Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 19 - 13 July 2021

From the Principal

What’s on?

Term 3 – Monday 12 July – School Development Day for staff

Tuesday 13 July students return to school


Week 1

Tue 13 July                 Students resume   

Fri 16 July                   School Assembly at 9am hosted by Mr C + SRC


Week 2

Mon 19 July               Staff meetings in stage teams

Wed 21 July               Special Education review meetings 9am – 1.30pm

Fri 23 July                  School Assembly at 9am hosted by Mr C + SRC



Welcome back to Paradise! I really hope everyone has had an enjoyable break from the routines of school and are now ready to take on the many opportunities that are planned for Term 3.


Unfortunately, with the ongoing COVID issue in Greater Sydney (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour), we are now on Level 2 guidelines.


The main changes being –

  • Students are learning at school and not required to wear face masks.
  • Face masks are recommended in all indoor settings for staff. We will do our best to work with this in a classroom situation.
  • Non-essential visitors are not permitted in schools. Parents and carers must follow this direction regarding changes to drop off and pick up including minimal time at boundary of school.
  • Parents should:
  • maintain physical distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates,

    remain outside of school grounds, and 

    follow mask-wearing requirements and sign-in using the Service NSW QR code if there is a need to enter the school this includes if you choose to come in and order your child's lunch at the canteen.

  • Assemblies can be held with COVID-Safe practices. No visitors/parents permitted.

    This is not ideal but we’re in a far better situation than Greater Sydney (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour) and hopefully things will return to what we were used to sooner than later. Fingers crossed.


    Semester 1 reports were sent home last term and hopefully every student has had an opportunity to sit down with their family and talk through their report. It is a great opportunity to focus on learning and where your child is currently performing in the key learning areas and what sort of effort they’re applying to their learning as well. Keep on keeping on!


    Yesterday the staff had an opportunity to work through a range of professional learning opportunities which all aim to improve how we do what we do for your children. Student voice, K-6 numeracy, literacy, HOW2Learn and general organisation for this term were all covered during the day. All in all it was a very productive day and we thank families for their support in keeping their children home for the day.


    Gala Days - On Wednesday 23 June, our girls had a crack at AFL and brought home the shield  and the boys Soccer teams were really competitive. All we expected from them was to do their best and have fun! Mission accomplished!


    One of our major and ongoing professional learning activities we have in place is HOW2Learn which is a research-based package aimed at increasing our teaching skills and improving outcomes for our students. Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers. 


    Fixed Mindset

    I try to avoid failure of any sort

    Change to

    Growth Mindset

    I seek challenges that will stretch and help me learn

    Which mindset is most likely to result in learning? Change the words, change the mindset!

    Attendance Snapshot

    Term 2 Week 10

    Target 91%

    Actual – 83.49%


    K FK-1 MK-6 CK-6 DK-6 R1 H2 M

    2-3 P3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 VW

    Still short of our mark - Every day counts!

    Classes of the Week

    Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) – All classes

    100% Green students –K F, K-6 D, K-6 R & 1 h 

    Attendance –K-6 C & K-6 R

    100% attendees – 147 students attended every day this week.  

    Silver Levels

    The following students achieved Silver Level and will be presented with their certificate at Friday’s assembly.  Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.

    K-1 FAaliyah Devlin-Knott
    K-1 MMichael Hayward
    K-6 CJai Colmer
    K-6 DBeaudean Bugmy
    K-6 RMahlei Kennedy, Levei Williams
    1 HRobyn Kennedy, Wyatt Thompson
    2 MKayden Bugeja, Ella Gaiter
    3-4 KLizzy Russell
    3-6 LJosh Gaiter
    4-5 MShae Dawson, Maddison Pollard, Jamieson Tartoosie
    5-6 GKarl Etmanok, Louis Lukins
    5-6 VW

    Lawrence Mitchell-Bennett

    Congratulations to Hayden Rae for receiving his Bronze Certificate.

    Super Star

    This week's Superstar is Lucy Aeschlimann in 1 H.  Lucy is a ray of sunshine, she brightens the day of everyone around her.  She takes on all challenges with a smile on her face and is always mindful of others.


    This week's Legend is Grace Toohey in  5-6 G. Grace helps her peers in a quiet, supportive and gracious way.  She is a role model to those around her and her kindness is celebrated at North.

    Class Awards

    MeritLearning Power                  
    K FEmbalea Power, Riley Graham, Catalina Chavez Slater
    K-6 R
    Daniel Aeschlimann
    2 MCharles Etrich, Zaiden Staker
    2-3 PToby McClure 
    3-4 K
    Cooper Rae, Montana Colley
    3-4 SEvie Durrant, Axel Fraser
    3-6 LHenry Linnett, Josh Gaiter
    5-6 GSeth Crowe, Mason Pettitt, Cameron Ferguson

    Community Notices

    Broken Hill North Public School

    Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.