Old Bar Public School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8 2021


Last week I attended a Primary Principal conference in Sydney which meant I missed the primary athletics carnival. By all accounts it was a great day, made all the better by having the P&C provide a sausage sizzle for children, staff and families. Big thanks to the P&C fundraising committee for their initiative and hard work in adding this to the carnival atmosphere. The athletics carnival for our kindy, year 1 and year 2 classes will be held next week, - Friday 18th June – at the Old Bar oval. This is always a highlight for students, providing many fond memories in the years to come. Parents, carers and friends are invited to join us to cheer on our littlest athletes.

There was a recurring theme at the Principals’ meeting last week – staffing, or rather the lack of it! There is a statewide shortage of teachers that is having a real impact on our education system. We are luckier than many schools in that we have a full complement of teachers to cover all classes and support positions. We do however have limited casual relief which requires us to ‘split’ classes when we are unable to procure a casual when a teacher is absent. This is far from satisfactory but it remains our best solution. I apologise for the disruption this causes to students but I want to reassure you that we manage these situations to the best of our ability. Each teacher has provided us with workbooks with appropriate material for the students to work through during their day. We attempt to group the students with friends and distribute them across several classes to minimise disruption. There is no short-term solution to this problem but please be aware that teaching and support staff always have the wellbeing of students as a priority when these disruptions occur. If you know of any casual teachers in the area, let them know we need them!

I am continuing to field many calls about inappropriate behaviour on our school buses. Where possible, I will talk to the students (and their parents) involved and attempt to solve the problems. I do encourage parents to ring the bus company directly as they need to know what’s happening and take some responsibility for the care and safety of our students. It’s a tough gig! Drivers need to have all their senses focused on getting the children to their destinations safely and on time. I have had several talks to students about their responsibility as a ‘passenger’ and to insist that all children stay sitting until they reach their stop. I would appeal to all parents who have children catching a bus to reinforce the simple but important safety rules around bus travel. I have been told that from October all buses will be fitted with seatbelts. This is a long overdue initiative that I hope will help to alleviate some of the issues we have been dealing with.

Here we are just 2 weeks away from the end of term 2. Semester 1 reports are currently being edited ready for distribution in week 10. Please take the time to read your child’s report with them and celebrate all the wonderful things they have achieved since the beginning of the year. While highlighting their successes we also need to be aware for areas of further development. Looking at their work samples included in student portfolios will give you an overview of content covered so far and an indication of their progress since day 1, term 1. As always, if you have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s education, please call and make an appointment to speak with the teacher or one of our executive staff.

Have a wonderful week!

Deborah Scanes 

Dunghatti Language and Culture Camp

On the 25th and 26th of May Drake and Tyran were lucky enough to participate in the Dunghatti Language and Culture Camp. The camp took place in scenic Grassy Head where the boys were immersed in rich native coastal bushland.

During their time at camp the boys were able to participate in cultural practices including; string making, painting, weaving and language. We also had the opportunity to visit several significant local sights and engage with cultural artifacts. Drake and Tyran engaged with local elders and had the opportunity to meet Koori students from all over the Mid North Coast.

The boys represented Old Bar Public School proudly and took a lot away from this unique experience.

School Podcast

Our school leaders are so excited to announce we now have our very own school podcast. 

Episode 1

School Leaders: Marley and Piper. 

Sound Engineers: Mr Lester and James (School Leader)

Guest Speaker: Mrs Scanes 

Click HERE to listen to our very first episode.

Episode 2

School Leaders: Marley and Piper. 

Sound Engineers: James (School Leader)

Guest Speaker: Mr Lester

Click HERE to listen to our second episode.

Athletics Carnival Album Yrs 2-6

To view more photos of our 2-6 Athletics carnival please visit the album link to our Facebook page below.

2-6 Athletics Album

K-2 Sausage Sizzle

Our P&C Committee will be hosting a sausage sizzle at the K-2 Athletics Carnival next Friday, June 18.

All proceeds will go towards our new playground equipment.

We are asking that children please pre-order a sausage sandwich. (Order forms will be sent home today). Parents are welcome to purchase one for themselves at the carnival.

Cost: $2

Zooper Doopers will be available to purchase on the day for $1 (no pre-order). 

Bounce Back

What can you do to help develop resilience in your child? 

● Use the Bounce Back! statements with your child whenever you see the opportunity.

● Consider displaying the statements in your home so your child (and the rest of the family!) can see and use them.

● Don’t over-protect your child from challenges that all children have at different ages (e.g. walking to school, looking after their own things, packing their own lunch).

● Don’t do things for them without first checking whether they are capable of doing it for themselves.

● Encourage your child to talk about what’s troubling them and help them to find a solution. Encourage them to think about different solutions.

● Gently challenge self-defeating talk (e.g. I can’t do this, I’m hopeless/dumb/useless) and helpless behaviour (giving up easily, expecting others to do things for them). Encourage them to use helpful thinking instead (e.g. I made a mistake but everyone makes mistakes).

● Don’t fight your child’s battles for them. Children need to experience challenges so they can learn to bounce back.

● Model solving problems that are age appropriate for your child by thinking out loud. Try different solutions to a problem and talk about possible good or bad consequences of the different solutions.

● Avoid offering ‘quick fixes’ or ‘feel good’ options when things get tough. Rather than distracting them with a movie or treats, let them sit with the bad feelings, knowing that you care that they are hurting, but that it is something they have to deal with, not escape from.

Cyber Safety

Cyber safety is becoming a growing concern for children and young people when playing online games and using social media.

The eSafety Commissioner website has some awesome resources for parents. The link below will provide you with a parent guide that covers some of the key online safety issues for young people and includes a range of practical tips and advice on what to do if things go wrong.

Online Safety Booklet Link

Under 5's Booklet Link


Did you know that...

If a student misses as little as 8 days in a school term, by the end of primary school they’ll have missed over a year of school.  School attendance is vital.... every second, hour and day of learning counts! Please read the compulsory attendance document attached at the bottom of our newsletter.

Community Notices

Compulsory School Attendance

Reminder for parents and carers that attendance for school is compulsory for your child under The Education Act 1990.

Please see download below for helpful and important information on behalf of NSW Department of Education and Communities.
