Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 21 - 26 July 2021

From the Principal

What’s on?

Week 3                     Education Week

Mon 26 July              Staff undertaking CPR & Anaphylaxis training

Wed 28 July             Special Education review meetings 9am – 1.30pm

Thur 29 July              BH Athletics Carnival – Field events at Picton Oval 3.30pm

Fri 20 July                 School Assembly at 9am hosted by 1 H

BH Athletics Carnival – Track events at Picton Oval 9.30am


Week 4

Mon 2 Aug                Staff meeting – Teaching & Learning – Student Voice focus

Tue 3 Aug                  School audit being undertaken

Wed 4 Aug               School audit continues

                                    Special Education review meetings 9am – 11.30am

Fri 6 Aug                   School Assembly at 9am hosted by 3-4 K


Education Week – Once again, due to COVID restrictions our school community events have been hamstrung. We will do our best to provide families with glimpses of what their child’s life is like in classrooms, predominately through ClassDojo. The Broken Hill Athletics Carnival is able to go ahead, albeit with COVID safe plans.


Unfortunately, with the ongoing COVID issue in Greater Sydney (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour, Fairfield, Liverpool, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Blacktown, Orange, Cabonne and Blayney), we remain on Level 2 guidelines.


The current guidelines are:

  • Students are learning at school and not required to wear face masks.
  • Face masks are recommended in all indoor settings for staff. We will do our best to work with this in a classroom situation.
  • Non-essential visitors are not permitted in schools. Parents and carers must follow this direction regarding changes to drop off and pick up including minimal time at boundary of school.
  • Parents should:
      • maintain physical distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates,
      • remain outside of school grounds, and
      • follow mask-wearing requirements and sign-in using the Service NSW QR code if there is a need to enter the school.
  • Assemblies can be held with COVID-Safe practices. No visitors/parents permitted.

    Thank you again for your support in complying with these guidelines.


    Mr C on leave – A family situation has arisen that I need to support and attend to this week. Coupled with that, I had major knee surgery booked in for Monday 26 July in Adelaide but due to lockdown this has had to rescheduled. As a result, I will be on leave for an extended period. Mrs McEvoy will be relieving for me and the executive have shared a range of responsibilities to spread the load. I have great faith in them and all of our staff to put kids first and flourish through unity.



    Kindergarten 2022

    Thank you so much to those families who have sorted this out already. It is important that enrolment for our 2022 Kindergarten students gets sorted sooner than later so we can prepare our transition plans for next term. Let’s not leave this to the last minute. If you have siblings already at school this should be the easiest thing you do this week. Come in and grab the forms and get the ball rolling. Should you need assistance with the paperwork we’re more than willing to help out.


    One of our major and ongoing professional learning activities we have in place is HOW2Learn which is a research-based package aimed at increasing our teaching skills and improving outcomes for our students. Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers. 


    Fixed Mindset

    If you can't do it, give up.

    Change to

    Growth Mindset

    If you can't do it, ask for help.

    Which mindset is most likely to result in learning? Change the words, change the mindset!

    Attendance Snapshot

    Term 3 Week 2

    Target 91%

    Actual – 85.14%


    K FK-1 MK-6 CK-6 DK-6 R1 H2 M

    2-3 P3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 VW

    Still short of our mark - Every day counts!

    Classes of the Week

    Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) – All classes

    100% Green students –K F, K-1 M, K-6 C, K-6 D, K-6 R, 1 H, 2 M, 2-3 P, 3-4K,    3-4 S, 3-6 L, 4-5 M & 5-6 G

    Attendance –K-6 D, K-6 R, 2 M, 4-5 M, & 5-6 VW

    100% attendees – 167 students attended every day this week.  

    Silver Levels

    The following students achieved Silver Level and will be presented with their certificate at Friday’s assembly.  Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.

    K FLucus O'Loughlin
    K-1 MLayken Barrett
    1 HUniqa Mains
    2 MCharles Etrich, Luke Kennedy
    2-3 PCarter Norris
    3-4 KKonnor Ali
    3-4 SIsobel Bennett, Izayiah Etrich
    3-6 LBlayze Devlin
    4-5 MMervyn Etrich

    Congratulations to Honor Daykin, Sean Pigram & Kirriki Pisano for receiving their Bronze Certificate.

    Super Star

    This week's Superstar is Mahlei Kennedy in K-6 R.  Mahlei is a responsible, delightful student who always follows the 5 school expectations and brightens everyone's day.


    This week's Legend is Mason Pettitt in  5-6 G. Mason consistently shows respect, responsibility and kindness to his teachers and peers.

    Class Awards

    Merit Card
    K FMylah Kennewell, Aaliyah Devlin-Knott, Paigen Arnold
    1 FCharlie Stephens, Ebonee Pimm, Cooper Lingard, Grace Cooper, Teresa Stone, Uniqa Mains, Slade Blore, Phoenix Meadows
    2 MNahla Everuss, Luke Kennedy
    2-3 PShakeal Farnham, Dylan Macadam, Katelynn Staker
    3-4 SIsobel Bennett, Elijah Mullins
    5-6 GJye Bishop, Louise Lukins, Laveenah King

    Book Club Orders

    Issue 5 Scholastic Book club orders are to be in to Mrs Robertson by this Friday 30 July including online orders.

    Junior Spelling Bee Participants

    Senior Spelling Bee Participants

    Community Notices

    Broken Hill North Public School

    Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.