St Leonards Primary School

Newsletter 14, 3 September 2021

From the Leadership

How amazing has the past fortnight been, and how quickly has it passed!

Last week we celebrated Book Week with a fabulous parade on Friday. It never ceases to amaze me how creative our community is. It was a little challenging for Little Mr and Little Miss staff members to leave their characters behind; however, it is such a great tradition at SLPS that everyone gets involved. I would like to extend a big thank you for the effort made by all.

It was unfortunate that we are still not able to have family members on site to watch the parade as we would normally, but we are required to operate following strict directions from SA Health that are developed to maintain the safety of students, staff, parents and the wider community.

Keeping our school community safe is the prime concern of The Department for Education. With the uncertain times that we are presently experiencing, we are unable to permit parent spectators at the up-coming sports day due to current SA Government COVID restrictions. We will confirm this in our next newsletter.

The upcoming disco is under review as the organising committee consider whether the safe drop off and pick up of students can meet current COVID restrictions. We will keep you updated of any developments.

Please be mindful that the 100 Years Celebration Committee is putting many hours into the development of a COVID safe application to hold a Community Event. This involves planning, providing, and monitoring stringent measures on the day to ensure the event is COVID safe. The Committee is doing an amazing job as they plan and prepare for several different scenarios that may be in place in October/November. These arrangements are specific for each and every event outside of regular school hours and are not comparable to the daily operations of school events. The opportunity to celebrate the centenary of our school will only come once, and we are hoping that it will proceed to honour the proud history of St Leonards Primary School.

We understand and feel the parent disappointment and frustration at being unable to attend and participate in student activities as we have in previous years. However, we will continue to make every effort to capture and share all events with our community.

Please understand that all we do, we do in a concerted effort to protect our school community to the very best of our ability in accordance with the directions we have been given.

Kathy Baker - Acting Principal

Heidi Bevan - Acting Deputy

Parking and Safety


For the safety of our students and families we have several drop-off and pickup zones around the school indicated by signs.  We strongly encourage all parents and caregivers to use these areas. If your child is not at the spot waiting please do another lap to keep the traffic flowing. These are not parking areas and can attract a fine from the council if inspectors do spot checks. Please also note that there is no drop off zone on the Jervois Street side and observe the signed areas.

Before school

Students who need to be at school before 8:30am should be attending OSHC as there is no yard duty until 8:30am. Students who arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:45am and are not accompanied by a parent or caregiver must wait or play on either the oval or the Russell street side playground where there are teachers on duty or inside the Library. All other areas are out of bounds until the bell at 8:45am. 

Writing Improvement at St Leonards using ‘Brightpath’

Brightpath is a continuous writing improvement cycle that St Leonards has implemented since the beginning of 2020 with our focus on narrative writing.

Students complete a narrative writing task twice a year (Term 1 and 3). After the narrative has been written, teachers then give the student a score by comparing their students work to the Brightpath writing samples provided. The process of comparing students’ work to the samples promotes reliable teacher judgements.

The Brightpath Program provides teachers with teaching points for students enabling them to ensure that their teaching program is directed to the students’ learning needs.

Using this information, the teacher can provide feedback to the students and they work together to form class and/or individual writing goals.

We have seen significant improvement in our pre and post Brightpath assessments. This demonstrates that students have increased their understanding throughout the teaching cycle.

We look forward to students enjoying their narrative writing and planning new goals with their teacher early next term.

Sharon Hill and Jess Ogilvie


Diary Dates

Week 8

  • Governing Council - 7:00pm Tuesday 7 September
  • Festival of Music Performance - Saturday 11 September

Week 9

Chinese Culture Week

  • Reception - Year 3 School Disco - Thursday 16 September, 6:oopm - 7:00pm TBC
  • Year 4 - Year 7 School Disco - Thursday 16 September, 7:15pm - 8:15pm TBC
  • Assembly - Friday 17 September, Rooms 2 &12 presenting

2022 Planning

We have now started planning for the 2022 school year. This is a long process that takes into consideration new reception enrolments, current enrolments and the movement of students into high school. 2022 is a unique year as we will farewell both our Year 7 and Year 6 students as Year 7 becomes the first year of high school.

If your child/ren are currently in Reception - Year 5 and they are not returning to St Leonards, please email Mel Worden, Office Manager, as soon as possible with your child's name, current year level and destination school.

Absences, Late Arrivals and Early Leaving


We request that all absences, late arrivals and early leaving messages are either sent through our dedicated sms number 0436483127 or phoned directly to the school on 8294 9811.

Please include the student's name, room number and reason for absence eg family,  illness, appointment etc.

Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premier's Reading Challenge finished today. Congratulations on completing the challenge. If you haven't already, you still have time to hand in your form, no later than Friday 10 September. If you need a new form please see me in the Library or collect one from the Office. If you can't remember all the books you read,  come and see me in the Library and we can look through your borrowing history for this year and fill out your form.

So far I have had over 300 returned forms and several classes are at 100% participation. Well done.

Kelly Peterson, Library

Lost Property

With the weather warming up a bit we are finding lots of lost items including lunch containers, drink bottles and clothing. Items with names are returned via the class boxes. All unnamed clothing items are held in the Office. Pictured below are some of the lost clothing. If you recognise any please see Liv or Mel in the Office.

Lost Property

Know Your Country

100 Years Celebration

St Leonards Primary School Centenary Fair

We are excited to be getting closer and closer to the 100 year celebration event!

We hope you have Saturday 30 October saved in your calendar as the committee has a very exciting day planned. 

We still need a little bit more help to ensure it is a successful celebration of our school community. We appreciate if you are able to help out where you can.

Working Bee

Volunteers are required to get the school in ship-shape before the big day. We’ll also need nimble fingers to help us wrap raffle prizes and organise memorabilia. No clearances required, pizza lunch provided. Sign up here


It takes a village to make these events happen. If you can volunteer a few hours on the day (30 October) please sign up here

Parent Rep Fete stall/activity

Our wonderful parent reps will be organising some fun fete activities on the day. It’s a lot to organise, so please reach out to your class rep and see how you can help lighten their load.

Market Stalls

This is a great opportunity to showcase your business to the St Leonards School community.

We are accepting expressions of interest from local community who may wish to sell and promote their goods and services. Fill in the online form 

100 Years Memorabilia

Attached is an order form for 100 Years Celebration Memorabilia. 

The Pavers form will be attached to the email that came with this newsletter and Seesaw.

Orders can be paid via QKR! in the 100 Years Memorabilia section, at the Cash Office or call to order over the phone via credit/debit card. 

All orders are due no later than Friday 24 September.

Orders will arrive early Term 4

(paver times may vary)


Class Raffle Item Collection

Each class is collecting items to make up raffle baskets for the 100 years celebration day. These are the themes for each class. If you are able to provide an item please place them in the raffle collection boxes in your child/rens class.




1 – Mr Schwarz


2 – Ms Hallam

Pamper pack

3 – Miss Hayley

Movie night

4 – Mr Smith


5 – Miss Mandy


6 – Miss Rollings

Health and Beauty

7 – Miss Jess


9 – Mrs Ireland

Pantry items

10 – Mrs Barr


11 – Mrs Brown &

12 – Mrs Sayers

Indoor activities

15 – Mrs Tohl


16 – Mrs Winter

Art & craft

17 – Mrs Baggio


18 – Miss Jasmine


20 – Mr J

Outdoor activities

100 Years Dress Up Day

Friday 29 October is World Teachers' Day and is also the day before our 100 Year Birthday Celebration so we encourage everyone to dress up in old fashioned clothes and make our school look like it did in the olden days.

Jump on google and find some inspiration.  Check out what is already in your wardrobe (you'll be surprised at what will work for older time periods) or popping into an op shop is a great option.

Around the School


Congratulations to all the SAPSASA Athletics participants who attended at Mile End last week. It was a fun day filled with some excellent results. Although Westminster took out the top place this year you should all be very proud of your effort and high level of sportsmanship you displayed on the day.

Melissa Barnes, PE teacher

Chinese Culture week

Chinese Hacky Sack (Jian Zi) Incursion

Chinese Hacky Sack (Jian Zi) is a traditional Chinese national sport. It is a fun, energetic and engaging activity. The aim is to keep a Jian Zi in the air by using your body however you cannot use your hands.

As part of the Chinese culture learning and curriculum, the Year 5, 6, 7 students will undertake a Chinese Hacky Sack (Jian Zi) workshop next week (Week 8) in Chinese. I have invited staff from Confucius Institute, The University of Adelaide to run the workshop.

In this workshop students will learn how to play Jian Zi. Students will get the opportunity to play with the Jian Zi individually and as a group. 

Week 9 is Chinese culture week, the upper primary students will apply what they learned and teach this traditional sport to the whole school on Thursday at lunch time. Everyone is welcome! Don’t forget to check out all the other Chinese Culture Week lunch activities.

As part of Chinese Culture Week we would like to celebrate the Chinese culture in our school by dressing up in cultural outfits, clothes or red / yellow colours, the Chinese lucky colours on Tuesday 14 September.

Ms Chan (Chinese Teacher)

Around the Classrooms

Fractions by Room 12

Sam's Corner

Howdy everyone, hope you have been enjoying these lovely bursts of weather that we have been treated to. I for one am very grateful for the weather after some extended periods of cold.

One of the core skills I am trying to teach and implement at St Leonards this year is the skill of gratitude. Gratitude is the ability to pay attention to what you have, instead of worrying about what you don’t have. I find this is a hard thing to keep mindful of in a world where we and our students are constantly bombarded by the ‘next big thing that you must have’.

There is great rewards and benefits for taking moments to appreciate what we do have in our lives. For instance, AFL players Adam Treloar and Travis Boak credit much of their recent success and form to their daily practice of gratitude. Next time you see both of them play you may notice the word ‘DIS’ on their wrist tape. This is inspired by the story that inspired the Resilience Project where school teacher Hugh Van Cuylenburg was working in an underprivileged Indian school. Where students would point out things they were grateful for and say ‘DIS’.

While these players may also be fantastic talents there is a significant link between the practice of gratitude and feelings of positivity, reduced stress and anxiety. Best of all practising gratitude like these athletes do can be done by anyone!

After you have finished reading this take some time by yourself or with your children away from distractions like Netflix, music and other distractions. Have a think about things at home that you are grateful/thankful for. Then go for a walk in the backyard or in the street with your children and point out three things you are grateful for and say ‘DIS’.

Or perhaps having a discussion around the dinner table and using these discussion points may also be helpful!

·         What were three things that went well for you today?

·         Who is someone you feel really grateful for today? Why?

·         What is something you are looking forward to tomorrow?


Stay tuned for next edition where will be discussing another skill that radiates positive energy and I can’t wait to see/hear some moments of gratefulness!

Also, happy to have a chat over email about any queries or concerns or just if you want to have a chit-chat 

Sam Colley, PCW

2021 Uniform

Uniform Orders

To order our new 2021 Heritage Collection uniform please follow the link or visit the uniform page of our website.

Current uniform can still be worn. It will be phased out gradually over the next two years.

Please note: Fittings are by appointment only

Booking can be made by clicking the link 

Piano Lessons

As of Term 3 2021 St Leonards is excited to offer private piano lessons to students in Year 1 -7 throughout the school day.  Georgina is currently teaching piano to students from Our Lady of Grace, and will commence next term with us.  She has a wealth of knowledge in teaching students how to play the piano and/or prepare them for exams.  All lessons are offered individually and are on a rotating time basis.  Contact Georgina on 0431201936 as soon as possible to discuss and secure a place for your child next term.

Entertainment Book 2021

The Entertainment Book book is now digital. You get great savings and support our school fundraising efforts at the same time. Please see our email for more information.

Community News

Holdfast Library - Reading Hour

Holdfast Bay Library Service is holding 2 special events to celebrate Australian Reading Hour on Tuesday 14 September 2021.

Glenelg Library

4pm – 4.45pm Workshop with SA Illustrator Sally Heinrich

Sally will explore how stories explore different emotions and how illustrations can be created using a variety of techniques. Children will have an opportunity to explore different mediums of illustration during the workshop.

Suitable for 8 – 12 year olds.

Bookings essential -

Brighton Library

5.30pm – 6pm

Storytime - Focus on New Books

Suitable for 3+ and will include a take home craft.

Bookings essential -

Community Sports Groups

Tae Kwon Do for Kids

Please see attached if you or your child is interested in Tae Kwon Do classes for kids.

St Leonards Primary School

Learning Together

Respect, Resilience, Readiness

"Building a community that inspires curious, creative and innovative thinkers."

Principal: Dave Henty-Smith

Deputy: Kathy Baker

Well-being Leader: Heidi Bevan

Office Manager: Mel Worden