Weir State School Newsletter

Term 4 Week 8

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Principal's Pen

WELCOME TO THIS EDITION - Seven weeks are now behind us and we are getting to the ‘business end’ of the term. I have noticed a gradual change in students over the term with regard to their attitude and behaviour. The kids have well and truly lived up to our high behaviour and learning expectations over the term and this has shown with great reading data and a clear shift in behaviours. I would like to thank staff, parents and students for your support and the superb achievements made. It shows the community working together can achieve GREAT things. Fantastic work Weir State School!!

COOL CLEANERS  - Day in day out there are a group of hardworking people that must be thanked – our CLEANERS. We are very lucky to have a great ‘crew’ of cleaners that keep our school and classrooms looking great. No matter when school is open our rooms, staff room, floors and toilets are always spot on. Our cleaners keep our school looking wonderful. If you see them out and about please let them know that they’re doing a super job.

LUNCHES - What kids bring to school to eat for lunches is of HIGH importance. We are all time poor however it takes the same time to put an apple or banana in a lunchbox as it does a packet of chips or a sugary snack. The perfect lunch is sandwich, yoghurt, fruit, nuts or salad. Please also remind your children if they have forgotten their lunch they are to get a sandwich from the office and not to take or ask for other student’s food.

BREAKFAST CLUB  - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and unfortunately 1 in every 4 students have little or no ‘brekky’ before coming to school. We have a breakfast club that is run every morning by our wonderful staff so please remind your children that if they have missed their morning meal to visit ‘breakfast club’ which operates each day from 8am.

SUPER SWIMMERS - Congratulations to all of our students who represented Weir State School last week in the interschool swim carnival. Our students competed diligently and showed a strong sense of school values as they competed in their various events. Congratulations to all of our great kids and a HUGE thanks to Mrs Hartshorn, Mrs Francis and Ms Poletti for all of your great training and organisation in getting our swim team ready ……..Well done Weir State School!

END OF SEMESTER REPORT CARDS - All of our teachers are working tirelessly on report cards, busily assessing and spending long hours writing report cards. Please remember that a ‘C’ on a report card means the student is working and achieving at the required year level expectation. Report cards will be distributed the final week of this term and will complete student reporting for the 2020 school year.  Please contact administration if you have any questions regarding the reporting process.

MATHEMATICS IN OUR LIVES - Mathematics is important in daily living; almost every one of us uses some form of mathematics each day. We repeatedly count, measure, carry out simple calculations and estimate. We use spatial awareness and measurement skills to read maps or to find our way around in new locations. In order to understand weather forecasts, news reports, opinion polls and bank statements we use our knowledge of chance, data and statistics. This knowledge is also applied when we make decisions about loan repayments, superannuation, insurance and buying the weekly Lotto ticket.

Our homes are the site of many mathematical decisions and activities that occur regularly. Buying and cooking food, rearranging furniture, building sheds, sewing or knitting garments, paving, administering medications; the list is endless!

Families can take an active role in their children’s mathematical development by:

·       Encouraging them to talk about what they are learning in mathematics at school.

·       Listening carefully and asking questions when children are explaining their mathematical understandings.

·       Reassuring and encouraging their children when they face difficulties.

·       Taking opportunities to practise real-life mathematics learning in the home.

·       Engaging children in discussions about the useful aspects of mathematics in the home and at work.

·       Talking to teachers about their child’s progress in mathematics.

Many jobs require mathematics, but the kind of mathematics people needed fifty years ago is now inadequate. The rapidly changing nature of our jobs and their mathematical needs mean that our mathematical learning does not end with formal schooling. We all need to continue learning for life.

Remember that there are many languages spoken throughout the world but MATH is truly the only ‘universal’ language. (Dr Stephen Hawking, 1995)

This week’s proverb –  “ BETTER TO LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE   ”

Thanks for reading and  “GO THE FIRE !”

Mr B  -   Principal

From the Deputies Desk

Prep Interviews… Our very excited 2021 Prep Teachers are looking forward to meeting with our future Prep parents, and completing the enrolment process in readiness for the beginning of their child’s first year of school. Our Prep numbers are looking very healthy for next year, which is exciting to see. 

Is your child ready for Prep in 2021, but you haven’t enquired about enrolling yet? It’s not too late. Contact the school and arrange an interview today.

We can’t wait to welcome our new Preppies to Weir in 2021!

Great Gotchas… As our year draws to an end, it is important to celebrate our successes. This year we have continued to support Positive Behaviour with our Gotchas. We align them heavily to the PBL Rule of the Week and as a school, make a conscious effort to target positive behaviour … and what an outstanding effort our teachers, and the students who have received Gotchas, have done. This year to date, over 4500 Gotchas have been handed out to students demonstrating positive behaviour. It is important to note, that every Gotcha handed out, also comes with a positive conversation that informs the student of the positive behaviour being recognised. So, that’s over 4500 positive conversations that have taken place in our school. Add in the 750 positive conversations and moments that students have experienced, being part of our Gotcha Room, and there’s a lot to be proud of in regards to Weir’s recognition of positive behaviour. Well done Weir!

Rule of the Week… As the end of the year starts to draw near, routines and structures within the classroom, and the school in general, can change. This being the case there are always many instructions to be given… and to be followed. That’s why our rule of the week this week has been…



‘Listen and follow all staff instructions…’


Sometimes students can find changes in routine and structure difficult. The key message that is being delivered to students this week is to simply listen and follow the instructions given, so that any new activities or events that present themselves can be completed and enjoyed as much as possible. If students can focus on meeting this expectation, it sets us all up nicely for a positive end to the year.


Effective Discipline… Discipline means to teach. Effective discipline helps children learn how to get on with others so they can become socially integrated, personally fulfilled members of our community.  Discipline involves teaching children sound reasons for acceptable behaviour so they learn to respect another’s rights, while maintaining their self-respect, self-worth and happiness. Discipline therefore is not about punishment. It comes through love, attention, reward and encouragement. Effective discipline helps a child learn self-control, how to deal with BIG feelings, to express emotions appropriately and to learn to take responsibility for emotions.

Many parents recognise that strategies used when we were young are no longer appropriate. We need to learn different skills which reflect the needs of our children and the society they are growing into. Research has provided us with a greater understanding of effective parenting practices, and legislation now supports families finding non-punitive ways of guiding a child’s behaviour. One large study revealed that the more parents spanked their children for antisocial behaviour, the more the antisocial behaviour increased. The more children are hit, the more they are likely to hit others, including peers, siblings, and as adults, they are more likely to hit their spouses.

The effectiveness of discipline comes through a child experiencing copious quantities of love. Children need to know they are an absolutely necessary part of their family, no matter what. From this basis, parents can guide their child through setting limits and carry out consequences, while ensuring their child’s sense of self is intact.


Mr Coey’s Joke of the Week…

Q: What was the snowman doing rummaging through a bag of carrots?

A: He was picking his nose!

Students Not Returning - 2021

Just a reminder that if your child/children are not returning to Weir next year, please contact the front office so the necessary Student Exit paperwork can be prepared and processed.

SWD News

We have our wonderful year 6 students who are transitioning off to high school in 2021.  If you haven't already decided which high school your child will be attending next year, now is the time as our transition programs will be put into place over the coming weeks. Some of our students will need to have several supported visits to their future school.

2021 Prep enrolments: Maryann Marshall (A/HoSES) will be supporting families during the prep enrolments for next year.  If you have a child/ know a family with a child who has a disability and will be enrolling in Prep at Weir SS in 2021 please let the office know OR write it on your enrolment form.  This way you can find out how our school will work to support your child as they begin their schooling journey.

Looking forward to a great term and wrapping up this very different year!

Yours in learning the SWD Team.

Student of the Week

P-AS: JalayaP-LC: SiennaP-RC: NayteP-SC: Kassian
P/1-EM: Vitale1-BD: Mackenzie1-EP: Hailie1-GF: Dylan
2-AT: Kaylee2-BW: Tamasha2-CH: Serenity2-SL: Hannah
3-JR: Aliyah3-KR: Harper3-MJ: Aumatangi3-RG: Taio3-TM: Adam
4-CB: Hayden4-RP: Sumna4-RW: Kayden4-SB: Philomenia
5-JE: Fred5-LJ: Alaahni5-MM: Jessica5-MT: Richard
6-KH: Sephelma6-LB: Jachri6-PW: Olivette6-RA: Courtney



P-SC: Beckham


3-TM: Jacob

The Arts


P-RC: Teana


6-LB: Jean-Pierre

Instrumental Music


3-JR: Jagmeet

Brass, Woodwind, Percussion

6-PW: Chloe

Whole School Awards


Main Core Subjects: English and Maths

Sub Core Subjects – HASS and Science




Academic Excellence GOLD

  • Student must achieve 3 A’s.
  • Both main core subjects (English/Maths)
  • At least one of the sub core subjects (HASS/Science 
  • No less than a B in the other sub core subject.

Certificate/Gold Medal

Academic Excellence SILVER

  • Students must receive 2 A’s
  • At least one or both of the main core subjects (English/Maths) 
  • One of the sub core subjects (if not both of the main core subjects)
  • No less than a B in all other core subjects

Certificate/Silver Medal

Academic Excellence BRONZE

  • Students must receive 1 A
  • An A in one of the main core subjects (English/Maths)
  • No less than a B in all other core subjects

Certificate/Bronze Medal

Gleeson Family Leadership Award

This award is awarded by the student council chair teacher.  This award recognises a student who has:

  • Contributed widely to the school community.
  • Developed positive relationships with students and staff
  • Contributed to school fundraising events
  • Attended all student council meetings

Perpetual trophy


Jessica Namok Memorial Trophy – Sportsperson of the Year

This award is presented to the student who has performed at the highest level in the sporting arena.  This award is decided by the school’s sports teacher and the awards committee.

Perpetual trophy


Lote Award

This award is awarded to the student who has demonstrated skill and commitment at the highest level in LOTE lessons.  This award will be decided by the LOTE teacher.


Arts Award

This award is awarded to the student who has demonstrated skill and commitment at the highest level in music/dance/drama lessons.  This award will be decided by the Arts teachers.


Instrumental Strings Award

This award is awarded to the student who has demonstrated skill and commitment at the highest level in Strings lessons and performances.  This award will be decided by the Strings teacher.


Instrumental Woodwind/Brass/Percussion Award

This award is awarded to the student who has demonstrated skill and commitment at the highest level in woodwind/brass/percussion lessons and performances.  This award will be decided by the woodwind/brass/percussion teacher.


Year 6 Graduation Awards




Weir Strong – Dux Award

Strong thinking and learning

This award is given to the highest performing Year 6 student in the 4 core subjects (English, Maths, Science and HASS).  This award is decided by the Year 6 teachers and the awards committee.

Perpetual trophy


Weir Smart Award

Smart choices honouring school values


This award is given to the student who has shown exceptional behaviour and decision making during their time at Weir.  This student is nominated by the Year 6 teachers and decided by the awards committee.

Perpetual trophy


Weir Connected Award

Connected through culture

This award is given to the student who has made strong connections within the school and in the community as a student at Weir State School.  This student is nominated by the Year 6 teachers and decided by the awards committee.

Perpetual trophy


Community Partners

 Many thanks to our Community Partners - The NRL Cowboys House, Cowboys Community Foundation and Coles – Second Bite Program for the generous amount of bread they have provided to give away to our parents.

We are truly grateful to have such Community Partners to help us support our students and families.  How awesome!

Townsville Sunbus

  • Reminder – Students going from Year 6 to Year 7 in 2021 must re-apply for a bus pass as they will be removed from the Sunbus and Department of Transport and Main Roads databases at the end of 2020.

 Application can be returned as follows:

  • Sunbus PO Box 546 Aitkenvale 4814
  • Handed to school bus driver
  • Scanned or photographed (pages 1-3 only and concession card if applicable) and emailed:

  • Is your Student entitled to FREE or subsidised bus travel to and from School?

Did you know that you can apply online for the School Transport Assistance Scheme?

For more information:

Recycling at Weir

The benefits of recycling are supported at school in the following manner: 

TONER CARTRIDGES are recycled through Planet Ark.

Printer cartridges are made up of a combination of plastics, metals, foam, ink and toner.  Throwing them into landfill contributes to the growing problem of electronic waste. By recycling your toner cartridges you are helping to reduce this waste. Please place them in the Planet Ark box next to the purple Battery World bin, downstairs Block 7.

Bring your BATTERIES into school so that we can dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner.  Car batteries must be delivered to Battery World on Ingham Road. The purple Battery World recycling bin is placed downstairs of Block 7.

Spare SHOPPING BAGS are welcome at the Library so that our library books are always protected.

What is Saver Plus?

Saver Plus is a 10 month financial education and matched savings program that assists people to improve their financial education and develop a savings habit for their own or their children’s education costs.

As part of the program, participants receive:

·   one dollar in matched savings for every one dollar they save, up to $500, funded by ANZ;

·   free MoneyMinded financial education; and

·   personal support and guidance from a trusted community organisation.

At the end of the program participants use their matched savings to purchase an education-related goal, which can include school uniforms, textbooks, excursions and other school or sporting costs.

Benefits of Saver Plus

By joining the program participants will:

·   be motivated to save by receiving a financial reward for their saving efforts, up to $500;

·   strengthen their financial skills;

·   improve their ability to save in the long-term; and

·   increase their financial confidence.

How it works


·   work with their Saver Plus Coordinator to identify an educational expense for which they intend to save;

·   open an account with their local ANZ branch and begin making deposits;

·   attend MoneyMinded workshops to improve their financial management skills;

·   continue to make regular deposits into their ANZ Progress Saver account over a 10 month period.

Once participants reach their savings goal, participants savings are matched dollar for dollar, up to $500 by ANZ.

To be eligible, participants must meet all of the following criteria:

·       have a current Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card;

·       be at least 18 years old;

·       have some regular income from work (themselves or their partner) including casual, part-time, full-time or seasonal employment;

·       be in receipt of an eligible Commonwealth social security benefit, allowance or payment

·       be a parent or guardian of a child at school OR be attending or returning to vocational education themselves.

How to apply

For more information contact your local Saver Plus Coordinator Debbie Mitchell on 0418 201 533 or email enquire online at, call 1300 610 355 or email

Saver Plus is an initiative of Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with The Smith Family, Berry Street and other local community agencies. The Program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to for more information.

Learning for Life

Learning for Life - Referral Form


Museum of Tropical Queensland


Museum of Tropical Queensland at Home

Museum of Tropical Queensland will remain closed until early 2021 as we undergo major internal works to repair the sail roof over the Great Gallery and exhibition spaces.

During this time we will continue to expand as a virtual museum offering schools, teachers and students the opportunity to engage, learn and connect with us online.


View videos by our curators and scientists, download learning resources, and explore our online collection with more than 788,000 objects with Museum at Home.


Queensland Museum Network Learning Resources

 Create a collection of resources to share with your students through Queensland Museum’s online learning platform. You can search resources according to subject and curriculum areas to access learning resources, images, collection items, and videos of our scientists and curators. 

Many learning resources are interactive, so students can also save and share their answers for feedback.


Explore our collections online

Teachers and students can discover a rich diversity of cultural objects from significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections, material from the Pacific Islands and important social history, archaeology and technology in our online collections.

Explore cultural objects distinctive to our region including the Aboriginal Collection from the Wet Tropics region. This collection includes baskets, boomerangs, shields and other handmade artefacts that are unique to the rainforest peoples of North Queensland.


FREE STEM Learning Activities

Recommended for Year 5 -9

Evidence of past volcanoes can be seen all over the world, including Australia. In this resource 'Explore Volcanoes', students model two different volcanoes and explore how and why volcanoes affect the Earth’s surface, the environment and human populations.

Explore this and our 'Earth Shattering Science' range of teacher resources and student activities available online.


Encourage Couriosity

Students can submit their own questions for answers or read existing mysteries that have been solved by our team of experts.


Engaging Stories

Contributed to by museum researchers from a variety of scientific fields, the Queensland Museum blog is an ideal information resource.