Panania North Public School

Newsletter 14 - 29th October 2021

Principals Message

Today we are celebrating World Teachers’ Day. An important day for all of us in Education, it is a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the professionalism of our teachers and the vital role they play in shaping the world around us. This year, we also recognise how critical teachers have been to the pandemic response. Through all the challenges, they have kept our students and young people connected to their education.

To our dedicated teaches at Panania North, thank you for always placing our students at the centre of every decision and for providing a learning environment where our students connect, succeed and thrive. 

Borrowed school laptops

Our students are needing their laptops at school to compliment their online learning sites. If you borrowed a laptop for your child during the learning from home period, please return the laptop and charger as soon as you can. 

National Teachers Day October 29th

We would like to wish our amazing teachers "Happy World Teacher's Day" We are grateful for all the care and support you give our students and we could not ask for more dedicated teachers.

Thank you for all you do.

Panania North Principal Awards

Star Awards have been handed out for Term 3. Please ask you child to give their star/principal certificates to their teacher instead of the school office.

Additional Photos

Student leaders, SRC, House Captains and all PSSA sport photos will be taken on Tuesday 2nd November.

Advance life will provide us a link after the photos are taken to purchase these photos online.

Please ensure full school uniform is worn.

Thank you.

Tell Them From Me Parent Survey - Thank you to the 30 families who completed the survey. The survey results are below.

Opportunity Class Placement Test

Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions this year's Opportunity Class Placement Test has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 17 November 2021. It has been agreed by the Minister that the test will be administered as a computer-based test.

The change of date will require students attending NSW public schools to be tested at their own schools with teaching staff administering the test. This approach will ensure placement of students in opportunity classes on Day 1, Term 1, 2022.

School Zone

Dear Parents/ Carers,

 We have had complaints regarding unsafe driving and speeding around our school. We would kindly ask that Parents/Carers to abide by the 40km speed zone and slow down. 

We also ask that you do not park in, or over, any surrounding houses driveways and to be respectful of residences entering and exiting their homes during these times.

We understand that parking can sometimes be difficult at drop off and pick up times, and as we have 3 entry and exits points we ask you to ensure the safe crossing of the road with your child/children.

 We appreciate your assistance. 

Applications for Year 7 entry to selective high schools in 2023

Applications for Year 7 entry to selective high schools in 2023 open on 19 October 2021 and close on 17 November 2021 at

Library Parent Help

Dear Parents/ Carers

If any parents or carers are able to help cover library books next week please contact the office on Monday via email/phone at let us know your availabilities. 

The Library is currently closed for our Annual yearly stock take, so if all Children can kindly return there borrowed books that would be a great help.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 

Professional learning agenda for our teachers – Term 4

At Panania North we are committed to every teacher and leader improving every year. Below is our whole school professional learning agenda for Term 4.

·         EAL/D Reporting to Parents

·         Return to school Plans/Strategic School Plan Team Meeting

·         2022 School Planning

·         Class Builder data entry for 2022 classes

·         Positive education PDHPE

·         Reporting to parents – Student reports

·         2022 Student Transition

·         Mandatory Training PL

·         2022 School Organisation

Enrolment for 2022 – Panania North PS

Link to form

We would like to request your assistance in helping us to complete as accurately as possible our anticipated enrolments for 2022. The school is required to provide reliable enrolment projections for 2022 to the Department of Education so that they can determine the appropriate staffing levels for our school for next year. Once this is done we have time to fill in any teacher vacancies that may result.

All current students are guaranteed a place but we need to know if you actually need that place. We are aware that things can change so your response is not binding, but it will give the school a good indication of possible changes to existing enrolments.

Please advise us of any issues you would like the school to consider for class placement in 2022.

Parents are invited to advise us of any special reasons they would like the school to take into consideration when placing their children in classes for 2022. Please be aware that this is not an invitation to request particular teachers or class structures, but it is an opportunity to advise us of any important concerns that you would like us to consider when placing your child. Parents can be confident their issues will receive full consideration when classes are being formed but the school reserves the right to make the final determination about class placement based on detailed knowledge of all related circumstances.

Please send a separate form for each child as forms are filed as class sets.

New Kindergarten students starting school in 2022                                              

If you have a child beginning Kindergarten next year, please follow the link to our online enrolments

Enrolment - Panania North Public School (

If you know of other families with children starting Kindergarten in 2022 please let them know it is important they enrol now. We have very limited places available at this stage.

Link to form

School Visitor Check-in

A single School Visitor Check-in system for every school across the state is coming from 18 October!

The Department of Education has partnered with Service NSW to provide a streamlined, digital school sign-in system for visitors and contractors at every NSW government school. 

Parents dropping and picking up their Child/ren from school or OOSH do not require to check in.

Benefits of the new system include:

  • Accelerating your check-ins to as fast as 20 seconds!  

  • Linked to NSW Health’s COVID-19 contact tracing ensuring every school is compliant with the NSW COVID-19 mandate.External link

  • Giving every school greater access to streamlined NSW Government services. 

Watch our short parent videoExternal link to see how it works for parents or our contractor videoExternal link.

Who can use School Visitor check-in

  • Visitors such as parents and carers, contractors, service providers and volunteers.

Students or visitors under the age of 18 are not required to use School Visitor Check-in.

School Visitor Check-in will be ready from 18 October at all NSW Government schools.

COVID Communication

Parents and students will be notified if a decision is made to close the school due to a confirmed case of COVID-19.This communication will be via the school website and through an alert on both the Skoolbag App and ClassDojo. If the school is to close, we will provide links for our students to the DET HUB Learning From Home website. Community will then be notified by the same school website and Skoolbag and Class Dojo App alert process when we can return to face-to-face learning. Each case can vary so after the school notifies the DET hotline we are guided by NSW Health. We have just been through these procedures and no communication can be provided to the community until it has been authorised by health and education department.  This communication will be personalised for close contacts and casual contacts. A generic letter will be for monitoring. Our school phones will have a message saying the school is non operational as no one is here to answer them. Teachers will also be able to maintain contact through Class Dojo to parents if needed. To ensure that you receive the information you need, please make sure that your contact details, including phone numbers and email addresses, have been updated with our office. You can do this by emailing the school

Aboriginal art competition 2021

Have you applied for the Free $100 Service NSW Creative Kids Voucher this year?

It has recently come to my attention that many  parents are not aware of the Free $100 Service NSW Creative Kids Voucher. The vouchers will expire at the end of the calendar year and due to Covid, many parents have not had the opportunity to use the vouchers this year.

School Club is an eligible supplier approved by Service NSW to accept the Creative Kids Vouchers.

Make sure to take advantage of the vouchers and get $100 worth of free art and craft materials this year.


If you’re a parent, carer or guardian, the student will be eligible if they are:

  • a NSW resident
  • aged between 4.5 and 18 years
  • enrolled in school (from Kindergarten to Year 12, including those who are home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW)
  • a current Medicare card holder
You can apply for a voucher for each eligible student.You can use the voucher with approved Creative Kids providers.

What you need

  • a MyServiceNSW account
  • one proof of identity document for the parent, carer or guardian
  • your child's Medicare card details.

Bites - Online Ethics

Bites - online ethics Ethics lessons aren't able to be taught in school at the moment - but there is an online alternative based on the Primary Ethics curriculum.Bites are short stories that present ethical dilemmas designed to get children practising their skills of close listening and careful reasoning.There are Bites for K-2 and for Y3-6. They come with notes for parents/carers and are available to all children.A completely new series of Bites for Term 4 is now available:
Click the above link to scroll through Panania North events/dates for the year ahead.

Please hold onto board game and uniform donations till after lockdown.

An online store for the purchase of all Panania North Public School students uniforms

Honesty in all things

At Panania North we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly school with strong and valued community links.