St Agnes Catholic High Rooty Hill Newsletter

June Newsletter - Term 2, Week 8 2020

From the Principal

Thank you for your support over these past weeks. With so much uncertainty during the pandemic, it was encouraging to be so well supported by our parent community. The students have  quickly settled back in and it has been a pleasure to see the grounds filled with laughter and the classrooms buzzing with the sound of learning.  Over these past weeks teachers have worked closely with students to consolidate remote learning and where necessary, extra support has been provided for numeracy. 

Throughout the height of the pandemic, our capacity to be agile and flexible was a critical skill. As educators we reviewed and refined are programs and modes of delivery. This week we continue to capture the student learning experiences while they were working remotely. Many students identify increased levels of autonomy and personal responsibility during this time. We will continue to embed strategies that worked well for students during that time into our programs. 

The true strength of the St Agnes community shone through during this term. We have rallied as a community to ensure that as our world faced unprecedented times, that as best as possible, our students were able to continue learning and maintain some normality in very trying times. I am incredibly proud of each student and member of staff for the role they played during this period. 

Our Year 12 students were foremost in our minds and we endeavoured to maintain as much of their planned year as possible. Reports and student led conferences still took place and it is wonderful to see the progress of major works. We are relieved to be back face-to-face and the resilience of Year 12 has been outstanding. We offer them our full support but we must also realise that as young adults, they have an increased level of responsibility. I am confident that the forthcoming study sessions organised for them through the July holidays, which are generously supported by their teachers,  will add to their confidence and courage as they approach their final term of schooling.

Year 7 2021: Places for Year 7 next year are filling fast. If you know someone who is planning on enrolling for next year and they are yet to do so, please encourage them to contact the school now. 

Lisa-Maree Browning, 



2 July                                                                                   Year 7 - 10 Student Led Conferences 3:30 - 7pm (via Zoom)
3 July Year 7 - 10 Student Led Conferences 8am - 1pm (via Zoom)   NO CLASSES 7 - 12
3 July Stage 6 Study Day  NO CLASSES
6 JulySchool Holidays Commence
13 JulyYear 12 Trial HSC Revision Week
17 AugustTrial HSC Exams
18 AugustYear 10 Vaccinations
9 SeptemberYear 11 Exams
22 SeptemberYear 12 Graduation Mass - Farewell 
23 SeptemberYear 12 Graduation 5:30pm for 6:30pm start
25 SeptemberTerm 3 Concludes

From the Assistant Principal

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at students use of devices at recess and lunch. Due to the fact that students are not able to play ball games or use the basketball courts, it has been decided that some device use will be permitted on the playground. 

 1) Students will be allowed to use iPads at recess and lunch to listen to music and access reasonable games, Youtube videos etc. These must be visible to the duty teacher who can request to see what the students are doing. If the student refuses this request the device will be surrendered, to be picked up from the front office by a parent.

2) Students can wear ear buds, phones, pods at recess and lunch to listen to music. No big headphones are allowed.

 It is important that students recognise that there is no phone use tolerated in any class and that there should be no inappropriate use on the playground.

 We will review this in Week 9.

 St Agnes is proudly a uniform school and students are expected to be neat and well-groomed at all times.

Correct school uniform is to be worn while travelling to and from the school, while at school, and at any formal occasion designated by the Principal. Sports uniform is able to be worn to school if students have Sport, practical PDHPE or PASS. No other coats, blazers, jumpers, tops, jerseys trousers, shorts, tracksuits, hats or socks are to be worn.

If for any reason the correct uniform cannot be worn the student is to provide a note explaining the circumstance to their homeroom teacher. A full list of correct uniforms can be found in the Student Planner.

Hairstyles are required to be neat and clean and off the face and ears. Girls must have hair tied back if over shoulder length. Boys may not have hair shaved shorter than a “number 2”. Haircuts must be even or not overly graded in cut, and of one natural colour.

Mr K Wollfe

Assistant Principal

From the Head of Mission

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a day where Jesus’ physical heart is given to all of humanity as a sign of his sacrificial love for each and every one of us. As we have all experienced varying degrees of uncertainty during the past few months, today reminds us that Jesus’ love is the only constant, unwavering, never-changing gift each and every day.

This morning the whole school prayed together in a liturgy via zoom and a student representative from each homeroom led a few reflective activities on the 12 promises that Jesus’ told St. Margaret Mary when he appeared to her in 1675, to all who shared His love to others. Let us take a moment to read the 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart and pray that we are open to accepting the challenge of loving others as Jesus loves us:

  1. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.
  2. I will establish peace in their homes.
  3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions.
  4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.
  5. I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
  6. Sinners will find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
  7. Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.
  8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
  9. I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.
  10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
  11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart.
  12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion.

During the past few months, St Agnes has done our best to continue bringing our church life into our school space despite the restrictions. Here are a few projects and initiatives I’d like to highlight this term:

Knit for Squares

Over the past few months, St Agnes staff, family and friends have generously donated 20 x 20 knitted squares and made them into blankets. The results were beautifully handcrafted, colourful and sparked the joy of countless hours put into these blankets that really showcased the talent of all involved. A very special thank you to Mrs Jenet Chapman for the driving force behind this initiative as she delivered these blankets to Wash House, a women's refuge in Mt Druitt and we’re received with open hearts and gratitude to the St Agnes community.

Praying the Rosary during the Month of May

During our remote learning time, there was also an opportunity for all students to participate in praying the Rosary on Zoom for the month of May. As we've just celebrated Easter during the school holidays, we acknowledge our Mother Mary as the greatest example of what it means to live out the Easter message - how to be a disciple, someone who knew exactly what Jesus went through and invites us to meditate and reflect on his life. The beauty about praying the rosary is sometimes we may not always pray every word we say, but it is all about the intention of saying the rosary where the blessings and the graces of God come from. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the students who led and logged on to join in the rosary as I speak on behalf of staff when I say it was a very humbling experience and the connection through prayer was something strongly missed and most definitely the heartbeat of our St Agnes community.

Pentecost Liturgy - “Come Holy Spirit”

As we welcomed back all our staff and students in Week 5, it was truly fitting as we were able to celebrate through a simple Pentecost liturgy, the birthday of our Church! We were reminded that the past few months life has challenged us all to think differently, act more responsibly towards one another and to be more aware of how precious life truly is. It was a time to evaluate and recreate genuine connections with those in our lives most important to us. A way we prayed the Pentecost story was through Visio Devina (divine image below) and allowed this image to ignite in us our own personal connection to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

My prayer for the St Agnes community is that we seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit so as to guide us in our work as educators and to be a mirror or God’s infinite presence amongst us.


so that I will live my life in harmony with your divine will.


so that I will be open to truth and goodness.

Good Judgement,

so that I will make choices that reflect your will.


so that I will be able to stand up for what is right and just.


so that I will see the beauty of God reflected in all of creation.


so that I will be a reflection of your Son in this world that yearns for comfort and peace.

Young Christian Students - Climate Change Tote Bag on sale!

Last term the YCS students had run a competition for students to design a logo to promote the need to care for our environment due to the effects of Climate Change. The winner of the Tote Bag Competition is Year 10 student Ayvah Brillante Lareza! These tote bags will be delivered to St Agnes next week and will be selling a limited number for $5. If you are interested in purchasing this black cotton tote bag, please email as there are limited bags available. Thank you to all staff, students and our St Agnes families for supporting the initiative of our young people to bring awareness of the important things in life.

I’d also like to bring your attention to the latest Young Christian Students (YCS) Action on the issue of Stress, especially during Covid-19. A video will be posted on our social media pages that is a collaboration with St Andrews College, Marayong. A creative way to highlight the shared experience of stress and how we can best manage it with the support of other students. Well done to the YCS members!

It is wonderful to be back together as a school and I look forward to working with our students in the many upcoming events to share faith, justice and hope to our St Agnes community.

Pace e bene,

Mrs Mary Reyes

From the Head of Learning

Learning at St Agnes has certainly been different over the last few months! All staff and students were required to adapt rather quickly to the changes that were imposed on us. Nonetheless and despite all the challenges, our community gathered together, focusing on the importance of student learning.

Our inaugural Year 12 class will certainly not forget their final year of schooling! They have waded through many an assessment task and looked to their teachers for much needed advice. We have developed Holiday Sessions for the students during the second week of the July break. The students have been issued the timetable and their teachers are preparing to use this time well so that the students are equipped for the Trial HSC. It is imperative that our students remain focussed and if they have any questions about how to study or what to study, they can speak to any one of their teachers AND also, consult the Prue Salter Study Skills videos. We have subscribed to specific videos for Yr 12 so that they hear first-hand, from a specialist, as to what study and revision looks like.

The Year 11 students are halfway through their courses and most are up to completing their second assessment task. They need to ensure that an appropriate amount of time is taken with each task and to seek help whenever it is needed. Most students and their parents have met with their Learning Advisor and many suggestions have been provided as to the ‘next steps’ in order to be successful with their study.

Our students from Years 7 - 10 have indeed continued to embrace the demands of learning this semester. At the end of the term, their Semester 1 report will be issued and afterwards, all parents and students will be able to engage with the relevant Learning Advisor. This will take place during the Student Led Conference sessions and will be a great opportunity to discuss successes and plan for the second half of the year. A letter was sent home last week, advising of the dates (Thursday 2/7 and Friday 3/7) and how each family can make a suitable appointment time.

Study Skills Tip for June

 TIPS FOR PARENTS: Helping students transition back to full-time schooling.


Everyone (parents, teachers and students) will be affected differently by the experiences this year and for different periods of time. We need to remember that this anxiety can manifest in many ways and therefore be gentle. We are better to err on the side of being uber-supportive this year. If you are concerned about your student's level of anxiety, reach out and seek help from a professional.


Students who are anxious often will bottle up their worries and concerns. Without being annoying (and it is a fine line) we need to let students know they can talk about what is worrying them. Both parents and teachers need to create opportunities that give students permission to share in a non-threatening environment.


If students are anxious, over-exposure to constant negative news can wear them down. Highlighting the positive and encouraging news and statistics can help students to focus their thoughts in a constructive direction. Make positive plans together for the future so students have good things to focus on instead and focus more on what they can control rather than what they can't.


Even though we will no longer be in complete lock-down, students still won't be able to do all of their usual activities for some time. We need to ensure students are still exercising in some way, perhaps snacking a bit less and more of a focus on healthy eating. Good sleep has been proven time and again to contribute to happiness, health and academic success.


We need to be over-generous in allowing students to spend time with friends and extended family members for the rest of this year. Students may find the school day overwhelming and exhausting at the moment. After so much 'family' time, don't be hurt if they aren't that keen to socialise when they get home and just want to go to their room. Don't let them be a complete hermit, but do let them have time to themselves to decompress from the day. Many students will need to renegotiate the dynamics with their peers and this readjustment may be stressful for some students.


Routine creates certainty in an uncertain world. Having established routines and guidelines to follow is reassuring for students. Giving students a chance to contribute to the decisions as to what the new routine should be (such as bedtime) is also important. This will include starting to dial back screen time if it was increased during the last few months. In line with our 'take it slow' approach, you won't be going back to how things were earlier this year yet. It is more about reducing the screen time to make way for the schoolwork that will need to be done.


After they have been back at school for a week or so, ask your student directly if there is anything they have fallen behind in or need help with. Of course many students won't tell you, so if you do have concerns contact the school - either a form or roll teacher or a subject teacher directly. While we do want students to start getting into good working habits again, it needs to be a ‘gently gently’ approach. This means they may not be doing as much work at home as they did earlier this year, and that is ok for now. The exception is our senior students. We want these students to get back into their regular study patterns as soon as they are able. If this means that parents are making extra snacks for Year 12 or googling to find a study guide for them, then so be it.

Learn more this year about how to improve your results and be more efficient and effective with your schoolwork by working through the units on Our school’s access details are:

                                             Username: stagnes

                                            Password: 24success

Mr G Kemmis                   

Head of Learning

Around the Classrooms


The period during remote learning presented many challenges in the PDHPE and Sport departments. All PDSSSC competitions were unfortunately cancelled and practical lessons were also temporarily suspended when the first sporting competitions in wider society were cancelled.  When the school switched to remote learning, PDHPE adjusted their programs accordingly, with an emphasis on sharing and creating ways to keep students physically active while COVID isolation restrictions were taking place.

As the students have returned to school full time and the government has relaxed many restrictions in recent weeks, our students have been able to resume practical PDHPE lessons. At this time, students are participating in individual fitness activities such as HIIT workouts or cross country in their practical lessons. This model will continue for the remainder of the term, and all PDSSSC sport will remain suspended.

As community sport returns during July, we are anticipating that we will be able to resume a more typical PDHPE program using equipment and team activities. It is also hoped that PDSSSC sporting competitions will resume at some time during Term 3, although discussions about how this will take shape are still taking place between Sports Coordinators throughout the Diocese.

We hope that your family has coped well with the recent situation surrounding COVID, if you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr Devine and Mr Dempsey 

Kick-Start Your Career with VET

Senior students may access a range of vocational education and training (VET) courses which give students the opportunity to undertake their HSC, as well as a nationally recognised qualification.  These courses can benefit our senior students in gaining a kick-start to their career. 

 St Agnes specialises in:

·      Business Services

·      Active Volunteering

·      Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

 St Agnes students can also access the following courses at CathWest:

·      Construction

·      Entertainment

·      Hospitality

·      Retail Services

 Information and Digital Technology is also available to our students via the virtual school.

Currently the Year 10 students are selecting their courses for Year 11.  There are so many VET options for students to develop the skills and knowledge to work in industry and to make them more competitive in today’s job market.

Students interested in undertaking a VET course at school, CathWest or through the virtual school, must complete an expression of interest form.  These are available through the Leader of Learning VET.

Irene Pereira

Leader of Learning VET


External VET Courses 2021

External Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are available to Year 11 & 12 students.  Courses that are not available at school may be available to students through an external provider.  Courses available include:

Year 11

Year 12

Animal Studies

Beauty Services

Community Services

Design Fundamentals

Human Services

Landscape Construction

Music Industry

Screen and Media

Tourism, Travel and Events

Animal Studies

Applied Fashion


Beauty Services

Design Fundamentals


Real Estate Practice

Screen and Media

Visual Arts

Students can only apply for one VET course. Important dates for external courses are as follows:

·       Expression of Interest forms are due 21st August 2020.

·       Application forms and course fees are due to the school office by the 24th September 2020

 Please contact Leader of Learning VET for additional information:

Irene Pereira -

Regional VET Award

Yuyin Zhang is undertaking Business Services as part of her Year 12 HSC pattern of study.  She is on track to achieve her Certificate II in Business at the end of next term.  Yuyin is a considerate, diligent and humble quiet achiever who has worked consistently throughout the Business Services course.

She is described as a hard working student by her peers, and has developed the technical skills and knowledge of the Business Services course.  Her work throughout this course has been exemplary and she always completes competency tasks to an outstanding standard.  She has also demonstrated excellent client service skills during class and simulated work environments, and has demonstrated strong leadership skills and initiative.  Her success at the College is commendable.

 Given her outstanding work in Business Services, Yuyin was nominated for the Western Sydney & Blue Mountains Region VET in Schools Student of the Year Award 2020 award by her Business Services teacher, Mrs Saroja Dass.

 Yuyin participated in a rigorous selection process for this award by completing an extensive application form, for which she was short-listed for a panel interview.  Yuyin was then selected as a Finalist for the VET in Schools Student of the Year 2020 for our region.

 Yuyin has stated that the Business Services course has assisted her in improving her English language skills and has boosted her confidence, given she has only been in Australia for two and a half years.  She has also been able to juggle school life with part-time employment in a bakery.

 Yuyin will receive her award virtually on Thursday 2nd July.  We wish Yuyin all the best for the awards ceremony.  Regardless of the outcome, we are very proud of Yuyin and her commitment to her studies.

 Irene Pereira

Leader of Learning VET

Reconciliation Week 2020

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Year 8 National Reconciliation Week work

As part of National Reconciliation Week Year 8 Food technology have been learning about Native ingredients and eating  patterns of the indigenous Australians.We have been researching ingredients and creating menus that incorporate these ingredients. We have also been analysing Macquarie University 's Natiive Bush Foods garden.

Elective Food Technology

Our Elective Food Technology class has been looking at foods from other cultures. They had to watch a Demonstration on making Gnocchi (a typical Italian dish made from Potato) and had to make the dough and 'roll' Gnocchi and make a sauce to suit. Flour went everywhere!! They were delicious!

Rachel Vincent

TAS Coordinator

English Report

During this term, our students have had the opportunity to explore a range of stories from a variety of genres and contexts. Throughout these units of work, the students have been encouraged to reflect, not only on their understanding and comprehension, but also on their own creative processes and how they are able to apply their learning to their work.

 Here’s what has been happening in our English classes this term:

Year 7

Year 7 students have been studying the unit Heroes and Villains, which focused on the novel Parvana by Deborah Ellis. This text introduced the realities of living as a child in a war torn country. Through this study, students were able to develop their understanding of heroic qualities. This knowledge was then applied to a persuasive text (in the form of a nomination letter) for ‘Hero of the Year’ where students were required to create convincing arguments as to why a character from the novel would be deserving of such an award.

(pictured 7. 4 English students reading Parvana and discussing their ideas)

Year 8

Year 8 students have journeyed to Elizabethan England to experience the world and works of William Shakespeare. This unit is designed to be an introductory experience for students, as they will complete a more in-depth study in Year 9. Students begin the unit by exploring the historical context of the time period. There is a particular focus on the hierarchical structure of society and how that is represented in the structure of the Globe Theatre. Students are also introduced to the language of Shakespeare and explore a range of his plays and analyse the universal themes they convey. The students were able to apply this knowledge by creating their own representation of the Globe Theatre and through written critical analysis.

(picture By Keisha Nuval (8.1)

Year 9

Year 9  students have embarked on an epic study of the Science Fiction genre. This film unit is centred on the idea of the evolution of Science Fiction through the ages. Students experience how concepts and technologies associated with Science Fiction adapt and transform, giving us a snapshot of the ideas and concerns of society at the time. Through viewing A Trip to the Moon from 1902 then moving onto the classic film Frankenstein from 1931 and finishing with an analysis of iRobot from 2004 students are able to understand how the genre has evolved over time.  The students were able to then apply their knowledge through the creation a multimodal text that comparatively analysed two films studied in class.

(picture by Melos Kebede 9.7 )                                     

Year 10

Year 10 students experienced a film study this term. Some of the titles set for study included Lion, Dead Poets’ Society and Freedom Writers. Not only were students able to explore how visual techniques create meaning, but also they were able to make strong connections to concepts raised in their previous unit of study ‘Racism and Discrimination’. The students were then challenged to deliver their understanding and analysis of their prescribed film through the format of a TED Talk. This allowed them to apply their knowledge and present it in a different format/context

Year 11

Year 11 students are now more than half way through their Preliminary courses. This term, the students have been working on creating multimodal texts for their assessments in their respective courses of study. These multimodal texts allow students to explore their creativity through the use of digital techniques and visual language whilst conveying analysis of their prescribed texts.

 In English Advanced, students have completed a comparative analysis of the Shakespearean classic Othello and its modern film representation. This has enabled the students to learn that point of view is central to narrative and manifests itself through the points of view of characters, narrators, composers and audiences.

In English Extension, the focus has been on the ways in which aspects of texts from the past have been appropriated into popular culture. This module develops students’ understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained and changed.

 In English Standard, students have been exploring the way that technology transforms literature through the study of the SBS multimodal text The Boat and the SBS interactive documentary Cronulla Riots.

 In EALD, students have undertaken a film study of The Sapphires to explore the ways in which the director represents values, experiences and histories of Aboriginal Peoples in the late 1960s.

 In English Studies, students have been developing their understanding of the module English and the Family whereby the use of language related to the nature of families, and roles within communities, and their diverse representations in text are explored.

Yr 11 English Advanced students recreating scenes from Othello

Year 12

Year 12 students have been working through their last module of study prior to completing their Trial HSC examinations next term. They have also had the opportunity to experience online lectures to assist with their revision process.

 In English Advanced, students have been developing their appreciation of film through the study of Goodnight, and Good Luck. Students analyse the way George Clooney’s directorial intent merges the paranoia of the Cold War, McCarthy era with the claustrophobic cinematic space, positioning the responder to develop awareness on how political intent and apathy can alter the socio-political and psycho-social world.

 In English Standard, students have been exploring The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Through this module, they are able to engage in the extensive exploration and interpretation of the text and the ways composers portray people, ideas, settings and situations in texts.

 In EALD, students have undertaken a close study of the text Waste Land (media) whereby they engage in extensive exploration and interpretation of the text and the ways the filmmakers portray people, ideas and events in the text. This has also been studied concurrently with the module Focus on Writing, which enables students to experiment with techniques, styles and forms in a range of modes and media to produce their own crafted works.

 In English Studies, students have been studying the module The Big Screen – English in Filmmaking. Through this study, students develop a deeper understanding of and proficiency in the use of language and techniques related to films, exploring the ways in which language is used in the production, promotion, reception and criticism of films.

 Mrs Melissa Devine

Leader of Learning - English


Year 7 Enrolment Information

Thank you to all families who have submitted their applications for their child to attend St Agnes Catholic School in Year 7 2021. 

Letters of Offer have been sent to families that have enrolled.

If you know of any families who still wish to be a part of this process please ask them to contact the School for an Enrolment Pack or they can download the enrolment form on our website HERE

Families will be contacted regarding Orientation Day later in the year.

Places for Year 7 2021 are filling up fast, if there are any siblings of current students, enrolment forms need to be handed into the front office immediately to avoid missing out.

If you have any further enquiries please contact the School office or email the Enrolment Officer on

Student Led Conferences now open for bookings

Make sure you are following us on our 'Socials'

School Road Safety. Please remember to keep our students safe.

Calling all knitters

Blacktown City Council is putting out the call for knitters to take up their needles to raise awareness of domestic and family violence.

We want people to create as many squares and pom poms of all sizes and colours and we’re out to knit more than 1,100 squares which will be used to knit bomb the Village Green in Blacktown in November.

We are inviting all schools in Blacktown City to participate in the project by encouraging staff and students to knit squares or pom poms of all sizes and colours.

At the completion of the knit bomb installation the woollen squares will eventually be sewn into blankets which will be distributed to local charities.

Contact Mrs Chapman @ St Agnes with any questions or donations of the squares

From the Bishops Office

CatholicCare Blacktown Neighbour Aid Volunteers Needed

Blacktown Neighbour Aid, a program with CatholicCare, is looking for volunteers to support our senior clients in the Blacktown area to remain living independently in their own home. If you feel you would like to make a positive difference to other’s lives in this way, please contact the Manager, Deb Woolacott on 0418 114 055 or email

Lalor Park Parish Wednesday Evening Devotions

St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park, is hosting weekly devotions to Mary Immaculate and St Bernadette and Adoration of the Blessed Sacraments every Wednesday evening at 7pm, followed by Mass at 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information, contact the parish office on (02) 9672 4037 or

Upper Blue Mountains Parish Adoration Chapel

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish in the Upper Blue Mountains has opened an Adoration Chapel at St Canice’s Church, Katoomba. If you would like further information or would like to sign up for a weekly hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, please call the parish office on (02) 4782 2804.

Nigerian Mass in Igbo

The Nigerian Catholic community come together to celebrate Mass every second and fourth Sundays of the month at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes. For more information, please contact Nigerian chaplain Fr Chinonye Akamadu via the parish office on (02) 9631 8135 or Stella Nwosu 0405 478 472.

CEDP High Support Learning Centres

Kirinari, located in Llandilo and Wiyanga, located in Dundas, are purpose built centres for learning that provide an inclusive education for students with a moderate intellectual disability and high support needs. If you have a child or know someone who would benefit from an alternate platform for learning in Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, please phone (02) 9840 5689 for further information.

National Pastoral Ministry Conference: 9 – 11 July

Save the date for the National Pastoral Ministry Conference, titled ‘Alive in the Spirit: Being the Community Christ calls us to be’. The conference will be held on 9 to 11 July 2020 at St Mary, Star of the Sea College, Wollongong. More information to come. For more information, please contact Lisa Bright on 0448 652 720 or

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