Kotara South Public School Newsletter

15 December 2021 | Week 11 | Term 4

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well here we are, we've made it to the end of the year. And what a year it has been. 

2022 Staffing

To finish the year, I would like to share some staffing news with you for 2022:

  • In Kinder we have Ms Gibson and Ms Payne.
  • Stage 1- Mrs Ward / Mrs Blackmore, Mrs McClymont, Miss Martin, Miss Menner.
  • In stage 2- Miss Brailey, Mr Warren, Mrs Cox and a staff member to be advised.
  • In stage 3- Mr John, Ms Summers, Mrs Rossiter and Mr Armstrong.
  • Ms Talbot in HSU and Mrs Harvey in the Library.
  • Mrs Unsted, Mrs Bird (until wk 5), Mrs Wilson, Ms Godden, Mr Eldridge and Mrs Fear supporting learning and teaching in our school.

Moving rooms will take place Thursday and Friday this week. School is open and operational. Children are welcome to attend school. Full school uniform to be worn on the last two days please.


Last Thursday evening, it was my great privilege to attend the virtual Presentation Award ceremony to honour Mr Paul John- the NSW PSSA state winner of the School Sporting Association Excellence Award. Mr John has served the PSSA Newcastle City zone and Hunter zone for over a decade and in this time he has convened carnivals, coached and mentored hundreds of students in representative sport. As President of Newcastle City zone he has led the innovation on an entire online system for registrations and record keeping.  Mr John has been a highly respected member of the Hunter School Sports association and it is with great pride that he receives this Excellence Award. Congratulations again Mr John.

Thankyou P&C

Thank you to the P & C for all their support this year. Last Wednesday evening the P & C held their Christmas party and our outgoing President Mrs Emily Harland was honoured for her work and commitment to our school Thank you Emily and we wish you all the best.


Major Construction Work

Over the school holidays we are having some major construction work done with all roofs being replaced on A block, B  block, D, E and F blocks. This is a massive undertaking and you may see works being done in this time. Fingers crossed for clear sunny skies in this time.

Holiday Uniform Shop  

Please be sure to check the P & C Facebook page and or the Skoolbag posts for Uniform shop times for opening in the holidays.


School returns in 2022

  • Friday 28th January and Monday 31st January are staff development days and no children are on site.
  • Week 1- Years 1-6 Tuesday 1st February 2022.
  • Week 1- Kindergarten Wednesday 2nd February 2022. Information on times to be posted on Skoolbag.


Year in Review

Upon reflection 2021 has certainly thrown some curve balls at us all: global pandemic of COVID-19 , mouse plague, flood, drought, cyber attack and the first industrial action in 10 years on the back of 2020 which saw bushfire, first global pandemic in nearly 100 years of COVID-19, flood, drought, mouse plague.

This year has seen us pivot time and time again. It takes time to heal and it takes time to adjust after a year like this.

We must acknowledge the fact that COVID has impacted on the ability for us all to be social and feel free and comfortable to move in society. The reality of lockdowns and restrictions with school closures | border closures | cohorting |vaccinations | restrictions on visiting families and friends, has taken a toll on us all.  We are social beings, we catch up with  family members and friends all the time, we laugh and enjoy the company and conversation of our tribes – that’s who we are. This year has been somewhat different for most of us.  Please take the time to acknowledge your friends and families whom you’ve ‘walked with’ this year – these people matter so much.

This year again, our school has been leading from the front. We have guided and supported the thoughts, feelings and emotions of all our stakeholders, at the same time, managing our own emotions and those of our closest friends and family members. School is a dynamic and complex place where we all care deeply for our students and families of the KSPS community. We hope that you have experienced this kindness this year.

Just when we appear to be coming out of the depth of COVID we are again challenged by a new strain and it's rapid spread across our beautiful city. It’s true, there is uncertainty about what it might look like for the 2022 school year. But for now, we need to park that thought and get through Christmas and into the new year.

Amidst this all, we have seen the MOST beautiful acts of kindness, care, thoughtfulness, and consideration. YOU have offered such acts and I am confident you have seen the very best in humanity in our community. Hold those moments tight – they are testament to the people you walk life with.

As we go into the festive and holiday season, I urge each and every one of you to rest where you can, connect with those you love and enjoy being present with your loved ones.

Thank you to all our staff, students and KSPS families.

Merry Christmas and wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

Mrs Maxworthy | Principal 

Learning & Support at KSPS

Just a quick message from the LST to say Merry Christmas and please enjoy your time with your families and friends. Don’t forget the learning doesn’t need to stop - there are so many things to do while on holidays to keep young minds active. Reading of course is the most important one, whether you are reading to your child or they are reading to you - children will learn so much from being immersed in the world of print. Learning opportunities will also come easily when your children are engaged in gardening, bushwalking, playing games or even just telling stories at dinnertime. More ideas for keeping your children busy can be found on the website https://newywithkids.com.au/ This site has many ideas for activities at home or out and about including free and low-cost ideas. 

LST’s resilience quote of the week comes from Louisa May Alcott…

I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


Regina Fear | Learning & Support Teacher


The Smartie Class of the Year is K1/G.

Well done to all those fantastic students who returned their library books.

Merry Christmas, wishing you all a healthy and happy New Year

Mrs Sue Harvey | Teacher Librarian

Counsellor Corner

Many of us are looking forward to the Christmas holidays after what has been a very challenging year. However, this time of the year can also be very difficult and overwhelming for both young people and adults. If you, or someone you know, need support over this period, or at any time throughout the year, the following services may be of assistance to you:


Children and Adolescents

Kids Helpline – https://kidshelpline.com.au/ 1800 551 800 (ages 5-25 years)

Headspace – https://headspace.org.au/ (ages 12-25 years)

Reachout.com - https://au.reachout.com/ (teenagers)



Beyond Blue – https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 1300 22 4636

Lifeline - https://www.lifeline.org.au/ 13 11 14

Black Dog Institute - https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au


Families (particularly family separation)

Interrelate https://www.interrelate.org.au/ 1300 473 528

Relationships Australia https://relationships.org.au/ 1300 364 277


Children, adolescents and adults

Your GP

Mental Health Line 1800 011 511

Emergency 000


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to have a break and to recharge. Take care.

Belinda Robinson | School Counsellor / Registered Psychologist

Assembly Awards

Upcoming Events

Keep track of school events by signing up for notifications on the Skoolbag app. ‘What’s On’ reminders are posted each Sunday evening. Or, please check the Events page of the KSPS Website for upcoming dates and details.

P&C Association

Christmas Raffle

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners of our Christmas raffle! With your help we raised an amazing $3483 that will go towards our nature playground, which will begin construction next year. The list of winners has been published on our P&C Facebook page.

Uniform Shop Holiday Hours

The uniform shop will be open on the following dates in the holidays for online order pickups or to try on uniforms if needed (pending restrictions):

  • Monday 24th January 3pm – 4pm
  • Saturday 29th January 3pm – 4pm
  • Monday 31st January 10am – 11am

Any late changes to these dates will be published on Skoolbag and Facebook.

Merry Christmas

As we wind down our school duties and ramp up our Christmas preparations, the P&C would like to wish all of our school community a very Merry Christmas, a relaxing and safe break, and a happy and less disrupted 2022!


Thank you for supporting KSPS P&C!

Email: kspspandc@gmail.com

Facebook: Kotara South Public School P&C

Contact information

Kotara South Public School provides a supportive learning community where students are valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Strive to Achieve