Somersby Snippets

Term 3 Week 8 - 1 September 2021


I hope that all of our families are finding ways to deal with the challenges of lockdown and the ever-changing situation.

The staff and I continue to be impressed by the effort and resilience of so many of our students as they engage with learning from home. The slower pace of life has certainly set in and it is great to see some are making the most of the learning opportunities within their homes and properties. While it seems like this lockdown will go on forever, it won’t. This will all become the past and we may even long for some of the things we are currently enduring. Some of the things the staff and I are trying to enjoy during lockdown include:

-       Time to read, play or create

-       School days spent in pyjamas and slippers

-       No after school activities to rush to

-       Playing with old, forgotten toys

-       Well-organised cupboards or corners of homes

-       Spending time and eating meals with the family together

Class Connections

I am also proud of the efforts our dedicated teachers are making to keep students engaged and connected. From dress-ups, crazy challenges, zoom quizzes and interactive games, our teachers are finding many ways to remind students that they are a valued member of their class and school. Phoning parents is an important part of this. When teachers are working from home, their number may be hidden. If you are unable to take or return a call, a Dojo message or email to let your child’s teacher know a suitable time to phone can help avoid many missed calls. We really do care and will continue to reach out regularly to discuss your child’s learning.  


Wellbeing support

We understand that the effects of this lockdown can present in many ways. Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you need additional support to keep your child going with their learning from home. If you or someone in your family needs counselling or mental health support, you may find the following resources helpful.

Phone: 1800 55 1800

Youth Beyond Blue Phone: 1300 22 4636

Smiling Mind - a free meditation app for young people

Returning to school

When the lockdown for our region is lifted, students and teachers will return to school at ‘Level 3’ operations. (We are currently operating at Level 4). Masks will be mandatory for all staff and we will ask students to wear masks as well. Full details will be provided when we have a confirmed date for returning safely to school.

Book Week 2021

Involvement in last week’s virtual book parade was fantastic. At a time when we can’t pop to the shops for character accessories, the innovation shown in creating costumes was wonderful. If you didn’t get a chance to view the parade, you can still watch when you visit our facebook page. Thank you to all of the parents and family members who helped the children take part in this special event. Teachers also set a special book week challenge of reading in as many places as possible. What an effort from Somersby students!

Rural Access Gap

You may have noticed, when leaving the house for essential reasons, that our planned construction to upgrade our network, has not yet commenced. This important project is still set to go ahead. We are in negotiations to have the works proceed during the school holidays.

Indigenous Literacy Day

Today, Wednesday 1st September, is Indigenous Literacy Day. To celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day (ILD), the Indigenous Literacy Foundation is inviting all Australians to celebrate stories and language with a fantastic roster of virtual events you can access right now:

NSW Education LIVE stream

Everyday at 10am, the Department of Education hosts a livestream with a range of interesting and talented guests. Last week, Eucalypt thoroughly enjoyed an art lesson led by Australian artist, Ken Done. Check out some of their amazing artworks.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The 2021 Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) closes at the end of this week on Friday 3 September. All students entered this competition earlier in the year. Your child’s Department of Education username and password are used to login to the PRC portal. Please contact your child’s teacher if you are unsure of these details. Students are now able to enter 10 choice books on their reading records. Students who complete the challenge will receive a certificate signed by the Premier of NSW. For more information, visit  

Kirsten Blake



Stage 2 Zoo Snooz Refunds

Details about how to claim refunds for this cancelled excursion were emailed to families on Monday.  Thank you to those families who have returned their completed forms.  Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to refund payments in cash. Refunds can either be paid into a nominated bank account or put into credit to be used for future events.  Please contact the school office if you would like more information.

Year 6 Yearbook

Could Year 6 parents please send in photos for your child’s pages in the yearbook.  Photos can be emailed to the school’s address: or placed in an envelope in the returns box located in the ‘kiss and drop zone’ at school.  Please mark the envelope “Attention: Mrs Comensoli”.  I will scan these photos and let you know when they are ready for collection.

Year 6 students have been given a questionnaire. Once completed, this can also be emailed to the school email address. 

The yearbook is professionally printed so we would like all photos by the end of this term to ensure the yearbook will be ready in time for the Year 6 Farewell.


Thank you.


Jo Comensoli



The P&C meeting planned for 6 September has been cancelled.

Fathers Day Stall

Today is the last day to place orders for the Father’s Day Stall. Gifts will be labelled and ready for collection on Friday between 2 and 3pm.
