Hi all
Toward the end of last term we held our 2019 Governing Council Annual General Meeting. The meeting was well attended and conversation reflected the work of 2018 and the plans ahead. We thanked members who completed their terms of service and welcomed some new.
Colin Koch, Nadine Cullen, Richard Fishlock and Catherine Alcock completed their terms in March. They have provided an amazing level of service to the school and its community over an extended time. Nadine has led many fundraising projects with great success making a significant contribution to our program. Richard has been a key figure in our facilities work and has been instrumental in our play space development amongst other projects. Catherine has served as secretary and with our OSHC committee and has ensured that Governing Council communications have kept all members well informed. We thank them for their efforts and appreciate their ongoing input in other ways.
Colin Koch has served as Governing Council Chairperson for several years. Colin’s commitment to school and community connections and understandings has been unwavering and has supported successive long and short term leaders at Crafers. I personally would like to thank Colin for the manner in which he has supported my first year here and wish him well. His positivity and steady leadership has been critical in the development of the school over a long period.
We welcome new members, Graham Harding, Mellita Froiland, Kylie Hopkins, Cara Oosterbaan, Tara Graham-Cochrane. The continuing members are Christian Freriks, Nick Raimondo, Cindie Smart and Greg Collins. Re-elected members are Mick Vickery and Amelia Hurren and the staff representative is Felicity Harrison.
Mick Vickery is the 2019 Governing Council Chairperson, Amelia Hurren Deputy Chair and Mellita Froiland is Secretary. I thank all of the Governing Council for volunteering their time in supporting our school.
This week year 3, 5 and 7 students have been sitting the NAPLAN tests. This year all tests, apart from Year 3 Writing, are to be completed on-line. John Nielsen and Elke Lobenstock have led the process and tests will continue into Week 4. We are working with the test authority to iron out any technical issues as we go and I thank John and Elke for their work in supporting this.
Pedal Prix
Congratulations to the team at Loxton. What a fantastic effort with the best team results in several years! We ride as one! More details in the newsletter.
At assembly in Week 1 I officially launched Crafers Primary School Outreach. CPS Outreach will develop over time but is essentially a new concept that supports teachers and students to ‘learn through helping’. Each class is developing different ways to engage with this ranging from local to global. In itself CPS Outreach is not a fundraiser but a way for students to contribute their goodwill, time and effort to support a project. Whilst some projects may require a financial contribution it is not intended that this should burden families but be should be generated through the efforts of students. More details in the following document.
Quiz Night
Don’t forget to book your spot for the Quiz Night. The fundraising team have gathered an amazing collection of prizes and are ready for a wonderful community night.
Pupil Free Day
Governing Council has approved Friday June 7 as a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be focussing on our strategic directions for the day. OSHC is available for bookings, to be received by Friday, 31. This is the only Pupil Free Day in Term 2.