St Andrew's Primary Marayong Newsletter

Term 2 Issue 10 - 24th June 2021

From the Principal - Yvette Baird

Looking back over the past 10 weeks, many great opportunities for learning have occurred for every student as well as parent involvement in many events that have been scheduled.  This term was a definite change to what we have experienced over the last 14 months. To engage in community events even though some restrictions need to be in place for safety, has contributed to our new normal way of celebrating the great learning experiences and life at St Andrew’s.  

Farewell to a new friend- Mrs Van Der Burg

As you are aware Ms McDonald has been on a very well deserved break from school life.  Mrs Van Der Burg was appointed AP for this Semester.  We are now at the end of her appointment and I sincerely wish to thank her for her professionalism, her talents and gifts that she so readily shared with our school and for her kindness of heart and amazing spirit she brings to the role every day.  From her first day as part of our school community, Mrs Van Der Burg fitted straight into our faith community.  Her zest for education and her care of the children has been an absolute stand out.  I will sincerely miss her smiling face, but wish her God's blessing as she returns to her school in Richmond.  It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you Jacqui.   This means that Ms McDonald will be returning next term.  I know we will be very happy to have her back with us.  

Our dear Mrs Schrader leaves us this term. 

Mrs Schrader will be handing in her keys this week from a community she dearly loves and is leaving us to start the next chapter of her work life.  Mrs Schrader has been a big part of this community from attending school here to working most of her teaching life as a valued member of St Andrew’s.  Mrs Schrader is such a talented teacher who has freely given herself and shared not only her faith with the children in her care but also her amazing talent for teaching children in a very respectful and creative way.  Mrs Schrader is the kind of teacher that you do not forget, her love for teaching and her caring heart will live far beyond in her student's mind after she goes.  I sincerely wish Mrs Schrader God’s love and happiness as she leaves her legacy and mark on our great school community.  Be happy Melissa and may God be with you always dear friend. 

School Photos

Our school photos are scheduled for Wednesday the 14th of July. This is the first Wednesday of the term.  I ask parents to please ensure all winter uniforms are complete, including a tie for both girls and boys. Just a reminder that all hairstyles need to be school appropriate.  

Restrictions Return 

This week you would have been informed of a return to some restrictions.  A letter went home this week outlining the changes that will be in place until at least week 3 of Term 3. The lifting of  these restrictions will occur once the Chief Medical Officer deems it safe to do so. 

I would like to send my sincere thanks to all our families for your support in maintaining our protocols and placing the safety needs of our school first. 

I wish you all a very safe and relaxing student vacation.   Children will return on Monday the 12th of July in winter uniform.  

St Vincent De Paul- Feast of the Sacred Heart

I wish to thank every family for their very generous donation of food and personal items during our Sacred Heart of Jesus Feast day. We were able to donate a very large amount of goods to St Vincent De Paul to share amongst people in our community who need our support.  My thanks to Mrs Whiticker for her coordination of the liturgy. 

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2022

As advertised in the last newsletter,  St Andrew’s is  definitely at the end of the enrollment process. I ask families who still have not applied and their child is school ready to please submit an application ASAP.  There is a good possibility that your child may be placed on a waiting list.  I look forward to meeting with you next term. 

Planned Events for Term 3

With changes to border closures and new restrictions in place we will be closely monitoring the advice from the chief Medical officer.  The changes may impact our Canberra excursion. A decision will be made in week 1 of Term 3 if this excursion goes ahead.  Let us pray that COVID community transmission is under control quickly.   

Athletics Carnival

What a beautiful sunny day for our annual Athletics Carnival.  Mr Paynter pulled out all the stops to ensure a fun day was had by all.  I really appreciate the many parents who attend on the day to cheer the children as they participated so well in all events.  I thank our families for your  cooperation and support on the day. 

I am pleased to announce the following house points and the winning house for 2021.

Sturt (Yellow) - 756

Lawson (Green) - 731

Macquarie (Red) - 702

Cook (Blue) - 688

Mr Paynter has finalised aged champions and this presentation will be made in the very near future.  Well done students for exemplary behaviour and sportsmanship. 

Can I please also thank the college for allowing us to use their great school facilities to hold the event.  Very grateful! Thank you Mr Kannough

Stage Disco fundraisers

A big thank you to the P&F for organising our goodie bags for every student as part of our fundraiser for the term.  It was a great way to celebrate the great learning and effort of every child. There were special prizes and treats organised for the children.  I wish to thank our families for your donation.  

At the end of each term it is very timely that we review some of our processes to remind parents of our expectations. 

Collecting children from school in the afternoon

A safety concern that has arisen this term is children walking to cars parked down the street from the back gate school exit. Only walkers who have permission notes are allowed to leave the school site without adult supervision.  All other students who are picked up by their parents are not permitted to do this.  Parents are asked to park their vehicle and walk into the school site to collect their children.   I understand that our surrounding streets are very congested at this time, however my advice is to stagger the time you arrive at school to collect your child. If you delay your pick up by 10 minutes the streets are less congested and you will be able to park safely and walk into the school to collect your child following the school policy and process for dismissal. It only takes but a moment for tragedy to occur if a child is not focused on the surrounding traffic.  A few minutes of inconvenience is better than a lifetime of regret. I implore parents to park and walk into the grounds.  This is the only safe option. 

Children who are unwell

Students can become unwell at any time of the day. Unfortunately many children are arriving unwell to school.  This only means that the office will contact you and ask you to pick them up. Children can become very distressed when they are unwell.  I understand that parents have work commitments, however I ask families to please follow our COVID safety  plan and seek medical attention and allow your child to recuperate at home until they are fit for school. 

Communicating with teachers

We encourage our families to communicate with your child’s teacher if you need to share   important information regarding their wellbeing or circumstances for the day. 

There are two ways you can do this,

  • Write a note and send it to school with your child. The teacher will respond to you at an appropriate time.
  • Contact the school office or send an email to the school or via a platform shared by the teacher as the preferred method of communication.

It is important that parents respect the before school time teachers need to prepare for the days learning.  Parents are asked not to visit classrooms in the morning unless an appointment has been scheduled. This allows the teachers the time needed to prepare. 

Medication for students

The school has a very detailed and safe process for administering medication for students at school.  For the safety of all students, under no circumstance is medication of any type to be kept in school bags.  

Parents and Friends Gatherings

I invite our community to join our P&F meetings. There is a meeting scheduled every term usually in week 2 to discuss plans for the term.  It  is also a way to meet new people and socialise while talking about fun ways to support the school. Our next meeting will be held on  Monday the 19th of July at 6.30pm.  Please come and take a look!

Term 3 Calendar

Student of the Week Term 2 Week 8 & 9

Kindergarten Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Ruby H
  • Sophia D
  • Ashwin A
  • Madison M
  • Name Withheld
  • Sabari K
  • Jayden K
  • Laurel V

Year 1 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Nadene H
  • Ava Z
  • Corey C
  • Bhani A
  • Ayushi R
  • Kayla L
  • Rhys S
  • Nathan G

Year 2 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Alice T
  • Ekam T
  • Jacob C
  • Anna W
  • Gabrial A
  • Noah G
  • Alexis W
  • Ethan R

Year 3 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Joseph W
  • Jana D
  • Nathan K
  • Lucas C
  • Marcella A
  • Sylvia K

Year 4 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Chloe W
  • Jayse P
  • Erin A
  • Aaditveer S
  • Kim C
  • Vishva P

Year 5 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Ansel N
  • Ranjot K
  • Timothy M
  • Kai W
  • Leo D
  • Onel P

Year 6 Students

Week 8Week 9
  • Arturo A
  • Mechaela T
  • William O
  • Jolena V
  • Annastasia R
  • Jaxson P

This Week's News Update


Dear Parents/Guardians,

The last delivery for Term 2 will be Wednesday 23rd June 2021.  The first delivery for Term 3 will be Monday 12th July 2021.

A friendly reminder that all orders are to be placed on the QKR app by MasterCard. Please download the app, search your school and follow the prompts. 

Please place your orders prior to the cut off date to ensure you receive your order. 


Any concerns please email

School Photos - Wednesday 14th July 2021

St Andrew's Primary School Marayong

Respect | Excellence | Teamwork | Endeavor | Confidence | Honesty