Winston Hills Public School Newsletter

Issue 17 - 26 October 2021

From the Principal

Welcome Back And Thank You

We are extremely proud at how quickly the students have settled back into learning within the classroom. It started with Kindergarten and Year 1 last week and then the rest of the grades returning yesterday. I would like to thank the strong support from parents to get the students back into the classroom. Today we have over 98% of the students back at school. Compared to Term 3, it is great to hear the voices around the school and see the smiles.

I would like to give a big thank you to the staff of Winston Hills Public School for the amazing job that they did during Term 3 and also over the start of this term to be ready for the return to face-to-face learning.

I would also like to thank the school community for the support that we have received during the past few months. This is was highlighted when the school was non-operational at the start of the term.


School Operations

Winston Hills Public School is currently under what the department considers “Level 3 Plus” restrictions. This includes masks being highly recommended for students and students playing in different areas based on their cohort.


There is a staggered finishing time for school to reduce the congestion around the school gates. As there are a large number of siblings within the school, we will have students leave the grounds by the first letter of surnames. This will mean that:

·          Students whose surname begin with a letter starting from A-K will be dismissed at 2:50pm

·          Students whose surname begin with a letter starting from L-Z will be dismissed at 3:00pm

·          Students who are attending YMCA or catching a bus will be dismissed at 3:00pm


We ask that parents social distance when dropping off and picking up children and to move away from the area as quickly as possible.

Activities such as assemblies, PSSA, Band, Choir and Dance are currently on hold until restrictions are changed.

It is highly recommended that all families within the Winston Hills Public School community has access to the Skoolbag app as this is the quickest way to stay up to date with things that may change at school.


School Office

I would like to acknowledge the great work that our school office staff are doing to support the return to school. The ladies in the office have been working on the large number of refunds for cancelled activities. They have also been chasing up health care plans and preparing for 2022 Kindergartens.


Kindergarten Enrolments for 2022

We are currently in the process of planning our Kindergarten classes for next year. Over the next week, we will be sending home the packages for those that have already enrolled.

If you child is starting Kindergarten next year, and you are yet to enrol, please do so as a matter of urgency so that we are able to include your child in the planning.


Winston Hills Public School is part of a Department of Education trial that uses an online enrolment process. This information can be found at:


Parents On School Grounds

Any parent or visitor on the school grounds, must report to the office to sign in. Please wear a mask and bring your mobile phone so that you are able to use the QR code.


Are You Moving In 2022?

If you are intending to leave the school this year, could you please notify the office on 9639 8518, as soon as possible (excluding Year 6 of course). Accurate numbers are important for our class planning and staffing for 2022.


Students Who Present To School Unwell

It is critical that any student who feels unwell does not attend school until they are well. If a student falls ill while at school, the department’s current health care procedures apply including contacting the student’s parent or carer to attend the school to collect the students.


Borrowed Devices

Thank you to the families who have already returned the devices that they have borrowed. If you still have borrowed devices at home, please return to the office ASAP so that we can use them in class.


P&C Zoom Meeting Tonight

Tonight at 7:30pm, the P&C will be meeting. In line with department guidelines, the meeting will be held via ZOOM.

If you would like to attend the meeting, please email  with your intention to attend.

Mark Byrne

From the Deputy

Welcome Back Everyone!

A very warm welcome back to all of our students and staff! I was delighted to see so many smiling, excited faces back in the school.

We are so proud of the way the school community dealt with the extended learning from home period.

The generous spirit of our returning students as they greet each other and staff every morning on their return demonstrates the genuine care they have for each other and their joy to be back.


World Teachers Day 

This Friday marks World Teachers Day and we would like to thank all our parents and carers for the significant role you have played in your child’s education during at-home learning. THANK YOU!

A very special thank you must go out to all our teachers for the dedication and hardwork they display daily. They have adapted their teaching, often on very short notice and continued to develop themselves professionally while always showing the utmost care for their students. It really is a privilege to be surrounded by such high calibre and dedicated colleagues.

Happy World Teachers day!

Intention to apply for Year 7 placement in a selective high school in 2023

Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic standard. Selective high schools help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, and by using specialised teaching methods.

If you would like to have your child considered for Year 7 selective high school entry in 2023, you need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address).

The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 10 March 2022.

Detailed instructions on how to apply and the link to the online form will be available in early-October 2021 at:

Applications open on 19 October 2021 and close on 17 November 2021. You must apply before the closing date.

You must submit only ONE application for each student. 

Jacqui Coates

Money Matters

Welcome back students and teachers!! It’s wonderful to see you all back at school!



Refunds are currently being processed. This will take time due to the number of families who have requested refunds and the process we need to follow as set out by the Department of Education. Thank you for your patience and understanding.



As we move forward to normality, please take note of the following changes to Term Invoices.


In keeping with the release of our Skoolbag eNewsletter, hardcopies of Term Invoices will no longer be sent home as in previous years. However, they will remain in the same format and only be available to view as an attachment to your emailed Statement of Accounts.


Parents/Carers will continue to receive their Statement of Accounts by email from the school, as in the past. Any credit on your account will be automatically processed against fees before your Statement of Account is emailed.

Account Reminders will continue to be sent out during the term as per usual.



A reminder that Permission Notes and Payment are required by the due date.

Excursions/Activities: If your child is NOT attending, please send an email to the school.

Should you experience difficulties paying your account, please contact the School Administrative Manager on 9639 1931. 


Tere Griffin

School Administrative Manager


From the Chaplain

I have to say as a mum, trying to manage screen time for my kids is one of the hardest things to do. They complain and compare our family rules to their friend’s family rules, and our rules are the worst of course!


So I looked up leading children’s technology and development expert Dr Kristy Goodwin to see what she has to say about managing screen time - because whether we like it or not, it’s here to stay. Here are her tips...

 1.    Be a Positive Role Model. Dr Goodwin says that our kids’ brains have mirror neurons so they’re wired to copy and imitate our behaviour, so we must show healthy habits ourselves. I know I’m guilty of checking my phone way too much!

 2.    Establish Screen-Time Limits Before They’re Turned On. Kids enter the psychological state of flow when they use screens. They become so engrossed with what they're doing that they actually lose track of time. So parents often encounter techno-tantrums when they ask their kids to switch off devices and play. Therefore, establish clear boundaries around how long children can spend with screens before devices are turned on.

3.    Give Children Quantities Of TV Time As Opposed To Time Limits. This is essential if they’re under six years old and too young to understand the abstract concept of time. For example, tell children they can watch two episodes of a TV show and then they must turn the TV off. For older kids, that might mean three episodes of YouTube.

 4.    Be Specific With Limits. Instead of giving vague time limits, schedule in specific times when kids can use screens. This gives them clear finish points and helps parents remember what the limits are. For example, you can play the iPad between 4-5pm. Putting an alarm on will help them know when time is up or they have 5 minutes to finish off the game.

 5.    Schedule Green Time. Today’s digitally-simulated kids need time in nature for their brains to calm down. Research confirms that time in nature helps re-calibrate the brain and is healthy for their attention.


“Kids spend more time staring at screens than the sky. It’s a rather sobering thought, and in many ways pretty sad, when we think of our own childhoods,” says Dr Goodwin. 

Kylie Isherwood

Band News

Yay!  We’re back at school!  Sadly, this does mean that our sectionals will have to come to an end and at this stage there is no date given for Band rehearsals to resume. Obviously if this situation changes, we will do a big happy dance and notify you all immediately but at this stage it looks like there will be no band rehearsals for the remainder of the year.

Please ensure your children keep up with their tutorials, at this stage tutors are still not allowed back on site at school so if your child normally has their tutorial with a tutor at school they will need to continue with zoom lessons.

Towards the end of term I will be in touch with details regarding end of year and return of hire instruments.

Sam Hinchelwood

Uniform Shop News

Due to the current restrictions related to COVID-19, our Uniform Shop will not be open to the parent/carers of Winston Hills Public School. However, parent/carers can still purchase uniforms for their child following our online process.

Please keep an eye on the Skoolbag App for any changes to the current restrictions related to COVID-19 as they may change the school community's access to the Uniform Shop.

Where possible, we will delivery your child's uniform to their classroom.  


NO Over the Counter Orders

Lunch & Recess Orders are On-Line ONLY.  

There will be no over the counter service until further notice.


P&C News

Zoom Meeting Tonight at 7.30pm

Due to restrictions we will not meet in person, instead will will have a Zoom P&C Meeting. 

We welcome everyone to attend our P&C meeting tonight at 7.30pm.

If you would like to attend, please email to request the link


5/6L have been doing some fantastic work during online learning. The first example is an extract from a metaphor poem written by Harish Vimalan. The second is an orientation to a narrative by Koena Dasgupta. Other examples include creating a $75 note after researching a significant Australian (Will Hennessey) and constructing digital graphs after surveying classmates using Google Forms, then importing data into spreadsheets (Kyah Isbister). Other students got creative coding games (screenshot of Ksawery Malicki’s game – Go Go Raptor) or creating artworks (Emma Selwood). We are very proud of their efforts.

Hope for him was a tiny bubble in the grand scheme of the universe, as it was refreshing to have his hope matter. He knew he could never become an asteroid and impact the universe, but he had hope. Hope is the rope that ties together everything in the world, universe, and the world means something. The world can be connected with distant galaxies and people better than smartphones with hope.

I have always liked England, it’s a great place, the Queen lives there, the tea there is exquisite. But that all changed when I found out their biggest secret. But before I get into that, let me tell you about the time I went to England, it was about 3 years ago, and I was going to visit one of my oldest friends. She lives in London, and I had never been there before, I have travelled the world a lot of times, but I had never been to England. When I arrived, it seemed as though everyone was in a rush. People were not even taking a second out of their day to say ‘ello!’ But that is not what bothered me.

OSHC Newsletter