
Term 3 Week 6

Celebrating Book Week

Principal's and Deputy Principal's Message

Wow, it is hard to believe we are halfway through the term. Whilst it has been the most challenging term we can remember in all our years of teaching, there is still a lot to celebrate. Our students have shown so much resilience, dedication, and perseverance. Whether it be one, four or all tasks they complete, they are giving it their best. Both Mrs Valensise and I, have enjoyed joining in on zoom meetings and hearing about what the children have been doing, the things they have been enjoying and how they have overcome challenges whilst learning from home. Through our visits to the Seesaw and Google Classrooms, we have witnessed fabulous writing, reading, number skills, creativity, and critical thinking skills. We also acknowledge and celebrate the work you are all doing at home with your children to support their learning and wellbeing – you are all doing an amazing job. We also appreciate the support your have provided the school and staff as they continue to work extremely hard, preparing and delivering lessons, providing feedback and checking in with families.

We still have attendance levels that are significantly above other schools in Sydney. Being in the Liverpool LGA, we have increased restrictions which impact on school operations to minimise community movement. As per Department guidelines, there is minimal supervision on site at our school for those students who cannot be educated at home. For example if a parent or carer is an essential worker. All students and families will be supported with learning from home materials and resources. If you are working from home, and your child is able to be educated from home, please keep them at home. We understand this can be challenging and will look different for different families. All we ask is that everyone does their best. 

As information comes through in relation to the COVID guidelines, these will be communicated in a timely manner through the SkoolBag App. Although we do not know what comes after the 27 August, the Wattle Grove staff will continue to work hard in providing opportunities for our students whether this be at home or at school. 

It is extremely important that not only is wellbeing a focus for all students but for all family members. There are a range of services available to support families during these complex times. There is a link further on in this newsletter with a list of these resources. More information will also be coming from our Wellbeing officer, Ms Arelda Cady. Please email the school f you require additional support – we are here to help! 

Merit Awards
Our merit award system recommenced this week! We are hoping this provides additional encouragement to the students who are working so hard and trying their best. As part of recognising the wonderful work the children are doing, teachers have been asked to nominate a student for a ‘Recognition Call’ each week. These students will receive a call from Miss Cameron or Mrs Valensise to celebrate their achievements. It has been a delight to talk to the students and their family. We are looking forward to making many more calls. The names of our merit award recipients and students who have received a recognition call are further on in the newsletter. Congratulations to everyone!

A parent/carer survey was sent out via the SkoolBag app earlier this week. All families are encouraged to complete this survey as the information will guide our planning as we continue with the Learning From Home Model. The survey will close Sunday afternoon (22/8). Thank you to many of our families who have already completed the survey, it is greatly appreciated. 

If you have not had a chance to complete the survey here is the link:-

Wattee’s Work Together Wednesday

Here at Wattle Grove Public School, we know that screen time and working through tasks alone is not always conducive to good mental health. It is important to provide opportunities for children and families to take time out and enjoy different learning experiences which may help with developing creative thinking skills, fostering connections and relationships and promoting physical wellbeing. As stricter lockdowns are announced on a week-by-week basis, we have planned a day of alternate learning experiences for our students and families. These planned activities are for every child learning from home and are scheduled for Wednesday 25 August. The aim of these activities is to have fun and be creative. 

Teachers look forward to seeing some photos or videos uploaded to Seesaw or Google Classroom of activities you have chosen to complete. Our teachers will be working on this day to plan and develop learning experiences for the next few weeks. 

We all look forward to seeing some of the final products.

2021 Book Week
Book Week 2021 runs from 21-27 August and this year  the theme is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”. This is an opportunity to escape into another world where your child can be anything they want to be! It is disappointing we are unable to hold our annual Book Week events. However; next week, the students will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities to celebrate quality literature. Keep an eye out on your child’s class posts/streams to see the activities your child can participate in. Please don’t feel pressured to engage in all activities. These are only options, which we hope will add some fun to the week, and there are no expectations on the amount completed.  

Kindergarten 2022
We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2022. Please apply online at: or visit the school’s updated website. If your child has a younger sibling that is due to start school next year, please enrol them now so will receive all the necessary information. This also allows the school to gain a sense of student numbers so we can commence 2022 planning. Additionally, if you know of families who have children who are due to commence Kindergarten in 2022, please pass on this information. 

Orientation and transition sessions for our 2021 Kindergarten children and families will most likely look different due to the current COVID-19. We are currently working on plans to ensure a supportive transition for our students whilst working within the NSW Department of Education and NSW Health guidelines. Plans will be communicated once finalised. If you have any questions, please email the school and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Miss Cameron (Principal)     

Mrs Valensise (Deputy Principal)

Miss Cameron and Mrs Valensise Zooming

This week Year 2 engaged in a variety of activities to celebrate Science Week.  National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. The theme this year was Food: Different by design. As part of their learning this week Year 2 explored different foods, including their packaging and following recipes. Look at the photos below, to see how much fun the children had. 

This week Stage 3 participated in a live fitness session with Ellie, Mrs Keroulis's daughter who is a trained fitness instructor. The students showed great energy and grit – well done and thank you Ellie. 

As part of their science program, Stage Three have been studying the solar system. The students made a model from household materials to describe what our solar system looks like. Their work was very creative - well done!

Zoom Gallery - Year 2 Science Week

Class Merit Awards

K Blue - Elliana, Zarlee, Ava, Allie, Neethika, Nixon2 Jade - Bodhi, Jackson, Hannah, Monty, Niya4 Scarlet - Nella, Levi, James, Juliet, Elijah, Zoe
K Green - Asher, Francesca, Natalie, Lincoln, Josie, Reegan2 Kiwi - Chloe, Sienna, Zac, Jay, Patrick, Jacob4/5/6 Violet - Cooper, Bobby, Piper, allegra, Charlie, Victor
K Purple - Hamish, Silas, Georgia, Theia, Hazel2 Teal - Dominic, Annabelle, Aria, Leon, Kiahna, Braxton5 Amethyst - Joshua, Jack, Jessica, Daniel, Nandish, Austin
K Yellow - Faheem, Alexandra, Riley, Sophie, Zara, Sofia3 Canary - Hamish, Layla, Fletcher, Chase, Isla, Josh5 Lilac - Joshua, Samuel, Poppy, Eliza, Ruby-May, Emily
1 Aqua - Veronika, Bailey, Sophia, Ethan, Kaira, Louis3 Daffodil - Harriot, Taliah, Flynn, Kai, Victoria, Yanoula5 Royal - William, Annabel, Charlotte, Santiago, Lily, Isabella
1 Navy - Ella, Pippa, Kayden, Nalika, Cristian, Olivia3 Honey - Henry, Max, Harrison, Chanel, Leah, Micah6 Fuchsia - Lily, Luke, Eve, Antonio, Lana, Nirav
1 Sky - Alex, Luka, Emily, Caleb, Mithila, Olivia4 Crimson - Marcus, Dylan, Heba, Coen, Lilly, Aiyana6 Pink - Saxon, Deeana, Jai, Jessica, Finn, Matthew 
2 Emerald - Kody, Aiden, Antony, Phoebe, Amelia M, Cruz4 Ruby - Annabel, Kaitlyn, Jonathan, Joel, Danny, Livia

Miss Cameron's and Mrs Valensise's Recognition Calls

Each week, Miss Cameron and I are making calls to talk to students who have been learning from home. Teachers nominate these students based on many attributes. Congratulations to the students below who we have had the pleasure of acknowledging for demonstrating grit, determination, perseverance and completion of work to their best standard. This recognition call is a 'we see you call',  it's a 'hang in there call' and ‘it’s a thank you call’.

The students who received a call from Miss Cameron and I in the past two weeks are:

Flynn – K Blue

Blake and Kaitlin- K Green

Georgia – K Purple

Alex – K Yellow

Quinn and Liam – 1 Aqua

Pippa and Ella- 1 Navy

Hudson and Olivia – 1 Sky

Cruz and Antony – 2 Emerald

Ashton – 2 Kiwi

Andrew and Dusty – 2 Teal

Cameron – 3 Daffodil

Leah and Amilia – 3 Honey

Marcus and Dylan – 4 Crimson

James and Levi – 4 Scarlet

Lucas – 4 Ruby

Austin and Joshua – 5 Amethyst

Archie and Jayde – 5 Lilac

Dylan – 5 Royal

Hayley – 4/5/6/Violet

Saxon and Deanna – 6 Pink

Lily and Nirav – 6 Fuchsia

Year 3 Science - We think you rock !

Year 4 Science

Year 5 - Creating a Sculpture using objects in nature

Year 5 - Creating a Sculpture using objects in nature

Year 5 and 6 Science - The Solar System

Premier's Reading Challenge

Remote Learning Resources for families


Remote Learning Guidelines for families


Parent information

Defence News

Dear Defence Families
This time of year can be particularly challenging for Defence families with many families having received their posting orders or others anxiously awaiting to find out where they are off to next. Some moves are welcome, others may not be! Although it may not be a posting cycle for everyone, we all know we will be faced with saying our goodbyes to some of our friends or colleagues. Posting season coupled with lockdown and home learning just adds an additional component to what is already a stressful time. If you need support, advice or someone to talk to, reach out to the 24/7 Defence Family Helpline on 1800 624 608. I am also available and can be contacted via email Following an email, I can respond via phone if preferred.

Zoom Calls
I have absolutely loved zooming into some classes over the past fortnight, it has been wonderful to be able to interact with so many students regardless of where we all are. Thank you to the classroom teachers for giving me the opportunity to visit students via the zoom calls. 

Messages from Defence Member and Family Support (formerly DCO)

Kookaburra Kids Online Programs

Kookaburra Kids runs an online session for young people. 

Liverpool Area Office Event Brite

Local DMFS area offices are holding a range of virtual activities, catch ups and games to connect families during lockdown. You can get notifications of events via DMFS social media or by following the area office Event Brite for region specific updates only. Defence Member and Family Support - Liverpool Events 

Engineering Challenges

Educating young engineers has various engineering design challenges that young students can build solutions to using LEGO Bricks!  Educating Young Engineers has also created a series of engineering challenges for students to engage. They involve using household materials to complete the challenges. 

Stay Safe!

Kim Lazarevic
Defence School Mentor 

Important Information

Important Announcement from NSW Health - Priority COVID-19 Vaccination Booking for 16 to 39 year-olds

The majority of people with COVID-19 in NSW are under 40. To reduce the spread of the virus, people aged 16 to 39 living in areas of concern can now access priority vaccination appointments.

Priority COVID-19 vaccination booking for 16 to 39 year-olds | NSW Government

COVID-Safe School Operations