We hope that you are well and safe as we journey through the current stage of the pandemic. The advice we have is that the school's role is to distribute the RAT's and to inform the relevant members of the community about covid cases as required. This is on top of continuing our own local safety practices.
Information is key when it comes to being aware of current advice. I appreciate that there is a lot of information around covid, testing, isolation etc. We work from the same information available to the broader community. So that our whole community has the most recent information, please make sure that you refer to information at this link and further information from NSW Health before contacting the school. Important for you all to know that we are making the most of having the students back on site! We are helping them catch up on what they may have struggled with as a result of the pandemic. This will be a long and involved process.
As far as drop-off in the morning at the main gate, we will be needing students to be very independent, as we will be reducing the staff on that duty because of other pressing operational needs. Please remember that only Kindergarten parents are currently allowed on site.
With appreciation for your ongoing support,
Stephen Dowd