
WEEK 5 Term 2 2021

Principal: Ms Judeline Wadhwani,

Acting Principal: Mr Patrick Baiwan,

Head of P-6: Mrs Wiki Thomas,

Head of 7-12: Mrs Rachel Baiwan,

Head of RE, Faith & Mission: Mr Raymond Rangatin,

School Address: P O Box 211, Kavieng, New Ireland Province

School Telephone Number: (675) 984 2128

School website address:

From the Principal

Dear parents and members of the OLSH community and extended OLSH community,

Deep Cleaning at OLSH

Last Saturday OLSH staff came to school, giving up their day of rest to work on deep cleaning of the entire school.  Some of the teachers brought their spouse along to help.  Every additional pair of hands was welcomed and greatly appreciated.  Every nook and corner of every room in each of the buildings, toilets, other wet areas and the boarding house was carefully attended to.  Every item of furniture and the Louvre windows were meticulously wiped down with disinfectant. 

I commend and thank the entire staff team led by Mr Patrick Baiwan. OLSH is proud of you and deeply appreciative that you gathered to work as one heartbeat for the health and safety of the entire learning community.  This is true OLSH spirit in action.  Thank you to Mr Douglas Tsang and the Board of Management for providing a token of appreciation on Tuesday, to the staff who attended the clean-up event. 

A more detailed account of the day, from Mr Baiwan appears further below.

A couple of regular reminders appear below for the attention of all parents and guardians.

School start time & student safety

It has been noted that some students are standing outside the school gates as early as 7.00 am.  Parents please note that there is no supervision for students before 7.30 am.  Please do not leave your child outside the school gates.  This is a hazard to their personal safety.

Health and Safety is every person’s responsibility at OLSH

As the health and safety of all members of the community are paramount, I reiterate below my message to the OLSH community with regard to COVID-19 safety and Scabies Management.  All parents and guardians are asked to support the school by doing the right thing at all times. 

COVID-19 Safety

Please do not send your child to school if they are sick or display any signs of cold and flu or have a fever.  Please get medical attention for them at the earliest and inform the school of their absence.

All students above 12 years of age are expected to carry and wear a mask to school.

Personal hygiene and hand hygiene are to be practised every day at home and at school.

Scabies Management

As there have been a few cases of scabies at OLSH, parents are asked to please take note of the school’s scabies management policy which can be found in the link below.  As scabies is a highly contagious disease, please ensure that you follow the guidelines in the policy.

In the interests of the health and safety of the entire OLSH learning community, it is important that all families act with caution and care in taking prompt action to treat their son/daughter for scabies.  Please send your child to school only after the steps for first line treatment and follow up treatment (if necessary) are carefully followed.


Learning-Teaching News

P-6 – Term 2 Unit Outlines & Assessment Schedules

Your child will bring this document home this evening.  Term 2 assessment starts from Monday 24 May.

STEM in full flight

STEM is the focus of every contribution I am receiving from the teachers for sharing with the OLSH community.  Last week we read about our Prep class learning ICT.  This week it is Year 1 students learning Maths and Year 12 students undertaking a field trip for Physics as our Photo Gallery shows.

Year 1 – Doing enables better learning

In Maths the Year 1 students are learning about fractions this week. They folded and cut whole squares and circles to make halves and quarters.

Ms Maxine Moses

Year 1 teacher


Year 5s – Responsible Learners

I received a note from Ms Norah Sevian, Resource Centre Manager saying:

The Year 5 students came in this morning during recess to do research. They used their initiative and they used the Resource Centre displaying great maturity. The best example of student use of the Resource Centre that I have seen this year.  I was very proud of them and thanked them for using the Resource Centre well.

Well done Year 5s.  Keep up the excellent spirit of learning.

Year 12 Physics Excursion

After coming back from the excursion to Nago now I know what really a wave means. The excursion taught me a lot of things about waves. A wave transfers energy from one point to another.  The most enjoyable thing was taking measurements of the waves and seeing dolphins play in the waves. The other thing was the blow hole, seeing the waves splash and hearing the pressure sound coming out of the hole.

Liam Burain


What I learnt…After observing the waves that crashed on the shore of Nago Island, I learnt that waves transmit energy and not water which comes from a source out at sea. This proves the law of conservation which states that “the energy that is transmitted through the waves can bring drastic changes of the physical environment especially the shoreline by either exposing the sand to high sunlight intensity or by decreasing the shoreline”. 

What I enjoyed…The most enjoyable part of the excursion to Nago was the blowhole behind Nusa Island.  Our teacher Mrs Minimulu explained that as waves travel into the space of the cave or hole, it gets filled up and it has a maximum volume.  When this maximum volume is reached the excess water comes out as vapour.   This was an application of a principle taught in Physics ‘What goes in must come out’.

Lourdes Kangol


Year 10 Learning

Please note all Year 10s will appear for the final English Written Expression Examination on

  • Thursday 3 June


Please ensure that your daughter/son is putting in the recommended study hours in preparation for this all important examination.  Ms Diana Songo Year 10 English teacher will continue to provide feedback from both Mock Examinations in preparation for careful answering of the final exam paper.  Please emphasise practice, practice, practice at home to your child.

Please also ensure they are getting enough hours of sleep over the next fortnight and regularly.


Year 10 Student Progress Interviews

Once again, I am looking forward to meeting the Year 10 students at their individual interview which will commence tomorrow and conclude next week.  Student Progress Charts completed by the Year 10 teachers will be used in our conversation. We hope to provide Year 10 students with an increased focus on raising the bar of their personal best, in order to do their absolute best in the upcoming Written Expression Final examination.  I thank Mr Baiwan and Mrs Baiwan for their support in helping me to conduct these interviews.

Important Year 10 and Year 12 dates


  • Thursday 3 June - Written Expression Final Examination
  • Friday 11 June - Science Practical Examination Mock 1
  • Friday 25 June – Science Practical Examination Mock 2 (Skills)
  • Friday 30 June – Science Practical Final Examination (Investigation)


  • Tuesday June 8 - Issue of 2019 WEX Reading Booklets to students
  • Tuesday June 15 - Year 12 Written Expression Mock Exam 1

From the Acting Principal

OLSH International School held a Deep Cleaning Bee on Saturday 15 May.  The Cleaning Bee was well attended, providing a great opportunity to do deep cleaning whilst the students were out of class. The desire to have a clean, sterile school community at the weekend in preparation for the students arriving on Monday was the drive for the Working Bee. The saying “Many hands make light work” rang true on Saturday. Our community came together to disinfect all classrooms, furniture, tables, equipment and to thoroughly wipe down all surfaces.

The deep cleaning was done as part of the school’s COVID-19 measures to minimize the spread of the virus on the campus. Staff members were responsible for scrubbing and disinfecting all the surfaces and areas that are hosts to potentially dangerous germs and viruses. Once again on behalf of the Board of Management and the School Leadership Team, we thank the staff for promoting a cleaner environment for our learners.  OLSH relies on the generous support of our staff to get any job done well.  

Term 2 fees

Please be informed that Term 2 fees are payable in full on Friday 18 June.  Please help OLSH to meet our high operational costs by ensuring that fees are paid by the due date.  If you are experiencing difficulty in meeting this deadline, you must contact Mr Patrick Baiwan and make alternate payment arrangements as soon as possible. 

Mr Patrick Baiwan

Acting Principal

From the Head of Religious Education, Faith & Mission

CATHOLIC CHURCH CALENDAR: 7th week Easter in the ordinary Year ‘B’ 2021


WEEK REFLECTION: John 17: 11-19

‘Lord keep the disciples away from the evil one.’

Last Sunday was the Feast Day of the Ascension. Jesus was taken up to heaven. But before he went up to heaven, he prayed for all who believe and trust in him. 

God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to the World to preach the Good News. Jesus too sent His disciples to preach the same Word. In this modern day and age, we are being sent to the world to make sure the Word of God reaches those who are still in darkness.

After Jesus sends the disciples to the world to preach the Good News, He also prayed for them to the Father. He knew that the world was an evil place and the disciples would face all manner of hardships like persecution and death.

We are being reminded that the world was and is still evil, so let us not expect Jesus’ discipleship to be a bed of roses. Jesus does not promise us that we will escape the earthly torture, but He prays that we may resist the temptations of the evil one, that would make us part ways with God.


Lord Jesus Christ, You offer to those who follow you a yoke that

is good to bear, a burden that is light. We therefore come to you for rest

and comfort so that we may find the strength to continue spreading your

Good News, through all that we do here at OLSH International School,

to all corners of this world.

We make this prayer, trusting in Jesus Name. Amen.

The journey of the statue of Our Lady for this week will be for the Year 5, 6, and 7 classes. Please be vigilant and follow the program which has been formulated for each class to follow.

And please remember for this month of Mary, let us pray in intercession to Mother Mary, petitioning her for our own intentions, for the needs of our loved ones, and in union with all those who join us in prayer for OLSH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. She always hears us.

Thank you and God bless you all

Mr R. Rangatin 

Deep Cleaning of School Campus by OLSH staff on Saturday 15 May

Year 1 Maths learning

Year 12 Physics Excursion

Year 5 students using the Resource Centre with maturity