Nhill College Newsletter

February 11th 2022 - Number 2

School Council

Principal: Mark Zimmermann

President: Tarrah Dodds   Vice President:  Karen Shurdington

Parent Reps: Megan Bone, Josh Cramer, Simon Dufty, Simon Farmers,  Carlee Kennedy,  Sarah White

Student Reps: Xavier Bone, Brock Stephens

DET Reps: Vivienne Bonnell, Alannah King, Kim Magrath, Lauren McCartney

Nhill College is a Child Safe School

Our School Values:

Respect    Honesty    Teamwork    Confidence    Excellence    Endeavour

Nhill College would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Wimmera Mallee area: the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk people, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is designed to bring together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures by helping to foster an environment that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children.  As part of the SWPBS program, a rewards system has been developed to encourage students to always:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner

From The Principal: Mark Zimmermann

A Great Start...

What a great start to the year it has been!  All students seem to have settled into the year really well, and there is an extremely positive energy throughout the school.  Students are actively engaged in their learning programs and genuinely seem to be enjoying some continuity in the classroom following the tumultuous end to last year.  

Daily notifications (when required) have been sent home to parents of students in classes where a student or staff member has returned a positive RAT result.  Fortunately this has not had to occur every day and the number of cases so far has been minimal. 

The availability of RAT kits will hopefully allow us to continue to minimise transmission, and I would like to thank those families who have notified the school and isolated when a positive result has been recorded.

There are some items that follow in this newsletter outlining the cautious and flexible approach the school will be taking in regard to any events scheduled for the next few weeks.  While we are extremely hopeful that we will be able to continue with all events as planned, we must be prepared to adapt at short notice in response to any changes in the COVID landscape. 

For the benefit of all families, I have repeated the summary of the current conditions from last week's newsletter below:  

  • Stay home if unwell.

  • Students in Year 3 and above must wear a face mask indoors at school unless an exemption applies.

  • Students in Years F-2 are strongly recommended to wear a mask indoors at school.

  • Students must wear face masks even if vaccinated.

  • Students are not required to wear a face mask outside.

  • Everyone over 8 years old must wear a face mask when travelling to and from school on the bus or public transport.

  • Free Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits have been made available for all students for the first 4 weeks of Term 1.

  • Rapid antigen testing is voluntary.

  • Nhill College recommends that staff and students use the RAT kits twice each week - on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school - for the first 4 weeks of Term 1.

  • Only positive RAT results need to be reported.

  • If a positive RAT result is returned, please contact the school and the Department of Health (1800 675 398), and isolate for 7 days.

  • If a student is a household contact (more than 4 hours with someone who has COVID-19 at home) they must inform the school and isolate for 7 days.

  • The use of the Service Victoria QR code system for electronic record-keeping is mandatory in all schools.  All parents and visitors to the school who enter school buildings must check in using the QR code system.  Students are not required to check in using the QR code system.

  • All visitors entering school buildings must be fully vaccinated.

  • Parents are asked to maintain 1.5m distance  between themselves and other adults at drop off and pick up times.

    As part of the back to school plan, principals must notify staff and the school community when a student or staff member has (or multiple students or staff members) have returned a positive COVID-19 test result and had attended the school.  The notification will be sent to the year levels associated with that case without revealing the identity of the individual(s).  The purpose of this notification is to raise awareness that a case has been reported to the relevant cohort and recommend that families watch for the onset of symptoms and use the Rapid Antigen Test kits should any symptoms be detected.  

    Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions relating to the current COVID-19 conditions or the start of the year.

School Council Elections

Earlier this week a notice of school council elections was posted to parents, students and staff via Compass.  This year we have four parent, two student and two staff vacancies that need to be filled.  School council usually meet on the second Tuesday of each month, and it is a great way to get involved in your child's education and gain a better understanding of the operations of the school.  The last meeting of the current school council was held on Tuesday night, and I would like to thank the outgoing members - Megan Bone, Simon Dufty, Karen Shurdington, Sarah White, Xavier Bone, Brock Stephens, Lauren McCartney and Kim Magrath - for their contributions over the past two years.

Nomination and self-nomination forms were attached to the Compass message that was sent home earlier in the week, and they can also be collected and submitted at the office.

The closing date for nominations is 3.30pm on Monday 14th February.  Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or would like further information on any aspect of school council.

Nhill College Breakfast Club

Nhill College is excited to once again be offering Breakfast Club to all students and provide a healthy start to the school day. Breakfast Club will provide a warm and welcoming space for students when they arrive at school.

A variety of healthy, Victorian grown or manufactured breakfast foods will be offered. These include cereal, milk, fruit cups, fresh apples, Vegemite and honey.  Food is provided by Foodbank Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Government. Foodbank supports programs that give students the opportunity to eat a wholesome, nutritious breakfast on a regular basis. Having breakfast has been shown to have a positive impact on factors such as physical and mental health, social skills, concentration, behaviour, attendance and academic outcomes.

When a child is hungry this creates a barrier to learning, Breakfast Club helps remove this barrier as well as creating a safe and social environment for students too. Positive relationships will be encouraged between peers, staff and volunteers. Breakfast Club also provides informal learning around nutrition, table manners and other life skills. Student leadership roles can also be fostered through roles at Breakfast Club.

Breakfast Club will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, commencing Monday 14th February 2022.  All Nhill College students are invited to meet at the BBQ area behind the staffroom to eat breakfast and / or socialise together.  Breakfast will be offered from 8.30am until the commencement of school, free of charge.

Years 3-12 House Swimming Sports

Our Year 3-12 House Swimming Sports are scheduled to take place next Friday - February 18.  At this stage we are planning to proceed with this event and hope that all students - and parents - get the opportunity to experience a fantastic day.  

However, as with all activities in these times of COVID-19, we will need to keep a close watch on the number of local cases and ask that families understand that we may have to change our plans at the last minute.  This may involve a change of date, cancellation or a restriction placed upon the number of parent visitors we are able to accommodate on the day.

Any announcements related to a change in our original plans will be communicated via Compass. 

More RAT Kits - available for collection

The second batch of RAT kits has now arrived in school and they are now available for collection.  It is recommended that all students and staff use the kits at home each Tuesday and Thursday morning before school. 

Parents were notified of the availability of the second batch of kits on Thursday afternoon via Compass.  Secondary students were sent home with their second kit today.  Primary parents are asked to collect the kits for their children from the office to ensure that they get home safely.  

Year 7 Camp - Change of Date

Notice was sent home this week to confirm that we have pushed the dates of the Year 7 Camp back to February 28 - March 2.   We apologise for any inconvenience this change of date may have caused.  If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact Mark Zimmermann or Alannah King at the school.

Road Safety

A reminder to all students to remain alert and follow road rules on the way to and from school each day.  With the number of large vehicles using Whitehead Avenue and the heavy parent traffic at drop off and pick up times, it is important for students to use footpaths at all times and cross the road with care at the designated locations.  It is especially important that students give way to buses - even when inside the school grounds before school in the mornings.


Year 7 Food Tech Fruit Sculptures

COVID-19 third dose vaccinations for 16 to 17 year olds

COVID-19 third-dose vaccinations are now available to 16-17 year olds who had their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine three or more months ago.

Supporting as many eligible students as we can to be vaccinated will help make our school as safe as possible.

Getting vaccinated is one of the most important steps we can all take to get direct protection against COVID-19.  

How to book an appointment

There are many convenient and accessible options to access vaccinations.  These include state-wide vaccination clinics, your local GP or pharmacy. 

You can book your appointment in a few different ways, including:

COVID-19 vaccinations for 5 to 11 year olds

It’s been really fantastic to see such excitement around the return to school and we want to keep it that way. A crucial part of that is getting as many students vaccinated as possible.

Alongside ventilation and other vital COVIDSafe steps such as regular rapid antigen testing, supporting as many students as possible to be vaccinated will help make our school as safe as possible.

Bookings for children aged 5 to 11 to receive the paediatric Pfizer vaccine are open and we encourage parents and carers to get your child vaccinated, if you haven’t already done so.

The Pfizer vaccine is safe and recommended for children. The vaccine will help protect your child from getting sick from COVID-19, help to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and help ensure kids can have more time at school and playing with their friends.

Vaccinations for children aged 5-11 years old are delivered at 2 appointments, 8 weeks apart. Children with specific medical vulnerabilities can access their second dose 3 weeks after their first dose.

If you’d like more information about this, you can read a recent statement from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI): https://www.health.gov.au/news/atagi-update-following-weekly-covid-19-meeting-19-january-2022 

To book an appointment

You can book at your local GP or pharmacy: https://covid-vaccine.healthdirect.gov.au/booking

You can also book at a family-friendly vaccination centre by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.

You can also make vaccination centre bookings for your children online, though you will need to use an email address that has not been used in the system before: https://portal.cvms.vic.gov.au/

Helping children to get their vaccination

Vaccination centres understand that children may feel anxious about vaccination or have other support needs. A range of options are available to help children get vaccinated. Please discuss your child’s needs with the vaccination centre when you book an appointment.

Appointments are also available at Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations.

👉 Find out more about vaccination for kids: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/vaccination-information-children-and-teenagers


New COVID-19 Testing Clinic in Nhill

School Attendance: Every Day Counts

Research shows that the academic and social development of students is affected each day they are absent, and that going to school every day is the single most important part of your child's education.  Following the potential disruptions to the social and academic progress of students caused due to COVID-19 over the past two years, it is more important than ever for children to be at school. 

If your child is unwell or absolutely cannot attend school for some reason, it is important to let the school know of their absence and the reason why prior to the day if planned or at the start of the day if the absence is not planned.  The easiest way to do this is via Compass.  Alternatively, you can contact the office at school on 5391 2111.

If your child is absent and we have not been notified, you will receive a text message asking you to contact the school with an explanation.  If we do not receive a reply to our text message, we will be following up with a phone call.

Playgroup Is Back

Nhill College is very excited to once again be offering Nhill Community Playgroup. Suz Menzel will be running the sessions and she is looking forward to creating an environment that will allow pre-school aged children to socialise and learn through play, craft, stories and songs. Playgroup will be held in the Nhill Early Years Centre and will run from 9am until 11am each Friday of the school term. Those interested are asked to bring along a gold coin and a piece of fruit for each child attending. It is also recommended that all families take up the free membership that is being offered through Playgroup Victoria. Due to COVID-19 restrictions it is preferred that parents contact the college to register their intended attendance on 53912111.

The first playgroup session will be on Friday the 25th of February. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Coming Events

  • Year 3-12 House Swimming Sports:  Friday 18th February
  • Year 7 Camp:  February 28 - March 2 **CHANGE OF DATE**
  • Little Desert Swim:  Tuesday 1st March
  • Year 8 Mt Arapiles Visit:  Friday 4th March
  • Resilience Project - Parent Webinar:  Wednesday 9th March

From The Assistant Principal: Kim Magrath

Bus Captains

Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in becoming the Bus Captain for their allocated bus. Bus Captains help our school bus drivers to maintain safe travel to and from school for all our bus travellers. This is a great leadership role within our school. Well done to everyone.

DEPTA - Kendra and Joshua

LORQUON - Amelia, Lucas and Cory

NETHERBY - Bailee, Liam and Jack

PROPODOLLAH - Lexi and Thomas

WINIAM - Mia, Mikala and Heath

YANAC - Charlotte, Grant and Rourkey

VET - Rhiannon

Hindmarsh Youth Council 2022

Hindmarsh Shire have officially appointed Alexis to Youth Council for 2022.  This is a major honour and we are really proud of this leadership opportunity for Alexis. Nhill College looks forward to supporting Alexis in this role and we can't wait to hear about the amazing projects she will be involved in with her fellow youth members, peers and within the community. Well done Alexis.

Library News - Book Club #1

It’s the first Book Club for 2022! The book club magazine has been sent home with students and can also be accessed online via the following link.


Orders are due by Wed 16th February. Please return order forms to the Classroom Teacher. Or Order online through LOOP.


For Parents new to Scholastic, check out the online parent’s guide.


Great reading everyone and thank you for your support. From the Nhill College Library Staff.

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.  Please download the attached flyer for more information

CSEF Flyer - Karen Language Version

A Karen language version of the Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund flyer is available via this link.


Students are reminded of the requirement for them to wear a broad brimmed hat whenever they are in the yard during recess and lunch times.  Hopefully everyone was able to locate or update their hats over the recent holidays and that they have remembered to put them in their bag to bring to school.  Very affordable options are available in the Uniform Store if required.  In addition, extra shade has been secured in the yard following the installation of the large shade sails over the school BBQ area.  

Additionally, Nhill College parents are now able to use the school's new website to find out when it is predicted that UV index levels will reach 3 or more, which generally occurs between mid-August and April.  The Sunsmart App tells parents the maximum UV index levels predicted for the day as well as the hours when sunscreen measures are recommended.  This link has been attached to the front page of our website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), so please visit often, keep your children safe, and check out some of the other great things featured on the website while you're there!

BHS COVID Vaccine Postcard Information


Bus Notes

With the recent updates to our school website, parents are now able to submit Bus Notes in two ways:

  • via Compass under the Star (School Favourites) icon - Bus Notes
  • via the Nhill College website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), under Parent Info - Bus Notes

Both options will direct parents to an online template that will inform the school of any changes to regular bus travel arrangements.  Please ensure that any Bus requests are submitted before 3.00pm.

Updated: 2022 BYOD News: Edunet Specifications Sheet for Parents

The College now has updated BYOD information for 2022. We have new and updated models for our BYOD program through Edunet.  Please open the attachment below for details about the devices.  Mr Shrive is happy to take questions from parents or students if they are looking at purchasing a BYOD.

The online ordering portal is accessible via http://nhillcollege.technologyportal.com.au  The Access Code you will need to access the portal is NC2022

A video explaining the benefits of using Edunet can also be found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjEs_iA58    


School Attendance

Update your child's Action Plan in 2022

It is a Department of Education requirement that each enrolled student who has an action plan updates this each year.  Please see below the forms required, those students who currently have an action plan in place will be sent out a form to be completed by your Doctor or specialist.  If your child has recently been diagnosed with an Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Allergy or new medical condition please advise the general office.

Anaphylaxis Action Plan

Asthma Action Plan


Welcome to Facebook

Last year we successfully trialled a Nhill College Facebook page to help us promote school events and activities with the wider community.  We will continue to use Compass, our web page and the weekly newsletter to keep families associated with the school up to date with all of the events and activities that occur in and around the school each week.  However, our Facebook page has allowed us to broaden exposure to the school and reach a number of people who may not have otherwise had access to our formal communication channels.  Our Facebook page will continue to be purely for promotion, publicity and to inform everyone of the upcoming events and happenings within the College.  All notes, questions, concerns or communication to staff regarding students still need to be directed to the College via Compass or on (03) 5391 2111.  To find our Facebook page, simply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/nhillcollege/ or type Nhill College in the search function on Facebook. (Please be aware there is also an unofficial Nhill College facebook page that does not show the Nhill College logo).

Please like/follow the page and then you will be kept up-to-date with all of our posts.  

Canteen Menu Term 1 2022


Access to Nhill College Newsletter

If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the school newsletter.  However, some families have asked how grandparents or community members can stay in touch with the school when they don't have access to Compass.  The answer is that anyone can access the school's newsletter through the College website: www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au.  Please advise any family, friends or interested members of the wider community, that the newsletter is the main source of information from the school and that it is available to anyone who would like to read it.  Spread the word!

Compass Parent Fact Sheet and FAQs
