Melrose Park Public School Newsletter

Term 4 Week 4

Return of the big kids

We are so excited and happy to be back onsite again. Students have been learning at home and staff have been working at home for so many months. This week feels like the beginning of the year,  wearing new uniforms, learning new routines, meeting and making new friends and saying 'hi' to our returning friends. One of our Kindergarten students exclaimed, 'the big kids are back' and yes they are, so much taller and stronger.

We look forward to the next eight weeks of learning before we head into the Christmas holidays. Our priority is to focus on engaging all students in learning check-ins in both english and mathematics and importantly, checking on student wellbeing.

We thank our parent community for the support you gave the school throughout the period and thank you for your love and support you have given to your children. If you have any feedback you would like to share with the school, we would love to receive your thoughts and reflections.

Welcome back Assembly

Would you believe we had a zoom on our very first day back at school? At present, the school will follow the department's procedures which requires less mingling of students across the school.

We welcomed every class back onsite through a virtual zoom session. Our teachers, Students  Leaders and Student Voice class reps all took the opportunity to welcome every student back onsite.

Timetable changes

 As per department guidelines for a covid safe return we have made changes to the daily schedule.

Schools should restrict activities to established student cohorts. This may be in class, grade, or stage groupings dependent on the size and organisation of the school. Schools should consider, where practical, physical distancing and limiting interactions between groups at entry and exit points, transitioning between classes, and during recess and lunch breaks to reduce contact between student cohorts and staff.

There will be two timetables operating, one for K-2 and one for 3 -6.

All students will enjoy three breaks throughout the day and will have time on the playground for play and eating at different times. Each break will be supervised by staff.   Teachers are aware that students may need shorter learning sessions in the intitial weeks as  we transition back into a more structured learning module.

K-2 and siblings will be dismissed at 2.50pm each day.

Yr 3- 6 will be dismissed at 3.00pm. Please keep to the same entry and exit gate each day to avoid confusion.

Break times

The day is now divided into three breaks to help ease  students back into school structures after a long absence. Students may take time adjusting to a new routine as will teachers remembering when to ring the bell.

The first break is our health break where we have taken Crunch and Sip out of the classroom to be enjoyed with a drink of water, a run around and a wellbeing check-in.  Healthy eating and active lifestyle have always been part of our learning curriculum as we encourage all students to care for their minds and bodies.

The second break is our lunch break where students play first and then sit to eat their sandwich, drink and attend to toilets before going back into class.

The third break is our afternoon break where again students have a chance to play before  sitting down to have an afternoon snack, drink and toilets before the last learning session of the day.

The good news is that all bubblers are now open for student use when needing a sip of water.

Student Leaders

What did you think of the first day back?

It was great to see my friends again. It was great to play outside and just run around and have fun.

What did you think of the changes to the school day?

I thought having three breaks was a great idea and that we should do it permanently. It was good to play, work, play, work, play and work. 

What do you think about the rest of the term?

I think we should have some fun days like dress up days and activities days because we have missed out on so many things.

What do you need to remember now you are back at school?

I need to have fruit or vegetable to eat to at break, I need my hat if I want to play outside, I need to know where to play, I need to focus on my work.

Homework Term 4

Will there be set homework for the rest of the term?

As students are all settling back into school the simple answer to this question is no.

We understand that families have completed many extra hours of learning from home and I am sure will be delighted to hear that set homework acitivities will not be organised for the rest of this term.

Take the time to play in the park, increase physical activities every afternoon with swimming, cycling and walking. There have been many months when families and friends could not come together. Make these weeks special with more outdoor time and family time.

At Melrose Park staff believe that reading is not homework, We encourage everyone to read each night for sustained periods and spend time reading together.

To keep parents informed, teachers will update their families through Seesaw of the class learning intentions each week.

Successful Learners

Superhero Day

What is your super power?  Everyone one has a super power, let's use your power for good.

We ask all students to come to school on Wednesday 3 November, dressed as a SuperHERO.  During the day class activities will focus on strengths and strategies to deal with difficult situations and how each child can draw on their personal skills to overcome adversity.

Is your Superpower Kindness? Kindness is contagious. Strengthening  vital character strengths will empower students to improve their own self-belief, adapt to various situations and assist them in fulfilling their own potential. Students will explore positive values whilst developing their own character strengths. 

Students need to remember to wear covered in shoes and wear a sun safe hat for play.  

Year 2, Miss Fury and Miss Ko

Friday is sport day

On Friday students wear their sports uniform and their school hat. Remember that students need their drink bottle when playing outside.

PSSA competitions have been cancelled for the rest of this term. For members of netball and soccer teams please return your MPPS team uniform to your class teacher. Remember to make sure that it is returned in a good condition, in a plastic bag with your name and class clearly identified. 

Back in the classroom with Year 3 and Mr Steel

Ready to learn with Year 4 and Mrs Spenceley

Selective Schools 2023

Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic standard. Selective high schools help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, and by using specialised teaching methods.

If you would like to have your child considered for Year 7 selective high school entry in 2023, you need to apply online using a valid email address (not the student’s email address).

The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 10 March 2022.

Detailed instructions on how to apply and the link to the online form will be available in early-October 2021 at

Applications open on 19 October 2021 and close on 17 November 2021. You must apply before the closing date.


Keen and eager Yr 5 and Mr Choi

Our senior class Year 6 with Mrs O'Neill

P&C News

Notice of OSHC Special meeting:

Monday November 15, 6:30pm via zoom

Please RSVP to to receive the zoom link. The motion for discussion is below.

Melrose Park OSHC  Special Resolution

 Motion 1:

It is moved that the Melrose Park OSHC Incorporated registration be cancelled as the centre is now run by an alternative company and does not require its own incorporation status.

Motion 2:

As a formal subcommittee of the Melrose Park PS P&C, it is moved that the assets of Melrose Park OSHC Incorporated be dispersed in accordance with the Melrose Park Public School P&C By Laws.

As such 100% of funds are to be dispersed to Melrose Park Public School P&C for the benefit of  the Melrose Park Public School community through enhancing the student learning experience and student safety.

The OSHC Premises remains the property of the Department of Education.   The equipment contained within the OSHC premises will remain the property of Melrose Park Public School with full access granted to the OSHC provider.

Erika Hewitt, P&C executive, past president of MPPS OSHC