Weekly Awards

Congratulations to the following students -

“Striving for Excellence” Award – (for a student who has exhibited academic improvements and / or has been applying themselves to the very best of their ability)

Summer H - Prep - For your amazing story writing this week. Your descriptive sentences made your story entertaining to your audience. Well done!
Hudson J - Prep- For your great efforts in story writing this week. Your story included an introduction, middle and a conclusion. Well done!
Maverick W - Prep- For the wonderful effort you have been applying to make your writing interesting for the reader. You have included interesting words and extra detail. Well done!
Rhiannon L - Year 4 - For your engaging, informative project on how popcorn pops. You presented like an expert, using teacher-like attributes

“MacKillop Award” – (for a student who exhibited Gospel values in their words and actions)

Kaiden F - Year 4 - For the welcoming and kind attitude you display to your peers and teachers. You are living out the call of Mary Mackillop “showing love through actions.”

“To Love is to Serve” Award – (for a student who has consistently displayed leadership qualities)

Tiffany W - Prep - For being an excellent role model to your peers. Thank you for the happy and positive attitude you display each day
Cruz N - Year 2 - For coming to school each day with a zest for learning. Your enthusiasm for our daily tasks make me so proud. Thank you for being a great role model to your peers.