Old Bar Public School Newsletter

Term 1 Week 6 2020

Principal's Report

Wasn’t the ‘Welcome to School Party’ great? Thank you to all the families that were able to join in and share special time in our/your school. The blow-up climbing, jumping, sliding castle was a hit – particularly with the teachers who were lucky enough to have a go! Thanks to all the teaching and support staff who gave their time and energy to ensure a fun time. We truly value our families and the support you provide to us daily.

Like the rest of the world, we are doing our bit at Old Bar School to reinforce the important messages of personal hygiene, particularly hand washing and cough etiquette. We have issued sufficient supplies of hand wash and sanitiser to all classrooms and in the coming week teachers will be explicitly teaching children the most efficient way to wash their hands. Please reinforce this simple, yet effective measure to minimise the risk of spreading germs. Likewise, if your child is unwell, please keep them at home for at least 24 hours after their symptoms have disappeared. We are fortunate not to have been directly affected by the Corona virus and if we all do ‘our bit’ to maintain exemplary hygiene standards, we are well on the way to keeping our school and our community healthy.

ALL 9 demountables have now been removed from our school! Once they were gone, the heavy machinery moved in and quickly removed footings and footpaths and leveled the ground in readiness for turf to be laid. We are installing an irrigation system and hope to have tanks installed as a back-up to our unpredictable weather. In just a few weeks, we will have students enjoying the whole playground, covered in beautiful green grass. What a journey! I must congratulate our students for the manner in which they have managed to negotiate the limited play space during the lengthy construction of V block. I can’t wait to have the entire playground returned to the students. It will be a happy day indeed.

Don’t forget to mark Wednesday, 11th March on your calendar. The Annual General Meeting of your P&C will be held in the library followed by the general meeting. This is your opportunity to have a say about your school, get involved in fundraising or simply to meet with other parents in a warm, social setting. Meetings are always done and dusted by 9pm and we cater for children who come with their parents. Attending meetings doesn’t mean you have to take on a position or even a job. Attending meetings simply indicates your interest in and dedication to your child’s school. Come along, meet new friends and find out first hand what’s happening at Old Bar School. Reminder: To have voting rights at the next meeting, you must be a financial member BEFORE the meeting. It’s just $2 and can be paid at the school office.

What’s coming up? Harmony Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence are both being celebrated on Wednesday, 18th March. Don’t forget school photos beginning Monday March 23 and Cross Country Carnival on Friday 3rd April. We are already half way through the term. As I wander in and out of classrooms I am constantly impressed by the busy vibe and engaged attitude of students. It’s been a GREAT start to 2020. 

I just want to say…you are doing an awesome job! Yes, you – parent, carer, friend. Keep up the great work. 

Have a wonderful week!

Deborah Scanes

Dates to Remember

School leadership and SRC Teams

Last week, the SRC were divided into their teams for the Semester. 

Each team is led by two members of our student leadership team, with a staff mentor for guidance and support. 

Here are our SRC team leaders for 2020: 

SRC Team Meetings:

School Photos - Week 9

Kiss and Ride Zone

Old Bar Public School has recently held discussions with Mid Coast Council about whether a “Kiss and Ride” zone should be established on the road outside our school. In order to decide whether we should pursue this, and how to set it up in a way that provides maximum benefit to our families and community, we would like to get some feedback from parents.

Can parents and carers please complete this short survey which will help inform:

  • whether or not we should have a Kiss and Ride zone at Old Bar Public School,
  • if we do have one, where it should be located to provide the most benefit to families, and
  • if we do have one, how we should best manage it to provide the most benefit to families.

The survey can be accessed by clicking here. 

AGM and General Meeting

Harmony Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

School ANZAC Service

K-2 Easter Hat Parade

Our Community Engagement leaders for 2020 are Marley and Sara.

Recently, they spent time getting to know John and Eve, the new managers of Active OOSH Old Bar.

Active OOSH runs a before and after school care, conveniently located right here in our school hall. They also host a school holiday program with an AMAZING line up of activities to keep children busy and entertained throughout the school holidays.

For more information, feel free to stop in and chat to John or Eve anytime. As you can see here, they are very friendly!

Premier's Reading Challenge Photo Competition

Community Notices