Willoughby Public School Newsletter

Term 4, Week 8 - Friday 04 December 2020


At Willoughby Public School we empower students to demonstrate creativity, collaboration, curiosity and persistence to become successful life-long learners. Students will be challenged in productive and innovative learning environments promoting inclusivity, resilience, respect and confidence.


Monday 7 DecemberYear 6 Picnic day & Graduation night
Tuesday 8 DecemberStage 3 Presentation Day Assembly
Wednesday 9 December Yr 5 Surf Ed 
Thursday 10 DecemberYr 5 Surf Ed
Thursday 10 DecemberStage 2 Presentation Day Assembly 
Friday 11 December Yr 6 Surf Ed
Monday 14 DecemberYr 6 Surf Ed
Wednesday 16 DecemberYear 6 clap out - 2:30pm
Wednesday 16 DecemberLast Day of School for students
Friday 29 January 2021First Day of School (Years 1-6) 2021

More information regarding specific events will be shared via Skoolbag closer to the date.


Dear Parents and Carers

Year 6 Farewell

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 6 students on your tremendous organisation of the WPS annual Year 6 fete day. It was fabulous to see the thought and care that went into the events on offer for the Willoughby Public School students. There was lots of colour and laughter across the playground. A huge thank you to our Year 6 teacher team and parents for your support behind the scenes.

We have our Year 6 farewell in our new hall on Monday evening – our 2020 Year 6 students are the first group to celebrate their final primary year in our new building. Thank you to the team of parents coordinating the farewell – it promises to be an exciting evening for the students.

On Wednesday 16 December we will have our annual clap out of our Year 6 and leaving students and staff with COVID safe guidelines social distancing. All WPS students will be lined up inside the school grounds leading to the gate way on the laneway between WGHS and WPS parents can form a guard of honour to Keary Street then along Keary street to Oakville Road down to the school main entrance. Due to safety reasons we will begin at 2:30 to ensure the pathway is clear by 3pm to allow everyone to exit safely for the summer holidays.

Staff Farewells

After 45 years of teaching we farewell Mrs Kim Williams as she retires from a wonderful career with the Department of Education. Mrs Williams is a kind and caring teacher who has made a significant impact on the lives of children in her care. Dedicated, hard working and creative are words which come to my mind when I think of Mrs Williams. I am sure you will join with me in wishing her the very best in her retirement.

Ms Alison Douglas has indicated that she is leaving the teaching profession and Willoughby Public School, initially with extended leave and then retirement mid-2021. Ms Douglas has had an impact on the classes she has taught at Willoughby PS, a fun loving, caring and dedicated teacher who will be missed by students and colleagues. We wish Ms Douglas the very best as she moves into the next exciting phase of her life.

Mrs Mhairi Overall is taking extended leave in 2021 and relocating to the Far North Coast after many years at Willoughby Public School. Again we have appreciated all her hard work and dedication to the students at WPS. We wish her all the very best as she pursues a teaching position on the coast.  

We are also saying farewell to Mr Ben Talbot, Miss Pip Stanley, Miss Marisa Zids and Miss Kirsty Crichton. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the students and families at Willoughby PS. We wish you the very best as you take up teaching positions in other school.

In 2021 our numbers indicate that we will form 38 classes. We also have several permanent teachers returning to WPS from leave which impact on our staffing.

Student Reports

Student reports will be sent home on Monday 14 December. The reports reflect learning throughout Term 3 and 4. I have enjoyed reading the reports especially, the general comments as they give an insight into the students and how they approach learning. I would like to congratulate our students for their hard work and persistence with their learning throughout 2020.

Jennifer Simmonds



Our final PBEL Assembly for the year was held this week with many students receiving a PBEL badge for earning 3 Willoughby Way Awards. We were also able to award some PBEL Banners to students who had earned their 5th PBEL badge. Three Year 6 students also received their second banner, a huge achievement!  

Jessica from Year 5 sang the National Anthem accompanied by Leon on piano.

We were again able to livestream the assembly to the learning spaces across the school where all students could watch and celebrate our new badge and banner recipients. Thanks to Emily Wong for her magic behind the camera. 

Some students from Year 2 entertained us with an instrumental performance of Dinosaur and some Year 6 students performed an instrumental dance to Sereye Eeye, a traditional Torres Strait Island song. 

A link to the PBEL assembly recording will be sent to families of students who received a badge or banner early next week, once it is edited and uploaded. 

We look forward to being able to hold these PBEL assemblies next year with parents able to watch from the audience. 


Borrowing finished today and we would like to remind students and families that all books need to be returned to the Library ASAP so that we can stocktake and prepare the Library for the new school year.

It’s easy to get a step ahead in this process with your children, by making sure that any books you still have at home from the holidays or from last term are returned now.

James Thorn & Debbie de Silva - Teacher Librarians 

2021 NSW Public Schools Junior Singers Applications open

The NSW Public Schools Junior Singers is a treble voiced choir (SSAA) and is regularly involved in performances at major events throughout the year including the ANZAC Day concerts, Opera House and Town Hall concerts, Schools Spectacular and ensembles concerts.

Keen choristers in Years 4 to 7 who are in a commuting distance for a once-a-week (Tuesday after school) rehearsal at are welcome to audition for a place. The commitment is for the full school year and attendance is compulsory. 

The application/audition submission deadline is Monday 14 December 2020. Individual auditions are via Youtube and involve singing the first verse of the piece Homeward Bound. Click below for details:


Applications and/or auditions for the NSW Public Schools Vocal Ensembles will be held in accordance with NSW Health advice.

Contact Mrs Adi Firth if you have any questions.


A word from our P&C President…

Beneath all the craziness of 2020, it’s been inspiring to see how well the kids, parents, school and P&C have adapted to such unprecedented challenges. I’m sure you’ll join me in a communal applause for making it through the year and hoping for a slightly more boring 2021... Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back as well. 

The P&C is raring to go next year to continue the amazing work so far and embark on some exciting new projects.

Whatever you’re doing during the holidays, on behalf of the P&C I wish you a safe, happy and rewarding time with your family, friends and loved ones. 


Please feel free to contact me at: president@wpspandc.com.au

A message from our Past Presidents

One last message from us to wish you and your family a safe and happy summer, filled with joy and fun.  

We’ve really enjoyed our time as P&C Co-Presidents and hope through P&C initiatives we’ve been able help to keep our community tightknit and caring. 

We’re extremely proud of the initiatives we have been able to bring to WPS over the past 2 years, and know we are leaving the P&C in the safe hands of new President Daniel Barber and the P&C executive, who will continue to bring the community together and benefit children at WPS. 

We look forward to seeing you at the fabulous P&C events now being planned for our enjoyment in 2021.

Happy Christmas to you all.  We will enjoy the fireworks seeing 2020 off, and welcoming in a bright and shiny new year!

Stay safe

Jenni and Tanya

MAKE YOUR MARK AT WPS – Our new fundraising project

We’re bringing back the chance to buy your very own Willoughby Public School commemorative paver!

Students and staff, past and present, are invited to purchase a personalised paver. They’ll sit alongside the existing pavers in the Rose Garden, to record your place in WPS history.

​Find all the details of the project and purchase your paver here:



Our Dads’ Club has wrapped up the year with two successful events. The Brick Building Bonanza via Zoom was a great afternoon and lots of lucky children took home prizes.

The first annual Dads’ Club dinner was a fun night with over 50 Dads gathering for an evening of beer, pizza and raffles. The raffles raised just over $500 which will go towards Dads’ Club prizes for upcoming kids’ events and a donation to The Fathering Project.

And, just when you thought the fun was over for the year, the Dads’ Club has another event…

WPS Dads’ Club Holiday Fun Lego Building Competition

Details: Using your Lego/or similar bricks to build a dream home.  Parents/carers are encouraged to participate.

Judging criteria: Imagination, the story behind your home, Technique, Age/skill level

Judges: Shaun Michaeil and local Lego club (selected members) 

Due Date and Submission: Send photo and description/story to dadsclub@wpspandc.com.au by the end of the first week back at school, 29th January 2021

Prizes: $125 in vouchers to Amoeba toys - Northbridge Plaza for 1st, 2nd and 3rd entries. Prizes will be awarded 3 weeks after the due date


Questions/feedback, please email dadsclub@wpspandc.com.au 


The Uniform Shop will be taking last orders on Tuesday 15th December, with items delivered to classrooms on Wednesday 16th December. We will reopen on Wednesday 27 January 2021.

We would like to thank our volunteers for all their help in 2020 and also thank the WPS community for their understanding as we moved to online orders only this year.

Shop online at: https://wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/


2020 has been a challenging year for us, but nothing could keep the WPS band from shining last Monday night at our End of Year Concert "Under the Grandstand". The concert was held at Chatswood Oval and was an opportunity for all three bands to perform to their families.

At the concert we celebrated the spectacular journey of our band programme and what has been achieved individually and collectively this year, probably the most challenging year faced by our musicians.

This year especially has required determination, resilience, team work and courage from all our musicians and at the concert certainly saw them shine. For this we are very proud of every single one of them.

Thank you to the event organizing committee and the school executive.

Urgently seeking a NetSetGo Co-convenor for WPSNC 2021

The role of NSG Convenor is vital for our Club. For 2021 we are splitting the role between 2 volunteers. We already have one volunteer and are urgently seeking a second NSG volunteer please.

ü  Do you have a daughter (or two or three) who loves netball?

ü  Will your daughter play NSG in 2021?

ü  Are you organised & community-spirited?

ü  Can you spare 1-2 hours a week during the season – from March to September 2021?

ü  Can you devote an extra hour or 2, for just the start of the season in February 2021 to manage registrations, team placements, team lists, distribution of kit bags and co-ordination of training schedule etc.

ü  Are you passionate about team sports like netball or maybe you’ve played it yourself – this is a bonus, NOT an essential criteria!

Unfortunately, if we are not able to fill this position, we may have to restrict our number of NSG teams. So, if you are keen to volunteer or find out more, please contact Zoi Barber (Netball Convenor) wpsnetballclub@gmail.com or Mel Fisher fishermc@bigpond.net.au

We need you for our young NSG players, so please volunteer to share this role if you can.

Would your Year 2 daughter or son* like to play NetSetGo U8?


Ethics teachers needed

Catholic Scripture teachers needed

Notification form - students not returning to WPS in 2021

Please use this form to advise the school of any students who are not returning to Willoughby PS in 2021. 

Alternate School Phone Number 02 9214 1400

Please be advised that our new school phone number is  02 9214 1400.

We will be transitioning to using this as our main number over the coming months. 

Please add this number to your phone contacts, as this is the number displayed when we phone you from school. 

Canteen orders with Flexischools - information

Please see flyer attached


At Willoughby Public School we have a number of students with a





Even a small trace of nut, peanut or nut/peanut product may trigger a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis, which attacks the immune system leading potentially to death within minutes.


This reaction can happen by taste, touch and sometimes can be airborne. All of these students have access to an adrenaline injection in the form of an Epipen, which can save lives. Photo posters are displayed in the classrooms, canteen, staffroom, playground bags and sick bay for easy identification of these children.


Willoughby PS works with parents/carers to support students in developing an awareness of their allergies and what foods to avoid. Students are encouraged not to share food and to always check with a parent/adult/teacher if unsure at any time.




Please help us by not including peanut or any nut products in your child’s lunchbox. This includes peanut butter and Nutella.


Please avoid products with any nuts/peanuts listed as an ingredient.


Explain about nut/peanut allergy to your child and encourage the ‘no food sharing’ rule.


Please consider what you are sending for birthday treats to share with the class, checking there are no nut products included.


The school canteen does not serve products containing nuts.


It is only with the continued support of all parents and staff that we can effectively maintain a safe school environment for these children.


Thank you for your understanding. We know you will want to support the school and these children.



Put safety ahead of convenience. Always.


2020 New Canteen Menu


How to install the SkoolBag App






Parent Guide to NSW Syllabuses
