern in this area. 
  • Use the school assessment calendar to help your teenager plan their study so that they avoid working late the night before an assignment is due. 

Mobile Phone Policy

Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Phones

This policy is based on the principles of responsibility and respect of all students and requires accountability on the part of the user for their actions. 


MSHS has established the following Mobile Phone Policy so supervisors, students and parents understand the guidelines and instructions for the appropriate use of mobile phones during school hours.

Students and their parents or carers must read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy before students are given permission to bring mobile phones to school. 

The Mobile Phone Policy also applies to students during excursions, camps and extracurricular activities. 


Personal Safety and security

MSHS accepts that parents give their children mobile phones to protect them from everyday risks involving personal security and safety. There is also increasing concern about children travelling alone on public transport or commuting long distances to school. It is acknowledged that providing your child with a mobile phone gives parents/carers reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently outside school hours.  


It is the responsibility of the student who brings a mobile phone to school to abide by the guidelines outlined in this document.

The decision to provide a mobile phone to their child while at school should be made by parents or carers. Parents give permission for their child to bring a mobile phone to school.

The School/ Parents/carers may revoke approval for the students to bring a “switched” off mobile at any time.  


Mobile phones are to be switched off and out of sight during school hours. All related mobile phone listening devices are also be put away and out of sight.

Parents/Carers are reminded that in cases of emergency, the School office remains a vital and appropriate point of contact and can ensure your child is reached quickly and assisted in any appropriate way.

In the rare and exceptional circumstances where the arrangements above does not meet requirements, an exception may be permitted if the parent/carer specifically requests in written format through the Principal. Such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The Principal will give approval for use in a specific time frame.

Students should protect their phone numbers by only giving them to friends and keeping a note of who they have given them to. This can help protect the student’s number from falling into the wrong hands and guard against the receipt of insulting, threatening or unpleasant voice, text, picture and video messages via the usual phone networks, the internet or blue tooth and infrared connectivity.  

Unacceptable Uses

Mobile phones must be turned off and out of sight during school hours, unless explicit permission is granted by the Principal.

Mobile phones are not to be used to make calls, send SMS messages, take photos, used as hotspots, or use any other application while at school.

Students are to make contact with their parent/carers via the office phone.

Using mobile phones to bully and threaten other students is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. In some cases it can constitute criminal behaviour.

It is forbidden for students to use their mobile phones to take videos and pictures of acts to denigrate and humiliate that person and then send the pictures to others or upload it to a website for public viewing. This also includes using mobile phones to photograph or film any person without their consent. 

It is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person and almost all calls, text messages and emails can be traced.

Mobile phones are not to be used in changing rooms or toilets or used in any situation that may cause embarrassment or discomfort to their fellow students, staff or visitors to the School.

The use of mobile hotspots to access the internet from school equipment is forbidden. Access to the internet on school equipment is via Education Queensland’s network only.  

Theft or damage

Students should mark their mobile phone clearly with their name.

Students who bring a mobile phone to school should leave it locked away in their locker or in the school office.

Mobile phones that are found in the school and whose owner cannot be located are to be handed to a staff member.

Miles SHS accepts no responsibility for students who lose or have their mobile phones stolen while at school or travelling to and from school and the school will not interrupt instruction time to investigate any loss.

It is strongly advised that students use a password or a pin to ensure that unauthorised phone calls cannot be made on their phones (eg by other students, or if stolen). Students must keep their password and pin confidential. A mobile phone, password or pin, may not be shared.

From the Guidance Officer

Vision Assessment Information

Did you know….?

Children should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age. Then they should have their eyes examined at age 3 and again just before they start school — at about age 5 to 6. School-aged children should have an eye test at least every 2 years, even if no vision correction is required.

If your child is slow to learn the alphabet / sounds, slow or finds it difficult to read and write, has difficulties with close tasks or copying from the board and/or you have a family history of vision or reading difficulties, it is recommended that they have a comprehensive assessment that includes

BOTH their acuity (vision sharpness or clarity) and also a behavioural optometry assessment.

What is a Developmental Optometrist?

A Development Optometrist (also often called a Behavioural Optometrist or Functional Optometrist) specializes in behavioural optometry, concerned with how your eyes and visual system function and is interested in how your behaviour affects vision or how your vision influences your behaviour.

Optometrists check the physical condition and health of their patients' eyes as well as their acuity. In the case of children, a paediatrician or a school screening often only checks distance acuity - this is only part of the picture when evaluating the full visual process.

Developmental optometrists perform standard eye exams as well as additional tests to determine if their patients have developed the visual skills necessary to adequately perform tasks required in their daily lives, especially at work or school. Developmental optometrists are specialists in the field of lazy eyes (amblyopia) and crossed (strabismus) or wandering eyes.

A Developmental optometrist evaluates the following areas:

Binocularity, or how the eyes interact with each other and how they transmit information to the brain. They assess the eyes’ ability to aim together accurately in order to maintain single vision, and they check to make certain the eyes don’t slide out of alignment, such as with crossed or wandering eyes.

Oculomotility, or tracking. They assess the ability to control where children aim their eyes, if they can follow a moving target smoothly and if they can make accurate eye jumps from one point to another – all skills required for reading.

Accommodation, or focusing. Developmental optometrists evaluate the ability to change their focus rapidly and smoothly when looking from distance to near and back again, such as from board to desk. In addition, developmental optometrists check to see if patients can maintain clear focus at near ranges for extended periods of time without blur or fatigue, such as required for reading small print.

Visual Perception. Developmental optometrists also run tests to determine if patients have developed the perceptual skills they need to understand and analyse what they see, checking skills such as visual memory, visual discrimination, visual closure, and visual figure-ground.

Visual Motor Integration, or eye-hand-body coordination. Finally, developmental optometrists run tests to see if patients’ visual systems are efficiently transmitting information to the body’s motor centres for good balance and coordination. This is especially important for young athletes.

Benefits of Behavioural optometry assessment:

·         While behavioural optometry does not diagnose dyslexia, it is a much cheaper method of identifying visual processing difficulties that will impact on learning and reading (you can receive some Medicare rebates or the assessment);

·         The information from this assessment provides specific information for teachers to make adjustments in their support of students in their class;

·         Access to behavioural optometrists is easier for families in rural locations:

Chinchilla Eye Wear Eye Care Dalby Shoppingworld (07) 46697 072 or Chinchilla (07) 46689888

Neilson Eyecare, Toowoomba City QLD· (07) 4638 2377

Somerville & Merrin Optometrists, In the Range Shopping Centre Toowoomba (07) 4659 9599 or Centenary Heights (07) 4635 7340

Eyecare Plus Optometrists (Durkin & Black) Grand Central Shopping Centre Toowoomba (07) 4637 8892

Outlook Eye Centre Optometrist Rangeville Toowoomba (07) 4635 8844

Information sourced from:

From the P&C

What’s happening in Miles State High P&C ?????

Next P & C Meeting

The P & C Members took a vote to review the P & C Meeting timeframe for the year, it was decided to reduce the meetings to every second month instead of monthly, with the hope more parents and community members might find it easier. The next meeting will be held on Thursday May 13th @ 3.30pm (being colder month) in the MPA Conference Room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

BIG Thank You

The P&C would like to extend a very big heartfelt thanks to our wonderful Tuckshop Convenor Shelley Gilby and her band of merry workers and volunteers who have had an extremely busy fortnight since school resumed with internal catering, working both the school tuckshop and the oval tuckshop for the South West Touch Carnival and the great effort that went into the Miles High Anzac Day Morning Tea. Thank you, Judi-Anne Young, Sandie Cowley, Polly Leahy, Nicole Harrison, Callie Fitzpatrick, Sandy Crook, Laura Ferguson, Jodie McKeller, Michelle Aird, Jane Nixon, Nuffy Little, Bob Simmons and Paul Treadwell, your assistance, home baking and volunteer hours spent are greatly appreciated.

P & C School Social

It is with great delight I can advise that the P & C will be hosting the school social on Friday May 21st in the school MPA. In 2019 our P&C made a commitment to bring the joy and excitement of a “real” school social to the whole school student cohort in the way of a real live DJ with smoke machine, games and prizes etc. Unfortunately, due to the Covid lockdown in 2020 we missed out and there was no school social. So it's very pleasing our association can make it happen for the students in 2021. Watch this space over the coming weeks for more information and also the school Facebook page. The P&C will be calling for parent volunteer helpers on the night to man the canteen. If any parents would like to assist students with making decorations etc. please contact P&C President Polly Leahy 0427276483 and register your interest on how you can assist. 

Congratulations to Parents & Students

Last Friday I was invited to attended the Miles High Anzac Day commemorations. I just want to say how impressed I was with the organisation of this very important event in our school. Congratulations to Year 12 student Natasha Hoffmann and the Community Citizenship Committee who I believe worked tirelessly on the arrangements for the day. This group of students made all the wreaths from scratch and they were amazing and had real meaning. Well done to Mrs. Eva Hallett, Mrs Fleur Steel and all teaching staff involved. I would also like to congratulate all students who attended this event, I observed outstanding best behaviour and respect shown by all students and it made me a very proud parent and P&C member.

Warning of Headlice
As a hairdresser in our community, I would like to advise all parents and carers to keep a watchful eye on your children’s hair, there have been headlice reports within the community and its that time of year when these dear little critters like to jump ship into clean shinny hair.

Always check your child’s head, especially if they are scratching badly. Lice like to live anywhere on the head but mainly around the sides of the ears & the nape at the bottom of the head, places where you sweat more and where the head retains more heat. What is a good cheap preventative: any solutions or shampoos that are Tea tree based, use a spray bottle and place a small amount of tea tree oil in it and fill with water, spray the hair each morning including the children’s hats, (DON’T spray in eyes or if you are allergic to the product) Yes! It does smell a little but not horrible, always ensure long hair is tied up or plaited or braided to avoid attracting the critters. And always tell your children NOT to share their hats with anyone!!! Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or La Rose Hairstylists Miles should you wish to discuss further. 

Attendance at school

It’s really important we as parents and carers encourage our children to attend school every day, Yes! Its not everyone’s cup of tea but it's compulsory! There is nothing more important in life than an education. If there is a reason your child doesn’t want to go to school each day there is normally a very good explanation behind it, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your child’s care teacher or Principal Josette Moffatt to discuss the matter further.

Until next fortnight, get those extra blankets out and rug up as winter is on its way!!

Cheers Polly – President

P&C Executive Contact numbers

Polly Leahy 0427 276483 Rowena Price

Paula Derksen 0427 271920 Toni Brown 0427 272059

Application Form to join the P and C


P&Cs Qld Parent Talk Magazine

Link to Parent Talk Magazine:‐talk/

It is a static link so that it doesn’t have to be changed at all and will link automatically to the latest issue of the magazine each time it is published.

Term 2 2021

Anzac Day Ceremony

ANZAC Day is a time when we nationally reflect and remember the past and present ANZACS, whom have served their country with great courage and determination. Today we live free and proud, as a result of the actions of those who have served, those who gave up their freedom and those who have given their lives for our country. 

On Friday 23rd April we held our School Anzac Day Ceremony. Thank you to the guests who attended our ceremony, Cr Kylie Bourne, Mr John Green, Mr Adrian Daveson, Mr Aderian Nixon and Mrs Polly Leahy. Light refreshments followed the service and Amina and Mrs Hallett performed "Amazing Grace." 

Miles SHS students were also involved in the Miles dawn service and morning service, Noonga and Jackson services laying wreaths. 

Anzac Day Miles Town Services

Noonga and Jackson Anzac Day

Year 7 Camp

Chinese/Digital Technology/HPE

Digital Technologies


Miles SHS Interhouse Cross Country 2021

 Overall Results

 Age Champions





12 Girls

Emma Williams



12 Boys

Braydon Belleville

Max Gaze

Gareth Treadwell

13 Girls

Leah Forsythe

Zoe York

Montana Fisher

13 Boys

Brayden Teece

Riley Harrison


14 Girls

Macy Gaze

Ingrid Young


14 Boys

Ben Moore

Connor Derksen

Kayden Reynolds

15 Girls

Stephanie Tilley

Tamarin Stonehouse

Chanchira Cawley

15 Boys

Blake Mildon

Eli Hallett

Izaya Walker

16 Girls

Dakota Dickson

Rosanna Courte


16 Boys

Charlie Young

Blake Steinberg

Corey Leahy

17 Girls

Isabel Grimes

Amarlie Myers

Klarhyze Pilipil

17 Boys

Martyn Steel

Tom Forsythe

BJ Beardmore

18 Girls

Amity Salisbury

Payton Leahy


18 Boys

Campbell Thomas

Max Andrews


Spirit Cup:                                                            BINBIAN:         79

                                                                              CAMEBY:          73                                 

Overall House Points:                                       BINBIAN:         321

                                                                             CAMEBY:         311 

















Cross Country and Fun Run 19/4/21

On the first day back after the school holidays Miles SHS held it's Cross Country at the Miles Golf Club. The theme was Wild Wild West with many students taking the opportunity to dress up for the occasion. Congratulations to all students who participated in the Cross Country and Fun Run.

Cross Country Age Champions

Congratulations Binbian

Experience your future

Heavy Vehicle Industry Careers Day

Future Pathways Program Day 1 - 'World of Opportunities'

Thank you to Karen Browning from University of Southern Queensland for joining our year 10 students for their first official day of the Future Pathways Program last Wednesday! Karen is a career practitioner who helps young people and their families in schools and universities to navigate their career pathways.  Overall, day one of the program was fantastic and the students learnt a great deal about themselves, what careers are out there and what the future of work could look like for them. 

Look out for more careers news next week as we have over 40 guests from more than 20 different business, industry and community organisations joining us for Future Pathways activities and the Miles SHS Future Pathways Mini Expo, happening for all senior students on Tuesday May 4!

Renee Cremer


Careers Day

Future Pathways Program

Miles SHS Calendar of Events


Monday 3rd May - PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Tuesday 4th May - Kup of Kindness, 7:00am

Tuesday 4th May & Wednesday 5th May - Year 10 Future Pathways Program (MPA)

Wednesday 5th May - Parent/Teacher Interviews, 3:30pm - 6:30pm, MPA

Thursday 6th May - Year 10 Ignite Your Future Excursion (Chinchilla)


Tuesday 11th May - Kup of Kindness, 7:00am

Tuesday 11th May, Wednesday 12th May, Thursday 13th May - NAPLAN for Year 7 and Year 9 (online)

Wednesday 12th May - Parade, 9:00am

Thursday 13th May - P&C Meeting, 3:30pm, MPA Conference Room

Friday 14th May - Walk Safely to School Day

Miles SHS Date Claimers / Notices

Parent/Teacher Interviews – Wednesday 5th May, 3.30pm – 6.30pm

Interviews can be booked using the School Online Booking System (SOBS) which is accessed through the school website ( or The online system will be open from Wednesday 21 April 2021, 8.00am for bookings and close on Wednesday 5th May 2021, 10.00am.  Parent/Guardians may telephone the Miles SHS Office (4628 5111) to book timeslots to meet with teachers (immediate confirmation of time will be given) or Students can call into the office on behalf of their parent/guardian and arrange suitable timeslots. The office will supply the student with a notice of interview times.

QCAA Survey: Year 11 & 12 students and their parents/carers are invited to participate

Following the initial implementation of the new QCE system in 2019 and 2020, the QCAA is conducting a post-cycle review of its processes and procedures. Current Year 11 and 12 students and their parents/carers are invited to have their say by completing an anonymous online survey by Friday 7 May 2021. The survey can be accessed at:

School Photos 2021

Our School Photos have arrived for 2021. Students were given their School Photos and Student ID Cards in Care Class this morning, Friday 30th April. If you were away on Friday and missed out please see your Care Class Teacher to collect them. 

Position Vacant

Dance Club

Community Events / Notices


Along the Garden Path

Reminder: Animals are not permitted on school property

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.

Please email all planned absences to (prior to your child’s absence)

Miles State High School

Miles State High School is proud to be part of a community that embraces PARTNERS IN LEARNING together our students, their families, our wider community and our staff are committed to working together to ensure that every student succeeds.

Respect | Integrity | Safety | Engagement