Weekly Awards

Congratulations to the following students -

“Striving for Excellence” Award – (for a student who has exhibited academic improvements and / or has been applying themselves to the very best of their ability)

 Ella R - Year 1 - For your amazing use of description to entertain your reader. You have also demonstrated excellent understanding of punctuation to build excitement. Well Done.

Ella S - Year 4 - For being a 'multiplication champion!' Well done for your hard work and motivation to work towards your Maths goals this Semester.

Sullivan L - Year 1 - For your efforts towards the quality and presentation of your work!  It is fantastic to see the dedication you have shown towards your reading and writing this term.  Keep up the great work Sully!

“MacKillop Award” – (for a student who exhibited Gospel values in their words and actions)

“To Love is to Serve” Award – (for a student who has consistently displayed leadership qualities)

Paige L - Year 5 - For consistently striving for excellence and being a conscientious learner. Keep up the fantastic work!

Henry M - Prep - For always looking for ways to help your friends. Thank you for showing the spirit of Jesus in our classroom!