Welcome Back! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your child(ren).
All signs point to another incredible and productive school year. Our skilled and devoted staff is already planning and preparing for your child(ren). Our enthusiastic office team is registering new families, ordering needed materials and updating student files. Our hard working and conscientious custodians have spent the entire summer thoroughly cleaning the school. We are indeed a dedicated and caring community with the common goals of nurturing responsible, caring women and promoting high-level learning.
New Staff Each year brings positive change. This includes a few additions to our staff. Congratulations to Mary Karas who has been appointed Head Teacher TAS and Kay Glitsos as Head Teacher Secondary Studies. Tony Vosnakis will be relieving as Head Teacher Quality Systems Administration. We are delighted to welcome Helen Maynes, Omar Maysser and Ferizi Nicholas in HSIE, Jaihu Lin and Kawing Chan in Mathematics, Raelene Knight in Science, Emily Okros in TAS. These teachers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their roles. We also welcome our new counselor, Michelle Grace, who we were able to obtain through the National Chaplaincy Program. She will bring a solid skill set and a gentle, sensitive approach to meeting children’s health and emotional needs.
Facilities Update The importance of regular physical activity is broadly recognised. It is also understood that childhood is the time to develop the habits of mind and behaviours that will lead to active and healthy living throughout life. We know that these attitudes, skills and behaviours do not come pre-programmed and must be learnt. Firstly, we have upgraded our oval to a quality learning space for physical education. We have also lined out hand ball courts and are in the process installing outdoor table tennis tables. Our purpose is to encourage our girls to spend less time on their devices and more time embracing physical activity.
Since my arrival in 2019, the girls have made pleading requests for an upgrade in bathrooms. We have completed the painting and tiling but are still awaiting final fixtures and artwork.
Much needed work has also been done to upgrade our Library and Hall with fresh paint and pinboard installation. The Library is preparing to meet targets within the School Plan for a future focused learning space.
Student Placement A great deal of time, effort and thought has gone into the process of student placement for the 2020 school year.
Careful consideration was given to input from staff and families as well as student learning styles. Classrooms have been balanced academically and socially. Our class lists are structured to provide equitable class sizes at each grade level. Moving students is difficult without causing imbalances and inequities.
Thank you so much for being positive with your child and helping her understand that it is impossible to place all students with a preferred best friend or teacher. ALL of our staff work hard to make school a positive experience for ALL students. Beverly Hills Girls High School is eagerly looking forward to enriching your child’s life. Thank you for understanding that it can take a few weeks for a child to acclimate to a new grade, peer group and teacher.
Teaching and Learning
Our targets for 2020 include literacy and numeracy, formative assessment and the implementation of positive behaviour for learning. The school has introduced the Renaissance Accelerated Reading program to our Stage 4 curriculum and a learning and response matrix ALARM to our Stage 5 and 6 cohort to combat Literacy. Programs for numeracy include ‘Smarter Maths’ and ‘Maths Online for our Stage 4 and 5 students. Our teachers are currently being developed in administrating Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to increase their knowledge and understanding of formative assessment. Positive Behaviour for Learning is in the implementation stage for 2020.
Thank you to all who are helping prepare for the new school year. Your commitment to insuring that Beverly Hills Girls High School continues to be a celebrated and successful school is awe-inspiring. I eagerly look forward to greeting students and families again. It remains an honor and privilege to serve as your principal. Please stop by and say hello. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all our girls.
Please join us for our next P&C on Wednesday 11th March at 6.00pm. We would love to meet you!
Maria Iemma