BIDWILL Public School

Term 1, Week 1


Welcome Back Parents / Caregivers

We hope you all had a fantastic and relaxing break!

We as a staff, are excited and very happy to be back on deck.

On Tuesday of this week, staff focused on working towards embedding positive behaviour for learning (PBL) and the introduction of the Daily 5.

Daily 5 is a structure that encourages students to work towards being self-regulated, independent learners whilst enabling students to make decisions when choosing the reading material they want and are interested in.

The skills they are about to learn,  will assist students with engagement and interest.

 New Staff & Staff movements

Harjit Birdee- Learning and Wellbeing Teacher

Glenn Peters- RFF/STEM

Kelly Davis- 3/4D

Stephen Morris- 3/4M

Amanda Gillian- KG

Gabby Flavin- Preschool/Kookaburras

Yasmien Boomgaard- 1/2B

Erica McIntosh- Learning and Support

Katherine Gill (term 1) - Learning and Support

Michaela Netu & Anthony Lanigan- School Counsellors

New Lunch Times

Over the holiday,s our executive staff met to discuss some new and exciting ways we can further support our students. As a result the students in K-2 and students in years 3-6, will have their lunch breaks at separate times. New times will be included in this newsletter. 

One of the main aims of this change is to have our Kindergarten students come out to the big playground lot earlier than in previous years.

We have also changed the way all students start the year. They have already been placed in their 2020 classes. In the past, this has not been done until the third week of learning. Our aim again is to settle students into their new classes a lot earlier.

Parents/ Caregivers,  if you have any concerns please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher or if you need to speak to an executive, please contact the office to make an appointment. 

We look forward to working with you all again in 2020.

 P&C Meeting

 Our first P&C Meeting will be held in the Community Room this  Thursday 6th February, 2 pm, 2020. We welcome new parents to our school alongside our present members.

See you then!


Yours in education,

Janine Macky



February 2020

11th    UWS visit stage 3

24th    School Photos


18th      Matt Cosgrove - (P-2) Author Visit 

23rd      Steven Herrick - Author Visit 

24th-25th   Kindy Steps Vision Screening


5th         Sydney Writers Festival

11th - 22nd     NAPLAN

Other School News

We have new bell times for 2020

8.30 bell - School is open

8.55 music - line up ready for Morning Assembly

9.00 bell - Morning Assembly

11.00 bell - 3-6 Lunch 1

11.25 beep, beep, beep - 3-6 warning for end of lunch 1

11.30 bell - 3-6 finish lunch 1, K-2 start lunch 1

11.55 beep, beep, beep - K-2 warning for end of lunch 1

12.00 bell - K-2 finish lunch 1

1.00 bell - 3-6 lunch 2

1.25 beep, beep, beep - 3-6 warning for end of lunch 2

1.30 bell - 3-6 finish lunch 2, K-2 start lunch 2

1.55 beep, beep, beep - K-2 warning for end of lunch 2

2.00 bell - K-2 finish lunch 2

3.00 End of school day

In Line, On Time, By 9


There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving on time to school. Arriving on time ensures your child doesn’t miss out on the important learning activities that happen early in the day when they are most alert, it helps them learn about routines and commitment, and it makes children feel good about themselves! 

This term we continue to make it exciting to arrive on time. Every child who is in line, on time, by 9 will receive a ticket to go into the weekly and end of term draw for some amazing prizes! But remember - they need to be in line, on time, by 9 if their name is drawn to receive the prize.

The Enrolment of Students in NSW Government Schools policy is in place to assist schools to meet their obligations under the Education Act 1990 - to ensure that every student has a place at their local school. The policy also communicates to staff and the community a transparent enrolment process

School Crossing Supervisor Vacancy