Santa Sophia Catholic College Newsletter

May Newsletter - Term 2, Week 5 2021

Welcome Address by Mark De Vries

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Enrolments now open: please let your family/friends know

Building Update - 13 weeks until we get the keys!

Honouring All Mothers

On Thursday 6 May, we held a special Mother's Day liturgy in honour of all the wonderful mothers in our community.

To show our appreciation for the women who have nurtured us and shaped who we are as a person, we invited all mums and grandmothers of our Primary students to a special liturgy and presentation. 

Read more.

A Message for Mothers

Although we had to cancel our Mother's Day Mass in the Secondary school due to new COVID-19 restrictions, our Secondary students prepared a special message for our mothers. We hope you'll take the time to watch this video made just for you.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

We Will Remember Them

On Monday 26 April and Wednesday 28 April, we honoured our ANZACs with two solemn ceremonies, showing our respect to those who have fought for our freedoms. 

Read more and watch the highlights from our commemoration from our Secondary campus here.

Read more and watch the highlights from our commemoration from our Primary campus here.

Easter Hat Day Parade

On Tuesday 20 April, we welcomed parents on site for the first time in a very long time to witness our Easter Hat Parade. Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 students showed off their own creative Easter themed hats as they walked past crowds of proud parents.

Read more here.

Year 1 Travel Back to the Past

In Investigations, Year 1 students are beginning the unit "Back to the Past" and are exploring the driving question 'To what extent has our family history changed from the past to present?'

When walking into the classroom, they discovered two elderly ladies had emerged from a TIME MACHINE! 

Read more here.

Year 2 Excursion to Elizabeth Farm

On Friday 30 April, Year 2 students went on an excursion to Elizabeth Farm, where they learnt about how people lived in the past compared with how we live today.

Read more here.

Wellbeing Update

by Mrs Anoushka Houseman 


Term 2 has certainly started at a brisk pace! We have just concluded our current 8 session Anxiety Group and it was great to see some of these Year 7 students reflecting on some of the positive changes they are proud of having achieved during this time. The students were each presented with a certificate of completion and we're currently gathering and analysing data to assess changes in anxiety levels.  Our social skills group continues to meet once a week at recess and we are always happy to add new members. The team is currently reviewing various student needs to see what kind of group we might run next.

Pulse Secondary Student Weekly Wellbeing Check-ins

As you know, we have continued using the Pulse digital program to assess individual and whole school wellbeing through the weekly check ins within our secondary school setting. This year, we have received 15 requests for help and all these students have been seen by the person they requested within the day. This program is allowing our wellbeing team to be more responsive to need. Our latest weekly data was showing 70% of students marked that they were feeling great or positive, 24.4% indicated that they felt somewhere in the middle and 5.6% reported feeling negative or requested help. 


Student attendance every day at school for some students is an area that can be a complex and at times stressful endeavour whereas for other students it is not something they even think about. Our Diocese, in line with a great deal of Australian research, has come to understand the highly significant impact that student attendance has on educational achievement as well as social and emotional wellbeing. Therefore we are required to monitor student attendance and try to provide any support we can to engage students to attend as much as possible. The Diocese has set each school a target for each student to have an attendance level of at least 90% (which means they are missing no more than 1 day a fortnight). Unfortunately we have slipped a little below this target as a school where only 88.4% of students in high school and 88.6% of our students in primary school are achieving an attendance level of 90% or more. We are very keen to work with you as parents and with our students to try to get this attendance level back over the 90% goal. If you have concerns about your child's attendance and we are not already engaged in supporting you, please email me, Anoushka Houseman, on

The table below explains the educational impact of having days off in terms of years of learning lost:


We are currently in the process of reviewing our behaviour data and evaluating the current processes and analysing where we may have some gaps and what the needs are in each year group. More updates about this as we develop ideas further.


Arlo our school Wellbeing dog has been visiting a lot in Week 4 as students in Years 7 and 9 were preparing for NAPLAN. Arlo has been having a great time getting lots of attention, pats and belly rubs not only from our students doing NAPLAN but anyone who just wanted to have.a cuddle or play. Arlo's mere presence tends to have a beneficial effect on student wellbeing and decreasing stress. Here are some photos of him interacting with the students at lunchtime.

Santa Sophia Connect: Real-Time Reporting (Pt 1 and 2)

At Santa Sophia, we place great emphasis on establishing a partnership between home and school. One way in which we do this is through Santa Sophia Connect. These sessions demonstrates how to gain quick access to your child’s academic progress through the Digital Portfolio and Seesaw, and effectively use it to support your child in their learning.

Replay: Digital Portfolios

Replay: Seesaw

Inside the Happy Families Parent Membership


1. Anxiety In Your Child

MONDAY 17 MAY  8PM AEST   |  Join Live

Anxiety has become one of the leading causes of ill-health in our children. And it’s also affecting more parents than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated what was already an accelerating problem.

2. Live Q&A with Dr Justin Coulson

THURSDAY 3 JUNE 8PM AEST | Live Q&A | Pre-register Your Question

Join Dr Justin while he answers your most pressing parenting quandaries.


Dates for your Diary:

Wednesday 19 May

- Year 10 Excursion to Greater Western Sydney Careers Market

- Webinar for Year 10 Parents on Subject Selections for Stage 6

Thursday 27 May

- College Athletics Carnival

Monday 14 June

- Queen's Birthday PUBLIC HOLIDAY