Salmon Gums Primary

Newsletter Term 1 Week 8

Principal’s Report

Faction Athletics Carnival

Thank you for a fantastic Faction Carnival day. The participation, support and involvement by all who attended was incredible. All of our students should be incredibly proud of their achievement on the day, with each one of them giving their personal best in every event. Congratulations to our Kumarl students for taking out the Faction shield and to all our championship and runner-up championship winners.

Championship Winners

Junior Runner-Up: Holly Starcevich

Junior Champion: Thomas Guest

Intermediate Runner-up: Klancie Allan

Intermediate Champion: Mitchell Guest

Senior Runner-Up: Freya Fletcher

Senior Champion: Sean McCrea


This Friday is our second assembly for the year. The assembly will begin at 2:00pm and all of the students will be showcasing some of their work. Our choir has been working hard over the past couple of weeks and will sing their song for us. Along with this our students will share the impressive mazes they have been creating in STEM and some of the exciting videos they have recorded for Champion Life. Assembly will be a lot more interactive than it has been in the past so please come along and enjoy the incredible work our students are producing.

Interschool Athletics Carnival

The Interschool Athletics Carnival is hosted Esperance Christian PS this year and will be held in Esperance at the Greater Sports Ground (Hockey Grounds). Interschool event nominations are being finalised and final information will be given to students by the end of the week. Those students who have been nominated for the jumps and throws will need to be at the Greater Sports Ground by 8:45. All other students will need to arrive by 9:30 for the official opening. If possible all student are encouraged to come along and support their peers in the earlier events.

All students are required to wear their full school uniform on the day (including: white school shirt, green pants, shorts or skirts) and comfortable running shoes. Lunch order information has been sent out to all families. If you didn’t receive this information please contact the school ASAP as orders need to be in by Sunday 31st March. The lunch ordering process is online this year.

Students who are in individual events are encouraged to get as much practice in as they can over the next week. Permission slips and further information will be sent home with the student nomination information.

Student Leader Fundraiser

A huge thank you to everyone for the support offered to the student leaders and their goal to raise money for the Lions Cancer Institute. From their fundraiser at the faction carnival the students raised over $160.

Egg donations are coming in to the school quickly and we have had raffle books returned already. Please bring your Egg donations, raffle books and monies raised in to school by Friday 5th April. The 3 Basket raffle winners will be drawn on Monday 8th April. Thank you once again for all of your support.

IGO Support

Recently I had a meeting with a representative from IGO who have offered to support and sponsorship to our school. They have advised they will look into support they can provide in order to get Solar Panels for the school. This will eventually lead to lower power bills for the school. With annual utility costs taking up a third of our school budget, whatever support they can offer will be a huge benefit. I have just received word that IGO, through their Corporate Giving Project have confirmed that they would like to assist our school by covering the costs of the Champion Life program. We are grateful their support and thank them for everything. 

ANZAC Assembly

Our annual ANZAC assembly will be held on Wednesday 10th April at the town memorial site. All parents and community members are encouraged to come along and commemorate and pay respects to our fallen soldiers, and to acknowledge those who are currently deployed throughout the world. Following the assembly a morning tea of ANZAC biscuits will be held back at the school.

Busy Bee

There is still quite a bit of work to be done to our nature playground and school grounds. With our school review coming up in Term 3 it would be fantastic to have the school looking the best it has ever looked. To ensure all the work gets done in time I would like to invite all family and community members to come along and join us for a busy bee on Friday 12th April. The jobs for the day will include completing the mini creek, setting up the cement tunnels, painting the drive way – road templates, snakes and ladders, hop scotch and more. The aim is to get the whole school community on board with students, staff, parents and other community members helping out. If you can be a helper on the day please let myself know via email or phone call.

Please remember to keep up to date with the correspondence being sent out by the school.  Check your email, the website and the Skoolbag App regularly.


Krystal Wiggins


Triple P Workshops

Our Triple P workshops kick off this week on Thursday morning.

The workshop is aimed at parents with younger children; however, all parents are welcomed along. The dates of the workshop include:

  • Thursday 28th March @ 10:00am

  • Thursday 4th April @ 10:00am

    Thursday 11th April @10:00am

The workshops will be held at the Grass Patch Hall.

Triple P’s Power of Positive Parenting seminar can help you understand why kids act the way they do, and how your reactions and words can make a big difference. This 90-minute seminar is free for all WA parents and carers, and is packed with ideas to help you give your kids the best start in life, and get more enjoyment out of being a parent.

Triple P’s Power of Positive Parenting seminar can help you:

  • raise happy, confident kids
  • encourage positive behaviour
  • set rules and routines that everyone follows
  • get on well with your kids and argue less
  • balance work and family with less stress

Please register your interest with the school office. 9078 5017

Triple P Poster




Hi everyone,

For Art this year we have been doing some Dr. Seuss inspired art. We have been making a city out of weird and wonderful houses. This has been really fun because to make it because you need a lot of imagination. If you want to see this big city that we’ve been making, we’ve hung them up on the art room wall. Be sure to have a look at them, because we think that they are all awesome.

After the faction carnival that we have done, we are all still busily practicing for the Interschool carnival. The Interschool carnival will be on at the Esperance Multi-sports oval, and will be held on Friday, 5th April.

As you probably know by now, there is an Easter raffle that students have been busily selling tickets. There are 3 Easter baskets full of chocolate to be won. The raffle will be drawn on 8th April 3 days after the interschool carnival.

Student Bios

Emily Suttar - Student Bio

Each newsletter we hope to feature a student bio.  We hope you enjoy getting to know our students a little better. 

Because when you stop and look around, life is pretty amazing!

Tribes Learning Communities

Tribes Community Agreements

Right to participate / pass

Appreciations - No putdowns

Actively listening

Mutual respect

Celebrating achievements

Tribes Ambassadors

Congratulations to the following students who received the most faction tokens last week, and are our Tribes Ambassadors.

Taite Bailye

Klancie Allan

Freya Fletcher

Mitchell Guest


Just wanted to say thank you to all the staff for a fantastic Faction Carnival today. 

(from a Parent)

Champion Life and IGO

As you are aware, the children have been participating in Champion Life - an online, interactive program encouraging children to be physically active.   

We would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank IGO (Independence Group NL) who have donated funds to make this happen for our school.


Next Meeting - 2nd May 2019

Keep your eyes open for information coming about these P&C events:

Battery Drive

Quiz Night

Camp Committee Meeting

Important Upcoming Events

School Council Meeting


March 28, 2019 3:15 PM to March 28, 2019 5:00 PM


Salmon Gums WA, Australia

More information

An agenda has been distributed and can be downloaded from the link following.

School Council Agenda


School Assembly


March 29, 2019 2:00 PM to March 29, 2019 2:30 PM


Salmon Gums WA, Australia

More information

Join the students as they proudly present to you a snapshot of what they have been working on so far.

Interschool Athletics Carnival


April 5, 2019 8:00 AM to April 5, 2019 2:30 PM


Greater Sports Ground, Esperance WA, Australia

More information

Esperance Christian Primary will be hosting the Interschool Carnival this year, with the carnival to be held on Friday, 5 April. 

Lunches can be ordered online, closing date for this is STRICTLY 31 March.

An email explaining the process was sent last week, the instructions are downloadable in a link below.  If you need assistance please contact Janine in the office.  

Interschool Lunch Order Information


ANZAC Assembly Wednesday 10 April


Numbers Are Our Friends: How to Help Our Kids Conquer ‘Mathophobia’

The good news is we have the power to affect our children’s attitudes toward math in positive ways! One of the most important things we can do is to make sure our kids see math as “friendly” and relevant in their lives — and it’s never too soon to start.

Free Sun Smart App

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes wrinkles and skin and eye damage, ultimately leading to skin cancer.

UV cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. Our senses cannot detect UV so it can be damaging without us knowing. 

The free SunSmart app tells you when sun protection is recommended for your location using forecast information from the Bureau of Meteorology website and live UV data from ARPANSA.

How to Help Speedy Kid Readers Slow Down

1. Teach the five finger test

2. Praise self-awareness

3. Make a 'soon' shelf

4. Give appropriate book choices

5. Suggest alternative books

6. Read the book together

and for more information:

Community News

Bunnings Easter Family Night


Young Carers Network


SG Development Group AGM


April 11, 2019 7:00 PM to April 11, 2019 9:00 PM


Salmon Gums Community Centre, Salmon Gums WA

More information

The next Development Group meeting and AGM will be held on Thursday 11 April at 7.00pm.

Golf Club Cancer Council Ambrose & Auction


April 13, 2019 12:00 PM to April 13, 2019 8:30 PM


Salmon Gums Golf Club

More information

Save the Date

Salmon Gums Golf Club Ambrose Fundraiser for Cancer Council WA

Registrations at noon. 12.30 tee off. 

Dinner and auction 6pm.  

Strictly no BYO, bar facilities available.