It’s been really fantastic to see such excitement around the return to school and we want to keep it that way. A crucial part of that is getting as many students vaccinated as possible.
Alongside ventilation and other vital COVIDSafe steps such as regular rapid antigen testing, supporting as many students as possible to be vaccinated will help make our school as safe as possible.
Bookings for children aged 5 to 11 to receive the paediatric Pfizer vaccine are open and we encourage parents and carers to get your child vaccinated, if you haven’t already done so.
The Pfizer vaccine is safe and recommended for children. The vaccine will help protect your child from getting sick from COVID-19, help to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and help ensure kids can have more time at school and playing with their friends.
Vaccinations for children aged 5-11 years old are delivered at 2 appointments, 8 weeks apart. Children with specific medical vulnerabilities can access their second dose 3 weeks after their first dose.
If you’d like more information about this, you can read a recent statement from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI):
To book an appointment
You can book at your local GP or pharmacy:
You can also book at a family-friendly vaccination centre by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.
You can also make vaccination centre bookings for your children online, though you will need to use an email address that has not been used in the system before:
Helping children to get their vaccination
Vaccination centres understand that children may feel anxious about vaccination or have other support needs. A range of options are available to help children get vaccinated. Please discuss your child’s needs with the vaccination centre when you book an appointment.
Appointments are also available at Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations.
👉 Find out more about vaccination for kids: