Rozelle Public School Newsletter


From the Principal

Rozelle is a place where Aboriginal children learned, played and celebrated their culture for thousands of years on this beautiful, natural land. As we learn, play and celebrate together on this land, we honour the Wangal people of the Eora nation and pay our respects to elders both past, present and emerging. 

Welcome to the 2022 school year. It was wonderful to see students return on Tuesday full of energy and smiles. Although, the start of the year was more complex than previous years, it was great to have our students back at school where they belong!

Yesterday, our classes for 2022 were formed and students should have come home with news of their new teacher and classmates. The announcement and formation of classes is generally an exciting time for students. However, for some it is a time of uncertainty. Parents can be assured that a great deal of time and careful consideration goes into creating classes. Every effort is made to ensure students are well placed to meet their academic and social needs. If your child is feeling a little uncertain about their new class, these feelings will generally fade as they make connections with their teacher and new classmates. If your child’s anxiety continues past the first few weeks, you might consider sending your child’s teacher an email. Together you may be able to figure out why your child is struggling and provide the support they need. 

Every fortnight, the school will publish a newsletter full of information, updates, photos, P&C news and examples of student work. I encourage our community to take the time to read the essential information and keep up to date with ‘all things RPS’.

2022 Staffing & Class Names

At the end of 2022 we said farewell to a number of staff including Emma Dunn, Emily Matthews, Paddy Brown and Julianne Jessop. In 2022 we welcome new and familiar faces to Rozelle.

This year UNESCO World Heritage Sites have provided the inspiration for class names. Each class has chosen a World Heritage Site as their class name for the year. It provides a wonderful opportunity for rich learning and conversations. From the ancient wonders of Petra and Pompeii to the natural beauty of Uluru and the Daintree, there are some wonderful class names this year. 


Andrew Braiding - Principal 

Angela Svinos - Deputy Principal 

Tara Bryant - Assistant Principal 

Louise Howlett - Assistant Principal

Julie Day - Assistant Principal

Sepfora Amanatidis  - Assistant Principal

Alden Kwok - Assistant Principal


Sandy Dorn Steger  P Ningaloo / P Uluru

Bernie Moloney - Wednesday

Mikako Endo - Student Learning Support Officer



Sepfora Amanatidis - Kindy Galapagos

Mel Horton - Kindy Kyoto

Alethea Scoufis - Kindy Artemis

Emily Parsons - Kindy Delphi



Carlie Punch & Sandra Flegg - 1 Newgrange

Amelia Roberts - 1 Gondwana

Polly Pullin -  1 Pompeii

Desiree Ronsen - 2 Geiranger

Christina Devitt - 2 Manu

Jen Christie - 2 Kgari



Alex Nicholls & Merryn Hatsatouris - 3 Reef

Claire Rolland - 3 Iguazu

Courtney Hansen - 3 Pyramids

Alden Kwok - 4 Olympia

Nicole Lamsa - 4 Kakadu

Liz Singleton - 4 Daintree



Ella Gubb & Amy Horton - 5 Mungo

Alison Taylor - 5 Shark Bay

Alison Perestrelo - 5 Amalfi

Tara Bryant - 6 Petra

Caris Doyle - 6 Havana

Lizzie McLaughlin - 6 Komodo



Julie Day 

Emma Milne




Stage One RFF

Kindy RFF


Jen McLachlan

Alison Cole

Sandra Flegg

Christine McDonald

Lisa Tohver & Bernie Moloney


Louise Howlett - (AP)

Jen Lau

Amy Horton

Emma Milne - Extension Program

Christine McDonald


Poppy Krilis - Team Leader

Amanda McKenzie

Sakiko Johnson

Amanda Palfreyman

Greg Poynter - General Assistant


Mikako Endo - Pre School

Tanya Kos

Kate Mork

Anne Larkin

Darcy Anderson

Start of Day & End of Day Procedures

At 8.30am students can arrive at school where a member of staff will be on playground duty. They enter via the Darling Street playground and through the main entrance. Our K-2 students will be supervised on the asphalt while our 3-6 students will go to the top tiger turf. At 9am, the school day starts and students will line up before moving into classes. 

Students should not be arriving at school before 8.30am unless they are attending before school care OSH Club. 

End of day pick up procedures will be staggered - very similar to last year. To avoid overcrowding, it is important that parents / carers and students leave the playground promptly. The pick up times are:

  • 2.45pm Kindergarten dismissed from the Darling Street playground.

  • 2.55pm Stage One dismissed from the Darling Street playground.

  • 3pm Years 3-6 dismissed from classrooms.

Student Cohorts

As part of our COVID smart measures for Term One we will continue to operate the school in student cohorts. Cohorting of students minimises opportunities for COVID-19 transmission and the potential for widespread infection across the school and wider school community. This term there will be four cohorts; Kindergarten, Stage One, Stage Two and Stage Three. As part of the school’s cohorting plan we will be operating on a split lunch and recess roster which will allow for greater space and flexibility in the playground. Lunch and recess times are as follows:

  • K-2 Lunch 11-11.55am Recess 1.35-2pm

  • 3-6 Recess 10.30-10.55am Lunch 12.25-1.25pm

During lunch and recess times, each student cohort will have a designated playspace which may include; top and bottom tiger turf, Darling Street, play equipment and basketball court or asphalt. 

Rapid Antigen Testing Kits

The year began with the distribution of RAT kits and the response from our community has been tremendous. Almost 100% of our families have collected their first set of 4 kits / child. The second round of distribution will most likely commence next week. When using Rapid Antigen Testing kits please remember the following:

  • It is recommended that RAT testing is completed Monday and Wednesday.
  • A positive RAT result must be recorded through the Service NSW app and the school should be notified ASAP. NSW Health advice must be followed which includes a 7-day isolation period.
  • It is recommended that anyone (staff & students) recovering from COVID-19 do not participate in rapid antigen testing surveillance for 28 days following the end of the isolation period. This is due to NSW Health advice that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have a low risk of contracting it again in the following 4 weeks.

Parent Information Sessions

Each year, the school hosts parent information sessions that take place in your child’s classroom. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID guidelines non essential visitors are not permitted on site. The school is also following COVID smart protocols and running most meetings remotely. Therefore this year’s Parent Information Session will be held virtually on the Zoom platform.

Your child’s teacher will be going through important information regarding curriculum, class routines and programs. Each class teacher will set up an individual ZOOM meeting link that will be shared via email. Please note the dates and times for your child’s Parent Information Session:

  • Kindergarten - Tuesday 15 February 2021 at 5pm

  • Year One & Two - Thursday 17 February 2021 at 5.30pm

  • Year Three & Four - Thursday 17 February 2021 at 5pm

  • Years Five & Six - Tuesday 15 February 2021 at 5.30pm 

Each session should run for approximately 30 minutes and we encourage parents to attend. Although the sessions will not be recorded, the information presented will be made available to families.

Annual School Contributions for 2022

Each year we invite parents to contribute to a range of programs and initiatives that enrich student learning. Annual contributions, supplement the funds provided by The Department of Education and allow us to provide additional high-quality resources that further support teaching and learning across the school. Additional resources include:

  • Software licences for digital resources used with the Interactive Whiteboards and for work in class and at home eg. Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Soundwaves.
  • Digital technology resources such as Chromebooks, iPads and apps.
  • Additional library books and reference materials for each classroom.
  • Additional equipment to support teaching and learning in science, mathematics, sport, music, art and craft.
  • Extra furniture, pinboards, tubs and other resources for classrooms.

Additional funds, provided through these payments mean we can use the funds raised through licence agreements with the Rozelle Collectors Markets and Rozelle OSH Club for more expensive items such as the purchase of iPads and laptops, furniture for classrooms and the library, employment of additional specialist teachers for such things as the Extension program and additional Learning Support, musical instruments and landscaping in the playground.

There will also be some additional costs for excursions, special curriculum programs and performances as these arise throughout the year.  

Your assistance with voluntary contributions is greatly appreciated by the whole school community. Please contact Mr Braiding if you ever need to discuss difficulties with payment. 

Online payment method is preferred and can be made via the school website - Make a Payment tab. Cash payments should be brought directly to the school office, while cheques should be made payable to Rozelle Public School. Alternatively families may choose to wait until the first invoice is sent via email.


Learning Resources Child$75.00 per child
Technology Licences eg. Mathletics, Reading Eggs$15.00 per child
Voluntary School Contribution

$50 per child or 

$80 per family

Therefore (with discount for those families

with more than one child at the school):

Total for one child attending the school$140
Total for two children attending the school$260
Total for three children attending the school$350

Canteen for 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

Happy New Year! We hope that the start to the new school year is going well for students and their families.

For those of you who are new to Rozelle Public School, The School Canteen are our school lunch providers, lunch can be ordered Monday to Friday (recess Fridays only). Orders need to be placed by 7:30am on the day or can be placed weekly in advance as needed. The first lunch service will be Monday 7th February.

We also need need to let all families, both current and new to the school, know that we are changing our lunch order platform, all families will need to download the Spriggy Schools app and create a profile for your child.(please note that you will no longer be able to order via Flexischools, if your family has a Flexischool balance that you would like to be refunded, please contact them on 1300 361 769 to arrange this).

Instructions on how to sign up and place an order, are below. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at anytime should you have any queries.

Kind regards 

Kirsty Feliciotto

The School Canteen

Powered by The Foodie and the Chef / Ph 0416 786 603

Spriggy Schools Quick Guide to Signing Up & Placing an Order

Swimming Carnival

On Tuesday 22 February the school will be running our swimming carnival at Drummoyne Pool. This carnival is for students in Years 3-6 and for any Year 2 students who are turning 8 in this calendar year. Please note students from Year 2 can only attend if they are strong swimmers. Parents of Year Two children who wish to attend will need to contact carnival organisers beforehand to discuss their child’s swimming ability. 

Unfortunately this year we are unable to have parent spectators attend. The school has been in touch with the pool and as part of their COVID safe plan, spectators are not permitted. The school however, is looking for parent volunteers to assist with timekeeping and marshalling. Further details can be found in the note which was sent home with students today. This year our carnival will be coordinated by Mr Kwok and Miss Rolland. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Lost Property

Starting from next week, a trolley with any lost property, will be positioned at the front of the school entrance, in the Darling Street playground before and after school, for parents to search through. Please remember to label all your child's items. 


2022 P&C Meetings and Membership

Hello to our new and returning families from the P&C for 2022.

While our fundraising efforts are our most visible activity, the Rozelle Public School P&C works in conjunction with the school executive across many areas including social events, air quality, road safety, uniform policy, OSH provider liason and more. 

It would be wonderful to see some new faces at our meetings this year, held twice per term in Week 3 and 7. If you would like to get involved and make new connections at your child's school please save the date for our first meetings of the year:

Wednesday, Feb 16th 7.30pm & 

Wednesday, March 16th 7.30pm - Annual General Meeting 

Current financial members ($1 fee) of the P&C will be voting on executive positions at the AGM. All positions will be declared vacant and available to any nominee. For more information and to obtain a membership form please contact the P&C via

Wishing everyone a great start to another fun year at Rozelle!

P&C Team: Claire, Lauren, Carolyn and Michael

Uniform Shop Update

For Term 1 2022, the Uniform Shop will continue to operate online only, with all orders to be placed via your Flexischools account

Our volunteers will prepare the orders to collect from the front office or OSH. Sizing exchanges or returns can be done via the front office. Any queries re: uniform shop purchases can be emailed to

We plan to hold another second hand uniform sale as soon as Covid Safe protocols permit.

2022 Major Sponsor

Thank you to our 2022 sponsor - The McGrath Balmain Team. Thank you to Cindy Kennedy and Team for supporting our school and P&C.


The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.