Southerly Buster

Term 1 Week 2

Acknowledgement of Country

We would like to acknowledge Goulburn as an important meeting place that was inhabited, at first contact with Europeans, by the Gundungurra and Ngunawal people who are the traditional custodians of this land. We would like to pay respect to Elders both past, present and future, also extending that respect to other Aboriginal people present today on the land in which we meet, work and live.                                 

News from the South

Welcome back students, families and staff. It's great to see all the smiling happy faces of our students who seem to have settled back into the school routine nicely. We also welcome our 2021 Kindies and their families. 

Our classes and teachers this year are as follows: 

Kindy - Mrs Manning                                                    1/2H - Mrs Harrison

1/2F Mrs Fennamore                                                    3O - Mrs Oberg

4RS - Mrs Sharwood (Mon & Tues) & Mrs Robinson ( Wed, Thurs & Fri)

5/6G - Miss Gay (Mon - Thurs) Mrs Wood - Friday

Support Staff - Mr Copland, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Robar, 

Support One K-3R - Miss Bullock & Mrs Toparis

Support Two 3-6M - Miss Martin & Ms Weekes

Support Three 3 -36CB - Mrs Cox-Barlow & Mrs Chinnery

Library - Mrs Mead, Learning and Support - Mrs Ratcliff,

Instructional Leader - Mrs Copland

Principal - Mrs Patchett, School Admin Manager - Mrs Grant,

School Admin Officer - Mrs Murray

School General Assistant - Mr Hazelgrove

Families, please can you familiarise yourselves with the calendar of events as this is the place where important dates and events are listed. 

We have our swimming carnival coming up on Wednesday 17th February, a permission note has been sent home with the students that are eligible to participate. If your child has expressed an interest in participating/spectating please can you return the permission note with payment of $3.50 for BUS FARE ONLY, no later than Monday 15th February The entry fee to the pool is paid by each student on the day of the swimming carnival - not to the school. Please also note the instructions for what each student will need to take with them on the day.

Please note that we use a number of different platforms to notify families and the community of what is happening at Goulburn South.

Skoolbag App, Facebook, the school website and email/text please ensure that you have access to at least Skoolbag or Facebook to keep updated on  the daily news from the school.

Welcome to our Kindy's of 2021

We welcome our 2021 Kindies and their families to Goulburn South, they all look like they are settling in very well and have already made new friends. 

Celebrating our Success - Positive Behaviors for Learning

T1 Wk 3T1 Wk 4

Class of the Week

Student of the Week                     HUME



House Winner

Cheeky Monkey - Best Class Attendance

Whole School Attendance

Citizenship Awards

When you have 5 buzz cards bring them to the office for Mrs Patchett



Calendar - Upcoming Events

Goulburn South Calendar of Events

TERM 1MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Week 2


Week 3


7-13 Healthy Lunchbox Week



Zoom Assembly


Week 4


Payment for swimming carnival bus fare due today



Swimming Carnival Yrs 8+

Zoom Assembly

Week 522/223/224/225/226/2
Week 61/32/33/34/35/3
Week 78/39/310/311/312/3
Week 815/316/317/318/319/3

Buzz from the Beehive

We currently do not have a canteen at the moment. 


P & C News

Welcome back to Term 1 of 2021. The P & C will be holding their AGM on Tuesday 23rd March at 7pm. It would be great to see new faces and members especially if you are keen to hold a position on the committee. We will provide more information closer to the meeting day. 

Healthy Eating Tips

Term 1 Nutrition Snippets

Healthy Lunchbox Week

About Healthy Lunchbox Week

Healthy Lunchbox Week is an initiative of Nutrition Australia that aims to inspire Australian families to create healthy and enjoyable lunchboxes.

Did you know children consume around 30% of their daily food intake at school? Most of this comes from the contents of their lunchbox. What children eat during their day at school plays a crucial role in their learning and development.

Healthy Lunchbox Week helps families prepare healthy lunchboxes by:

inspiring healthy lunchbox ideas and recipes 

ensuring a healthy lunchbox balance across core food groups

awareness of lunchbox food hygiene and safety

​Why 7 - 13 February?

​Occurring at the start of Term 1, when school is back and the daily preparation of lunchbox making has set in, Healthy Lunchbox Week supports schools in sharing relevant lunchbox messaging across the whole school community.

Community Noticeboard

School Zone Parking "We need to work together to keep our kids safe"

In the interests and safety of our students and children, please see information provided by Goulburn Mulwaree Council and Goulburn Highway Patrol. The information has been provided to remind parents and community road users of their obligation to obey road and parking rules. Below is a link that was printed in Goulburn Post discussing safety around our school zones.

Please also see map of the school below indicating no stopping areas and quick drop off zones.

Goulburn South Parking Information

School Zone Penalties

Every Day Counts

Online Enrolment

Online enrolment for new students is now available at Goulburn South Public School. If your child lives within the local intake area of our school and is an Australian or New Zealand citizen, you can make an application for enrolment through our school website under the ‘Enrolment’ tab. For further information please call the school on 4821 2759