Welcome Back And Thank You
We are extremely proud at how quickly the students have settled back into learning within the classroom. It started with Kindergarten and Year 1 last week and then the rest of the grades returning yesterday. I would like to thank the strong support from parents to get the students back into the classroom. Today we have over 98% of the students back at school. Compared to Term 3, it is great to hear the voices around the school and see the smiles.
I would like to give a big thank you to the staff of Winston Hills Public School for the amazing job that they did during Term 3 and also over the start of this term to be ready for the return to face-to-face learning.
I would also like to thank the school community for the support that we have received during the past few months. This is was highlighted when the school was non-operational at the start of the term.
School Operations
Winston Hills Public School is currently under what the department considers “Level 3 Plus” restrictions. This includes masks being highly recommended for students and students playing in different areas based on their cohort.
There is a staggered finishing time for school to reduce the congestion around the school gates. As there are a large number of siblings within the school, we will have students leave the grounds by the first letter of surnames. This will mean that:
· Students whose surname begin with a letter starting from A-K will be dismissed at 2:50pm
· Students whose surname begin with a letter starting from L-Z will be dismissed at 3:00pm
· Students who are attending YMCA or catching a bus will be dismissed at 3:00pm
We ask that parents social distance when dropping off and picking up children and to move away from the area as quickly as possible.
Activities such as assemblies, PSSA, Band, Choir and Dance are currently on hold until restrictions are changed.
It is highly recommended that all families within the Winston Hills Public School community has access to the Skoolbag app as this is the quickest way to stay up to date with things that may change at school.
School Office
I would like to acknowledge the great work that our school office staff are doing to support the return to school. The ladies in the office have been working on the large number of refunds for cancelled activities. They have also been chasing up health care plans and preparing for 2022 Kindergartens.
Kindergarten Enrolments for 2022
We are currently in the process of planning our Kindergarten classes for next year. Over the next week, we will be sending home the packages for those that have already enrolled.
If you child is starting Kindergarten next year, and you are yet to enrol, please do so as a matter of urgency so that we are able to include your child in the planning.
Winston Hills Public School is part of a Department of Education trial that uses an online enrolment process. This information can be found at: https://winstonhil-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/enrolment.html
Parents On School Grounds
Any parent or visitor on the school grounds, must report to the office to sign in. Please wear a mask and bring your mobile phone so that you are able to use the QR code.
Are You Moving In 2022?
If you are intending to leave the school this year, could you please notify the office on 9639 8518, as soon as possible (excluding Year 6 of course). Accurate numbers are important for our class planning and staffing for 2022.
Students Who Present To School Unwell
It is critical that any student who feels unwell does not attend school until they are well. If a student falls ill while at school, the department’s current health care procedures apply including contacting the student’s parent or carer to attend the school to collect the students.
Borrowed Devices
Thank you to the families who have already returned the devices that they have borrowed. If you still have borrowed devices at home, please return to the office ASAP so that we can use them in class.
P&C Zoom Meeting Tonight
Tonight at 7:30pm, the P&C will be meeting. In line with department guidelines, the meeting will be held via ZOOM.
If you would like to attend the meeting, please email winstonhillspublicschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au with your intention to attend.
Mark Byrne