The Pocket Public School Newsletter

Term 2, Week 4



Monday 10 May

Courageous ConversationsParents
Tuesday - ThursdayNAPLANYear 3 and 5
Wednesday 12 MayYear 6 Mullumbimby High TransitionYear 6
Friday 14 MayMullumbimby High Careers Fun DayYear 5 and 6
Wednesday 19 - Friday 21 MayBook FairEveryone!
Thursday 20 MayFree Dress Day (Mufti Day)Everyone!
Thursday 3 JuneSchool Athletics CarnivalAll Welcome


Headlands District Cross Country

Congratulations to The Pocket Team who attended the Headland Cross Country on Friday. We are super proud of your efforts!

A big congratulations to Misha and Obi who are now off to compete in the Far North Coast carnival, we wish them the best of luck!

Winter Festival

In Week 2 we had our first 2021 Winter Festival Planning meeting. Thanks for all those that attended to support the planning of this brilliant community event. If you missed out but want to be part of the planning team let me know!

And, as always, thanks to Emma for her tireless efforts in this space!


Last week each family received the Wellbeing Posters we use at school. You were also tasked with replying to your childs Flipgrid video. Thanks to those families who did this. It's not too late if you haven't, you have until this Friday. Did I mention that your child gets a Berri fruit juice ice block if you do a reply video? (Kindy are learning all about our wellbeing processes but they didn't do the videos on Flipgrid - they still get an ice block though!).

Not only do we have our great wellbeing resources, we also have specialist staff who are running wellbeing groups: 

  • Fran - runs a friendship group each Tuesday afternoon. 
  • Kelly - runs girls group with the support of Nikki Perin each fortnight.
  • Jasper - creates modules for our teachers to explicitly teach lessons. He has also started running sand play sessions with individual and groups of children.

These sessions help us to understand friendship group dynamics better and how to support the social and emotional wellbeing of children at The Pocket.

All of these groups are chosen by the classroom teacher or myself to ensure we are supporting the social and emotional growth of our children.

If you want to know more about any of these groups or don't want your child involved, let us know.

We are also training a few staff in a new wellbeing program that targets social wellbeing. We can't wait to start this next term!

Archetypes and Courageous Conversations

A huge thanks to Brian Dale for running a session for our school community on Archetypes. Brian donated the whole $20 attendance fee to the school! Check out some of his books in the picture, they're a great read!

Courageous Conversations is set to start at 5:30 this evening. We have many parents and staff members attending. Thanks to Alex, our P & C president, for organising this for our community.


NAPLAN runs on Tuesday - Thursday this week (see timetable attached). NAPLAN is a series of tests that assesses a childs understanding of core curriculum content. Year 3 and Year 5 will participate in the assessments. If you have any questions, let us know.

The Pocket Rockets!

The Game Changer Challenge is a design thinking challenge open to all NSW public schools and centres on exploring solutions for a real-world, wicked problem.

This year, over 500 teams have registered including one from The Pocket Public School - The Pocket Rockets!

Our team consists of five awesome students from Year 3-6, and a teacher - Mrs Jones.

Spaghetti Circus

We have had two great sessions with Spaghetti Circus so far this term, we have another FOUR to go! We are able to provide this through a government grant called Sport In Schools. Our children are learning great new gymnastics skills and having loads of fun.

Staff Learning

The Department of Education holds high expectations that all staff will "continually seek to improve ourselves and our work".

That's happening right here at The Pocket. Our staff have been:

  • Engaging in online learning and action research around best practice for teaching reading.
  • Collaborating with other staff members to grow our knowledge in the science of reading.
  • Seeking future focused learning possibilities like Project Based Learning and Inquiry Based Learning.
  • Learning how to communicate better with our community through our school website.
  • Understanding how to use planning tools to streamline our collaboration procedures.
  • Completing online courses regarding supporting children with Autism.
  • Ensuring we have a balanced life to maximise the energy and efforts we can give towards our young people (thanks to Dr Rishi Shonpal from Ocean Shores Medical center for supporting us on this journey - we have a session with him in week 5).

In order for us to continue to be engaged and high performing it does require many hours of in school and out of school training sessions. Over the next few weeks you may notice different teachers taking your child's class to facilitate this training and collaboration.

Book Fair

Our annual Book Fair is happening next week. On Tuesday of next week your child will come home with a wish list after viewing the books. The book fair will then be open for purchasing from Wednesday - Friday of next week. A detailed timetable will be available in skoolbag next week.

Pocket Stars for Weeks 3 and 4

Bread bags please!!

A Skoolbag went out last week letting you know that our school has registered for the Wonder Recycling Rewards program to collect and recycle bread bags at school.

Please remember to bring in any bread bag or wraps pack (clean from crumbs, but not washed) and drop them into the school collection box at the Office. 

Thanks for your support ?

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