St Bishoy- Imagine

February 2021

Important Dates

Mon 1st Mar- Jersey Day/Sausage Sizzle

Tues 2nd Mar- Photo Day

Wed 3rd Mar- Grades K-3 Swim School Program begins

Fri 5th Mar- Grades 3-6 Recycling Incursion


Kindergarten's First Day of School

Welcome to our 2021 Kindergarten students! The first day of school was an exciting one with lots of fun activities and learning about the routine of school. We wish our new students all the best. 

High School Swimming Program

High school commenced its 5 week swim school program at Rooty Hill Aquatics centre. Students had their swimming ability assessed by qualified swim instructors and allocated a group based on their ability. 

Legal Studies

Last night our students Salwa, Mariam, Jessica, Steven and Patrick had the honour of attending the Coptic Orthodox Opening of Law Term Celebration. They had a brilliant time, listening to the keynote speaker the honorable Deputy Chief Justice McClelland from the Family Court of Australia. They also had the privilege of meeting one of Australia's most senior and well renowned judges, former Justice of the High Court of Australia, the honourable Michael Kirby.

Here they are pictured with Principal Lawyer Robert Ishak, Father Shenouda, Mrs Fonseka and Mr Atteya.

Cyber Safety

Year 5 and 6 engaged with material that reinforced that no form of bullying is acceptable. A particular focus was placed on cyberbullying and online safety, ensuring students were aware of the signs and evidence of cyberbullying, along with reinforcing that it is everyone's responsibility to report bullying in all forms. They discussed that it is everyone's right to have the respect of others, the right to learn, and the right to feel safe in all environments. It was great to see the students working together to discuss scenarios and offer possible solutions. Students then worked in groups to create posters that reinforced the key ideas. 

Design and Technology

The Year 9 and Year 10 Design and Technology students have been working hard constructing side tables.

God Bless, Mrs Khoshaba

Year 5 Science- Learning about Gas!


Year 9 and Year 10 Graphics students have started learning about technical drawings using their drawing boards.

God Bless,

Mrs Khoshaba

Touch Typing

Here are some images of our Year 5 students practising their touch typing skills in the Computer Lab. 




“Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus”.

The truth is that things don’t matter equally and success is found in doing what matters most. Sometimes it’s the first thing you do. Sometimes it’s the only thing you do. Regardless, doing the most important thing is always the most important thing.

1. Go Small: Don’t focus on being busy, rather focus on being productive. Allow what matters most to drive your day. 

2. Go Extreme: Once you’ve figured out what actually matters, keep asking what matters most until there is only one thing left. That core activity goes to the top of your success list. 

The Focusing Question 

Is a double duty question. It comes in two forms: big picture and small focus. One thing is about finding the right direction in life and the other is about finding the right action. 

The Big Picture Question: “What’s my ONE thing?” Use it to develop a vision for your life and the direction of your career or final year; it’s your strategic compass. 

The Small Focus Question: “What’s my ONE thing right now?” Use this when you first wake up and throughout the day. It keeps you focused on your most important work.

Our school’s subscription details to are -


Password: faithfamilyflourish

Textiles and Design

Year 9 and Year 10 Textiles and Design students learned the difference between chemical and natural methods of tie-dye. They experimented with tumeric which is a common spice used in cooking. 

Year 12 Camp


Kindergarten and Year 6 students are Buddies!

It was great to have the Year 6 students teach their Kindergarten Buddies how to use the computer at the Computer Lab.

Excursion to the UNSW Museum of Human Diseases

As a Year 12 Biology class, we had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Human Diseases at the University of New South Wales on the 15th of February. This excursion enabled us to learn and understand first hand the outcomes covered in our modules on infectious and non-infectious diseases. This experience also developed and assisted us in our depth study in investigating particular infectious diseases. As we went to the museum, we were welcomed by Teagen, a UNSW Education Officer and Researcher, who gave us a presentation on different diseases and introduced us to what we would expect, especially if we were interested in this medical/pathological field. After the presentation, we walked through countless displays of different human organs donated by patients, who were affected by different diseases such as cirrhosis, tinea, various deformed organs and different forms of cancers. Due to such exposure and experience, the Year 12 Biology students were able to broaden the understanding of the causes and effects of various diseases in the body in multiple different ways. It was a very insightful and informative excursion. In addition, we were able to ask inquiry questions and retrieve useful information that can help us prevent such life-threatening diseases in the future. 

Christina Ann Gee, Yustina Ragheb, Mina Nakhla, and Bedaba Habeeb

Year 12 Biology class of 2021 

(Teacher in charge: Mrs R Tungul)


Welcome back to school everyone! The Student Leadership Council has had a huge start to the year! 

This month the Student Leadership Council created a new celebration - Feeling Good February which aimed to build students’ confidence and feelings of positivity. This month-long event began in Week 2 with students writing “Warm and Fuzzies” - encouraging notes and words of praise to their peers during roll call. In Week 3, students dressed up in yellow, the theme colour of Feeling Good February and brought in gold coin donations to support Lifeline. This was a reminder of how important our mental health is as well as awareness of an organisation that helps people in crisis. In Week 4, the Compassion Team organized inspirational cards about hygiene that were handed to all students, Mrs Fonseka and Mr Mizzi ran sessions about hygiene. We learnt that good hygiene not only protects us from disease, but supports our mental health, enables us to feel confident and contributes to our professionalism. During the last week of Feeling Good February, students reflected on the qualities they have and the qualities they want to develop while they are in school.

During February we also held the SLC elections for Years 7-11. We are so excited to have Bennet, Dolagy, Karoleen, Anna Marie, Ann, Allayna, Philopatir, Binitta, Patrick and Mariam join our team!

The SLC is also currently working on restarting the Senior Sports Competitions for Year 11 and 12 students as well as organising a number of House events. Watch this space!