Dawson Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue 15 2020

From the Principal

Dear Parents / Caregivers,

2020 has provided us with many challenges and as a learning community we have had to adapt and change the way we do things. I am extremely proud of our community - students, staff and parents in the way that we have handled these challenges. Despite all of this 2020 has been another very successful year at Dawson Park our students have been involved in the following: -

  • Our highly successful musical “Once Upon a Time” and the Darling Range Network Choral festival.
  • The installation and painting of the poles depicting the six aboriginal seasons.
  • Carnivals and sports clinics.
  • Our Lego league winning the engineering excellence award at the regional finals and competing in the state finals.
  • NAIDOC week, Book week, Edu-dance
  • A highly successful year six camp.
  • Producing outstanding results in the PATS Literacy and Numeracy test.

As our year draws to a close I would like acknowledge our wonderful supportive parents who are such strong advocates for our school. Thank-you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s education journey and for the kind notes and words of encouragement that mean so much. Thank-you for providing rich and engaging, well rounded experiences for your children and valuing the importance of a good education. Your positive attitude towards learning has influenced and encouraged your child to achieve their best. My staff and myself truly value the strong, positive partnership that we have with you.

At this time of year, it is always sad in that we need to say goodbye to people that we care about. To our Year six students who are leaving us congratulations. We are so very proud of you and we were delighted to share with you and your parents your Graduation on Tuesday morning. As a learning community in collaboration with your parents and carers we have laid the foundations to enable you to be successful. To Miss Smeding, Mrs Cornell and Miss Edwards who are all moving onto new challenges and adventures. We thank you for the wonderful contribution that you have made to our learning community.

On behalf of my staff and myself I would like to wish all families a happy and safe Christmas and a relaxing holiday. Please take care of yourselves and come back refreshed for another exciting year at Dawson Park



Pauline Johnson

Our Graduating Year 6 Students