Welcome to 2021!
Welcome back to our students and families who are returning for another year. I also extend a very warm welcome to our new students and families joining our school. I hope you have already been able to establish some friendships within our community. It has been a great start for our 105 new Kindergarten students and 78 Preschool children this week. While there have been a few tears on our starting days from our new enrolments, I think most of them were from our parents.
We have formed 33 classes K-6 and four preschool classes. Our students in Years 1-6 were placed in classes after recess on their first day of attendance. It is always difficult to know exactly if our plans for classes will be correct after returning from the long holiday break. It is a numbers game at the beginning of each year and depends on new enrolments arriving at our school and finding out if families have moved during the vacation period.
Canley Vale welcomes Miss Marjanovic, Miss Goodall and Mr Nicolussi to the teaching staff this year. We also welcome Ms Taylor, a new school counsellor, to our school staff. We have included a class listing later in the newsletter.
Meet the Teacher Sessions
We will be holding Meet the Teacher sessions in a few weeks. Please keep an eye out for further details to follow soon. These sessions will be a time to see what your child will be learning in their classrooms, meet the teaching staff who will be working with your child and ask questions if you are unsure of what you have already seen or heard. These afternoon sessions will not be a time to ask the class teacher how your child is progressing. Save these questions for a few more weeks.
Our teachers are more than happy to talk to you about your child or any issue you may have, over the phone or at a mutually convenient time which can be organised with the assistance of our office staff and Community Liaison Officers. Communication between teachers, the school and parents at home is very important. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like something clarified or followed up.
Office Hours
A reminder that our school office opens from 8:20am – 3:00pm. If the office is closed you are able to email the school with any issues or concerns or call the school the following day.
Email: canleyvalep-school@det.nsw.edu.au
Phone: 9724 1555
Swimming Carnival
Our annual swimming carnival will be held on Thursday 18th February at Merrylands Leisure Centre. All students in Years 3-6 should attend. Year 2 students who are turning 8, and can confidently swim 50 metres and are prepared to participate in the swimming races, are also invited. All students attending must travel by bus with their classes. Due to COVID Safety Plan restrictions at the venue our carnival has not been opened up for parents to spectate this year. We look forward to sharing the day with you through our social media channels and in the next school newsletter.
Welcome Preschool Students
Welcome to our 78 new preschool students to Canley Vale Public School. The children have been starting on various days and by the middle of next week we will have all 78 preschool children in attendance in their specific days. We look forward to seeing our little ones develop and progress as they become part of our school community.
We ask that our preschool parents enter and exit the school using the Pevensey Street gate each morning and afternoon. The Pevensey St gate is locked daily at 9am and doesn’t reopen until 2:30pm. If you are late for drop -off in the morning and it is after 9am please enter the school through the Canley Vale Rd gates and go through the office area after signing in.
Welcome Kinder Students
Welcome to our 105 new kindergarten students to Canley Vale Public School: Muhammad, Rosy, Alexander, Lara, Mia, Liam, Anna, Delon, Hayden, Jayden, Tracy, Jessica, Walle, Jase, Athan, Christine, Bryan, Kathy, Leo, Tina, Aiden, Chloe, Alex, Jennifer, Anna, Jessica, Nathan, Logan, Tim, Kayden, Damien, Kayla, Ryan, Ali, Nada, Kevin, Valentina, Nita, Hannah, Ellery, Nicole, Eric, Benjamin, Adem, Michelle, Lincoln, Savena, Eric, Eugenia, Veng, Aidan, Enzo, Jasmine, Evan, Jefferson, Luka, Ann-Vien, Helen, Khloe, Mika, Thanh, Thien, Alazae, Leftraru, Anna, Sienna, Tiana, Farrah, Alecia, Bailey, Henry, Leon, Theodore, Thomson, Christine, Sebastian, Alianos, Isabella, Fitu, Anthony, Ethan, Elizabeth, Hao, Jaden, Rosa, Ava, Edison, Justin, Jaylen, Jimena, Harry, Kayden, Brendan, Leo, Phimean, Ethan, Flynn, Ricky, Tiffany, Mimi, Sandy, Chelsea, Ellie, Erin
I was very impressed with the way our new students walked with their new class teacher on day one to their new classroom. They had a great day. Parents you should be very proud of the way they handled transition to “big school”. We look forward to seeing them with the same big smiles on their faces again on Monday morning for a full week of school.
Lunar New Year
Next Friday 12th February we will celebrate Lunar New Year as a whole school with a special morning assembly. Students and staff are welcome to dress in National dress or costume for the day. Unfortunately, we are unable to invite parents to join our assembly this year but look forward to sharing images with you via our social media channels after the assembly. This year is the Year of the Ox.
Second Hand Uniform Sale
This afternoon we will have a second hand uniform stall operating just outside the front office at 2pm. We will also have surplus new stock at discounted prices. We cannot guarantee that there is a range of all sizes and a range of all items. What we have available will be on sale. 2nd hand uniforms are $5 per item.
School Lunches
It is important to send your child with lunch that does not require heating or refrigeration. Teachers cannot heat lunches for children in their class. Please ensure your child’s lunch bag has an ice brick in it if it needs to stay cool until lunch time. You can of course order your child’s lunch if you want them to have a hot lunch.
PSSA Trials
Yesterday students trialled for a variety of sports for the first season of our Lansdowne Zone PSSA competition. PSSA is due to start soon with netball, soccer and touch football. Students who were successful at the trials will be given more information next week with their permission notes. Please return these as soon as possible to ensure our school has full teams ready for competition to commence.
Extra Curricula Activities for Students
There are a great many extra curricula activities offered at our school to our students. Some of which include: PSSA Sport, Choir, Dance, Debating, Gardening Club, Chess Club, Art Club, Film Club, Coding Club and Drumming Club. The teachers will start to announce these groups at our whole school weekly assembly. Students need to be listening to find out when auditions and rehearsals will be. These groups are mainly for students in Years 3-6, however, there are a few activities for Years 1 and 2. Kinder students spend their first year getting acquainted with routines and making new friends. These activities are extra opportunities. Children can choose to be part of these groups but must be committed to the weekly lunchtime meetings and training sessions.
Not all the extra curricula activities will start in Term 1. Students need to be listening to messages and looking at noticeboards around the school for new announcements. In our next newsletter we will announce the extracurricular activities that are happening in Term 1.
Our canteen is up and running. We have included the latest menu and prices for your convenience. Lunches can be ordered before school at the canteen by students and/or by parents at the front of the school office, inside the school gates on Canley Vale Rd.
School Attendance – It’s not okay to be away!
It is a legal requirement for students to attend school every day. If a child is sick and unable to come to school then parents/carers are required to send a note to the class teacher on the day of their return to school. Parents are also able to send a notice if their child is sick via email to the school or by calling the school office.
Punctuality – Don’t be late, school can’t wait!
Punctuality is also extremely important. Children need to arrive at school on time to ensure they are ready to listen to morning messages at lines and move into classrooms to hear the teacher instructions for the day. Children arriving after the gates are locked should go to the school office, with their parents, to collect a late note before going to their classroom.
School Improvements
Over the school holiday period we had much work done to improve the school grounds. At the front and back of the schools we had areas improved with grass installation and garden beds. On the playgrounds we had synthetic turf installed to provide more grass areas for the students to play. We also have some scenery banners installed around the school to enhance the environment. Inside some classrooms we have had new felt pin boards installed in preparation to display student work and learning activities. The school is looking good after its long holiday.
Whole School Assemblies
We will start our whole school assemblies in Week 4 (Wednesday 17th February) for all our students. Due to COVID restrictions we are unable to invite our parents and carers to attend these just yet. We look forward to the day when we are able to open our gates wide and have our parents and carers, once again, watching our assemblies and visiting our classrooms.
COVID Restrictions and Drop-off and Pick-up of Students
Next Monday 8th February we will return to our school gates only being open in the morning to our students. All schools were given permission to have parents of Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students escort their children into the school at the beginning of the day. However, next week we will revert back to our plans from last year. Parents will say goodbye at the gates. Kindergarten parents may accompany their children to Wali on the Monday morning but then the rest of the week it will be drop-off at the gates. Please prepare your children over the weekend by talking about it with them.
During our afternoon pick-up, parents will be allowed to come onto the school grounds and wait in the designated area for their children. Due to the busy roads around our school and the lack of space to socially distance from other adults, we will continue to allow our parents to wait within the school gates. Once you have collected your children please exit at the closest gates. We thank you for your continued understanding as we navigate the COVID safety guidelines.
Grade | Dismissal Time From | Area |
Preschool | 2:30pm | Preschool |
Kindergarten | 2:30pm | Wali |
Year 1 & 2 | 2:40pm | Mariang |
Year 3 | 2:45pm | Jirrabitty |
Year 4 | 2:45pm | Mulgoa |
Year 5 & 6 | 2:50pm | At gates |
Preschool parents will be allowed inside the school gates via Pevensey Street gate from 8:45am to take their child to the preschool, sign them in and then vacate the school grounds via Pevensey Street gate again. This will be the same process for the afternoon from 2:30pm.
Kind regards,
Margaret Creagh