We are the student Lighthouse Leaders and part of our job is to tell the school community about things that happen for students in the school. Each newsletter we will try to tell you about something we have been doing. Today we will tell you about some of the things happening with the student leader programs.
Firstly, all the Yr 6 and 7 students have a student leader role. Each role has a specific thing they do to help either students or the school. All the student leader groups have accomplished something to help the school so far this year including: running a lunchtime coding club, weeding out all the garden beds, organising a suggestion box for the Resource Centre and doing Book Week book reviews, going around the yard in playtimes to help students, managing a charity fundraiser and doing a school tour for the External School Review team, organising a lunchtime scavenger word hunt, learning about composting, nude food and organising soft plastics bins, and, organising a kids vs staff wheelie basketball game, small COLA roster and Friday Funday activities. Lots of staff members help us with our roles.
Another thing we have is the SVIL Team. (SVIL stands for Student Voice in Learning.) There are 16 students from Yrs 4-7 in the SVIL Team. 8 of the team met with SVIL teams from the other 7 schools in our area last term to talk about ways they could help students stretch their thinking. Over the next 3 weeks we will be observing students stretch their thinking in classrooms. There is another meeting with other schools this term to share the work we are doing. Mrs Govender helps the SVIL Team.
Another way the Yr 6 and 7 students are leading some work is with the work we have started doing on some Fridays with Ms Hayden. We have been put into 14 groups of about 5 and then each group has been designated a class. Every few weeks the groups will work with their classes leading little lessons and discussions on certain themes. Last Friday we talked about Walk Safely to School Day.