Dernancourt School Newsletter

Friday 27th August, 2021 - Book Week Edition

From the Leadership Team

Book Week Celebrations 2021

This year for Book Week we asked your children to embrace the theme “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”. This exciting invitation opened a world full of possibilities when it comes to book week costume ideas. This was an opportunity for your child to escape into another world and  be anything they want to be! 

Our parade was a little different this year.  With families unable to attend due to COVID restrictions, we decided to share our costumes with the surrounding streets. Students paraded their Book Week costumes  walking different routes to our assembly. Some members of the community lined the street to watch us walk by, we felt like we were in the pageant!  We hope that you are able to catch a glimpse of all of the amazing costumes. We thank families for their enthusiasm when it comes to dressing up for Book Week, a lot of thought and effort goes into preparing these. We appreciate your partnership in making the celebration a success. 

We also thank Sue Thornton and  the Book Week Committee,  Jacki Theodorou and Emma Salini  for all of their planning and coordination of activities. We admired their flexibility and the way that they  adapted to COVID restrictions along the way ensuring that as many activities as possible went ahead and we were able to celebrate the week.

It was wonderful to see students enjoying the Book Week activities, we tried to capture some of the excitement in the photos below, and will include more in our 2021 Year Books. 

Book Week Incursion

Book Week Parade

We all participated in the 2021 Book Week Parade on Friday 27th August. Leadership, teachers,  SSOs and students all paraded the perimeter of our school - we enjoyed sharing our costumes with the community. 

The weather was perfect and everybody had  such an enjoyable, fun start to our Friday.

Book Week Parade - Gallery

Book Week Raffle Winners

Book Week Library Activities

Book Week Prizes Winners.

Book Week and Emoji Competition

Congratulations to Holly (P3) and Oneli (J4) - winners in the R/1/2 colouring-in competition.   Jacob (P5) and Tanvi (P8) were the winners in the 3/4/5 colouring-in competition.

Congratulations also go to Zara and Aryan both from P12 for winning the Emoji Book Title Competition.

Well done to all participants in all competitions.  We had some fantastic entries.


You may have seen or heard in the media this week that NAPLAN results are in!  Our school has been provided with some data,  however individual reports to families on their child's achievement  are not currently available for distribution. 

The preliminary data we have been provided with is pleasing, and we look forward to celebrating our Year 3, 5 and 7 data with community as soon as  complete data sets are available  to us. 

As a staff we will begin to look deeply at our data and use this to inform our 2022 directions. 



Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2021 Premier's Reading Challenge.

There is only one  week left of Premier's Reading Challenge. We would like to achieve 100% completion again this year, please encourage your child to complete their reading and hand their forms to their class teacher.

J2    Noah, Francesko, Javish, Mia, Brooklyn and Samriddhi.

J6    Tyler and Ashira.

J7    Corbin, Orion, Joel and Hujat.

P2   Divya, Orlando and Lucas.

P4    Elisha

P5    Scarlett, Andy, Nate, Angel and Ivy.

P8    Eniko, Emma, Kimi, Tanvi, Burak, Jasper, Zayde, Jaskirt and Mariah.

P10   Eade, Vincent, Jamelson, Nishka, Payton, Bailey, Hasini, Chelsea, Evan, Alex, Noah, Leo, Byron, Joe, Minal, Daniel, Prunelle and Emma.

P12    Aadil, Sammy, Mitchell, Rebeka, Jasmine, Paige, Aryan, Pa, Jacob, Chelsea, Zara, Chloe and Dion.

P14    Branson, Snehal and Tom.


Thanks you to our rostered monitors. We appreciate your efforts in  keeping our school community safe.

WEEK 7 -  Rudra (P5), Rutva (P12), Tanvi (P8)

WEEK 8 -  Renesh (P5), Radhika (P8), James Z (P5)

WEEK 9 -  Oli (P14), Byron (P10), Nate (P5)


Term 3, 2021 Calendar - All dates marked on the Term 3 calendar also appear on our Skoolbag Events Calendar.


Canteen Book Week Special Lunch


We are sad to inform our community that there will not be a Father's Day Stall this year. Unfortunately as we are unable to have volunteers on site due to the current DfE COVID  restrictions, this makes the ordering and wrapping of gifts, as well as preparing and supporting gift selection  at the  stall  extremely difficult.

Parent Association are working with us to find a creative way to acknowledge the role of a dad this year. 


Parenting Workshop with Madhavi Narwana Parker

Book in now for the last  workshop. The last workshop being held on 15th September (PLEASE NOTE New Date) will cover digital technologies and the impact this has on children.

What is resilience?  Resilience is mentally and emotionally coping with and adapting to challenges in helpful, constructive ways in order to return to a healthy state of wellbeing in a reasonable amount of time.

What isn’t resilience? Never getting upset or worried when something goes wrong and being happy, confident and calm all the time. How to develop resilience (confidence and courage)

  • Help children develop confidence through competence. Children need to know they can do things on their own and that they are coping for their age. E.g carry their own school bag, pack their bag, put on their own clothes, make their lunch, bed etc. 
  • Help children develop confidence through challenges.  It is ok if a child has "small" failures. This helps them learn that if things don't go the way they want it is still ok.  E.g  Forgetting their school hat.  While it may seem like a catastrophe to a child it really isn't the end of the world.
  • Develop confidence through character.   Who they are as a person is what matters most. Not what they can or cannot do. Provide a home environment where your child is loved, cared for, nurtured and shown kindness. 
  • Develop confidence and courage by teaching children to be generous and teach empathy.  (Knowing how another person is feeling)
  • Love your child for who they are not who you want them to be.  Look for good things  about your child (traits not abilities) and tell them often.  
  • Madhavi allowed time for parents to ask questions which was a valuable part of the workshop. If you missed this workshop there are still bookings available for the next two.  The next workshop on 18th August will focus on resilience and well being whereas the last one on 15th September will have a focus on digital technologies and the impact this has on children, as per the request of parents.

    Both workshops run between 7:00 - 8:30pm but please note the change in date of the last workshop due to the Festival of Music performance on 8th September.

    Bookings essential.


     The students of Dernancourt School proudly wear our school uniform, which helps build and maintain school spirit, pride and a sense of identity and belonging. We ask that parents  ensure that their child is wearing the appropriate uniform.

    Please check that your child has navy blue track pants / leggings/ shorts/ skorts. Denim, black or logo bottoms are not permitted. Tops must be navy with optional logo. These can be long or short sleeve. As hoods are a choking hazard they are not to be worn.

    Only 2021 commemorative tops or regular DSR-7 jumpers are to be worn by Year 6 and 7 students.


    Savers Plus

    Junior Squash

    Cheerio Netball Club
