Churchlands Primary School Newsletter

Volume 6 - 14/5/2021

Principal's Message - Kim Fraser


The NAPLAN has gone extremely smoothly this week! Huge thanks need to go to Mr J for ensuring everything was well organised and ready to go on Tuesday. The children took to the assessments with a wonderfully positive outlook, like it was just another day in the classroom. Big congratulations to staff and parents for your obvious positive influence with this.

Enrolments for Kindergarten and Pre-Primary are now open!! Please remember to get your enrolments in for 2022. We would appreciate it if you could spread the word to any new parents in our community to enrol their Kindy children. 


WA Education Awards 2021

’Our outstanding teachers, principals, deputy principals, and school support staff in Western Australian public schools, provide a world-class education to every student in every classroom, every day.

They come from all walks of life to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our schools and classrooms. They are leaders in educational innovation and reform. They see the potential in every child, aspiring to give students a pathway to a successful future and help them grow from strength to strength.’

If you would like to nominate a CPS staff member for these awards please contact the P & C president or the School Board Chair as they are the delegated persons able to submit the nomination on your behalf.

These links will provide you with an overview of the WA Education Awards 2021

WA Education Awards

We continually review our communication with staff, School Board and the P & C to ensure we can reduce and streamline the volume and align our messages that go out to our community.

So that you are aware of our clear communication, we have

·         Skoolbag – for all school operational information i.e.: excursion notes and consent forms, information about swimming carnivals, music events, etc.

·         Seesaw – for all classroom communications

·         Webpage – which contains a wide range of information and documentation

 We have also streamlined our newsletter so that there are now links that go direct to the webpage.

 The P & C have also streamlined the Chatter which will now go out every 4 weeks. This will be sent out via Skoolbag via a link that will direct you to the webpage.

 If you have not already done so, please join Skoolbag to ensure you receive all current notices.


Merit Certificates for Week 3




Layth R, Mikey A


Isaac C, Nina B

Room 3

Alyssa C, Gordon G

Room 4

Hal H, Clare P

Room 5

Zara G, Nicolas G

Room 6

Maya N

Room 7

Scarlett L, Jesse S

Room 8

Emelyn Ryan, Selena Q

Room 9

Kaiden N, Jade P, Angelina L

Room 10

Toby D, Sejal R

Room 11

Rorie H, Amelia H

Room 13

Lorenzo Z, Tom W

Room 16

Ashley Tank, Hiro C

Room 17

Lexi S, Sebby P


Ryan C (R13)


Those parents who were contacted by the school office this week regarding outstanding payments for Edu-Dance or Kindergarten Incursion - would you please pay by Monday 17th May, 2021

PLEASE NOTE;  When processing direct deposit to our school bank account that you use the reference as stated on the Unpaid Billing Items Reminder letter - ie:

Student Surname,  Student First Name, Room Number

Reminder - Student Update Form

Any changes to student details that may occur throughout the year must be notified to the Admin office as soon as possible.  Or you may prefer to email to

P E News and Events


Read more.

EALD / ESL News (English as an Additional Language / Dialect) (English as a Second Language)

Eligible EALD students received a letter in term one to explain that they are on our EALD census and will also receive Progress Map levels on their reports. Mrs Key supports students who are working within levels one to five. The levels provide extra information with how they are making progress and developing their English skills. 

Invitation to exhibit - Community Art Exhibition 28-30 May 21

The Churchlands SHS P&C is holding its annual Community Art Exhibition and would like to invite students and their parents to participate by either exhibiting art or attending the event.  

Thank you

Jane Powell

P&C Art Committee Convenor

0438 813 890

Mark Lee Football Coaching

Dear Parents

Hope this email finds you all well and your child has settled back into school.

Mark Lee Football Coaching is delighted to be back in Term 2 at Churchlands P.S

 ·         Wednesday 5th May to Wednesday 9th June

·         3pm-3.45pm

·         6 week program

·         Children from Kindy to Year 6 can attend. Children will be placed with their own age group.

·         $119 per child

 If you have not already registered simply reply to

 Hope to see you all on Wednesday May 5th!

 Mark Lee Football Coaching

 0430 788 703

Twitter - @MarkLeeFC


Girls and Boys of all skill level are welcome. 