Virginia Primary School Newsletter

Issue 1, 05/02/2021

From the Principal

Dear Families,

We would like to once again welcome everyone back to a new school year. I would especially like to welcome the new families and staff who have joined our Virginia Primary learning community. We welcome and congratulate Andrew Romeo on his contract who is in room 12 as our year 5/6 teacher. Andrew is no stranger to the students having worked here as a TRT. Thuy Nguyen will also be teaching Junior Primary Science NIT on Mondays - again, Thuy is known in our school community having worked both in OSHC and as a TRT.

I would also like to congratulate Rachele & Thanasi Bexis (rm 8) and Krystal & Johnny Abela  (rm 2) who are both expecting their first child later this year. We are excited about the news and are so happy for them both. We will let you know who will backfill them closer to the date (mid year).

A list of staff for 2021 has been included in this newsletter. As you will see, this year we have an extra class bringing the total to 14 classrooms across R – 7. Our Preschool is again at capacity, with 50 children now in the centre.

One question I have often been asked when chatting to families is the potential impact of the continuous developments at Virginia and surrounds. We have been closely monitoring the development and enforcing our zone to ensure we stay on top of the growth we have had, and expected growth over the next few years. We will continue on with our business and pride ourselves on providing a quality education for ALL.  Our numbers continue to grow which we are extremely proud of.

In saying this, I would once again like to thank our amazing community for all your support and understanding throughout a testing time for all last year. What makes Virginia PS such a special place is the 'Caring Community Feel' we have, we all support and lift one another to ensure that our students receive a quality education within a safe, engaging and nurturing learning environment. We will continue to meet the needs of our students, by differentiating teaching and learning where needed- whether it is extending, providing extra support and/or intervention. Our teachers strive and work hard to ensure they get to know ALL their students on both an academic and personal level to help them become 'life-long learners'.


This year, our aim is once again for all students to attend school at least 95% of the time. This equates to no more than 10 days absence for the year. 

Students are expected to attend school unless they are ill, or parents have sought a written exemption from the Principal (if less than a month) or the Minister of Education (if longer than a month.)

COVID-19 Update:

Lastly, as shared earlier in week one, As a school, we will continue  to follow the advice from SA Health and directions from DfE regarding COVID-19 restrictions. As an education team, we continue to be appreciative of our school community’s support and understanding with this.


  • Are able to enter school grounds at drop off and pick up times, but are still unable to enter classrooms and buildings (excluding the Front Office)
  • Are encouraged to physically distance at drop off and pick up times
  • The playground continues to be for student use only and we request that children limit use directly after school by promptly going home at the end of the day
  • All adults (including staff) are required to practice physical distancing
  • If unwell, student and staff should stay home                                           

All advice, directions and restrictions are subject to change at any time. This means all advertised school activities are constantly subject to change.

We are also excited to welcome back parent volunteers this year, and will be sending information out to families next week. 

Looking forward to working together again in 2021 - here's to another successful year at VPS.

Thank you!! 

Learning Together, Learning For Our Future.

Warmest Regards,

Voula Pounendis

Some photos of our 'Whole School Health Hustle' and a warm welcome to our new students

What's Happening @ VPS

Wellbeing – Back to school routines (Jess Nguyen , Wellbeing Advisor)

The transition from holidays to the new school year can be a tricky one! There are many adjustments to be made when transitioning back into school. And with this, comes the tendency to feel somewhat ‘out of sync’ during times of change and transition. This can initially impact mood, energy levels, and behaviours. This commonly occurs as humans tend to function according to patterns and cycles. And when those established patterns are disturbed, we tend to feel/behave a little out of sorts. This applies to both children and adults.

 The solution to minimising personal disruptions and regaining your sense of wellbeing, is to begin following a routine suited to the new circumstances. Attempting to stay in the limbo of the holiday routine along with meeting the requirements of going back to school can prolong the transition discomfort. The key is to say good bye to the holiday habits and reintroduce the school routine. Unfortunately, this might mean children saying goodbye to longer sleep-ins and hello to an earlier morning alarm!

 The best routines for overall wellbeing is all about meeting the basic needs daily. The basics being the things which meet our fundamental physiological and psychological needs, such as: sleep, nutrition, hydration, hygiene, physical activity (play), care and social engagement. Do you have a daily routine for each of the basics? If not, do not judge yourself, rather nudge yourself. Nudge yourself to develop a small daily routine which allows the basic needs to be experienced in a timely and consistent manner.

 Here are a few tips for securing the basics into your daily routine…

Sleep: Establish a consistent bedtime and wake time which allows for at least 8 hours.

Nutrition: Plan nutritional meals and eat at consistent times daily to regulate energy levels.

Hydration: Make sure every family member has a water bottle and fills it up with each meal.

Hygiene: Create a hygiene check list chart for the kids: brushing teeth, showers/baths and combing hair.

Care and social engagement: Reading a book to your child is a very nurturing and connective activity which fosters a sense of care, engagement, and bond.

Physical activity (Play): Play is a great keystone habit which can trigger the onset of many other good habits. Playing with children meets the need for physical activity, social engagement and care. It triggers the need for a drink of water. It supports a good night’s sleep. Play is also a great mood booster and supports a child’s overall wellbeing and development. Never overlook the power of play –It’s not silly, it’s silly to not!


Planning a family routine can be tricky but it’s the best plan for a successful transition. Consider what works best for your family and bring the children into the conversation. Their awareness of all the expectations and routines makes all the difference! Have fun with the kids by making visual charts for your family’s new back to school routine. If you would like more ideas on family routines, feel free to make contact and talk to either Jess Nguyen (Wellbeing Advisor) or Thuy Tran (Deputy) for more wellbeing tips! 

VPS School Values

At our school we are really strong on promoting and encouraging our school values as we believe they not only support students in being successful at school, but in life. Our school values are as follows:

Caring - Speaking and behaving kindly, considering other people's feelings, helping others. 

Respect - Behaving politely toward others, not putting others down, looking after our school environment and property.

Fairness - Sharing, taking turns, playing and working by the agreed rules, including others, taking the time to listen to others.

Achievement - Trying hard, being persistent to keep improving and learning at your level, setting goals and feeling proud when you have been successful in reaching your goals.

Diversity - Valuing the similarities and differences in all people. Being confident and proud of who you are. 

As a school we have a zero tolerance to bullying and we are very proud of our ‘caring for one another culture’. From time to time there are situations when students don’t follow our school values and problems or issues can arise. We continually encourage children of how to behave and use our school values to work through problems. It is really important if there are instances where problems do occur for children to report to a teacher so that we can follow up with the concern.

All children have a right to come to school to learn in an environment where they feel safe in!

Our Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday the 17th of February at 6:30pm. Please see the attached information to this newsletter for more information. We will also send a hard copy to all families as well.

Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, we will require numbers of attendees, so please make sure you RSVP by Monday the 15th of February. 

I would strongly encourage anyone who has questions or is thinking about joining Governing Council to speak to Voula or Thuy.

I have said it many times, we highly value and acknowledge the crucial role parents play as primary educators in their children’s lives and believe ‘together is better’. As you would know from the note already sent home, this year we will again be having acquaintance meetings with parents from weeks 2 – 3.

The purpose is to try and find out as much information from you as to how your child best learns and any other information you think might be useful for us to create the best possible learning environment for your child.

The feedback from staff has been that these meetings are an invaluable way of quickly making sure we are getting all the important information, rather than waiting to get it down the track. Thank you to everyone who have attended these meetings before and who already booked a time. 

If you haven't yet booked yours, please do so at the link above and enter the code  9t2zb

School Card Applications 2021

We seek to notify our school community that fees for 2021 are set at the prescribed sum of $246 approved by Governing Council.

This amount is in line with the School Card payment. Please see below a copy of the DfE approved Watermark for 2021 Materials Services Charge of $246 for Virginia Primary. The schedule of fees is an indication of the breakdown of funds received by the school and how these fit into the schools budget.


Applications are now open online for school card applications.

The School Card scheme offers financial assistance with school fees (materials and services charges) for students attending government schools in that year.

Please follow the link provided to apply and check for eligibility. All applications are now done online…/financial-help-s…/school-card-scheme

Virginia Primary Staff List 2021


It is fantastic to see so many students wearing our school uniform. Reminder, shorts/pants must be navy blue with no logos etc.

In line with our SunSmart School status, students must be wearing a Virginia Primary hat, otherwise they must sit under the kindy shelter. No hat, No play!

A quick reminder that closed shoes are required as children participate in daily fitness and specialist Physical Education lessons throughout the week. 

Parenting Ideas 2021

Virginia Primary has a membership with Parenting Ideas, one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. As part of this membership, all the parents and carers in this school community can attend webinars at no cost. You can hear from the experts from the comfort of your own home.


Term 1 Calendar 2021


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