As notified last week, we are pleased to be conducting Parent Information Sessions commencing Monday 15th February. Please see the information below:
Departmental guidelines allow parents on site for this purpose but the following processes will be in place.
- Parents will be limited to one parent/carer per student and will need to social distance in classrooms.
- Parents will need to check in using our QR code which will be accessed near the office steps. You will also need to sign the COVID declaration form that will be in the classroom.
- Information session will be limited to 30 mins.
- Parents are required to move out of the school as soon as the session ceases. Further discussions or enquiries will need to be address through a teacher appointment.
- Each stage will be held on a different day and will take place in the classrooms. A map will be provided at check in.
All sessions will be held from 4.00 – 4.30pm with specific Stage days as follows:
Monday 15th February - ES1 Kindergarten
Tuesday 16th February - Stage 3 Years 5 & 6
Year 6 Parents are invited to the hall from 4.30 – 5.00 for an address by Mr Andrew Pesle Principal Swansea high school.
Wednesday 17th February - Stage 1 Years 1 & 2
Thursday 18th February - Stage 2 Years 3 & 4
Afternoon Dismissal Procedure Reminder
Thank you again to all the parents and care givers who continue to show patience and consideration by assisting us to make our students safer as they leave our school site.
Below are our exit groups for your information.
Before and After School Care - assemble at the stage area to have roll marked and will move off with Before and After School Care staff.
Bus lines and students meeting parents or walking north on Park Ave - assemble on path near play equipment and walk with accompanying teacher to Park Ave for bus or to meet parents.
Students of parents who are parked across from the school or who walk through the park or up the stairs onto Silky Oak Drive - assemble in front of Infants boy’s toilets and exit through gate at the top crossing. We are limiting the use of the lower crossing till after parked cars and cars using the pickup zone have totally cleared so ask that all students needing to cross our school road use the top crossing.
Students for car pick up area or who walk along our school road - assemble under the COLA near the pathway in two marked areas, 1. Walkers’ main gate & 2. Car Pick up zone. The walkers will be escorted out the gate first and asked to move quickly past the pickup zone. The pickup zone students will be escorted to the pick-up shelter to wait for their parent’s car to arrive. Please ensure you have your family name sign clearly displayed so staff can call your child/children and avoid delays.
Bikes – students on bikes will join their designated line, either top crossing, main gate, or bus line.
We encourage families who live north of our school to direct students to our bus lines and to meet their child on Park Ave. We also encourage parents to keep clear of our specified groups and meet their children in a safe designated area allowing free flow of movement. All students are reminded that if at any time they are unsure of their afternoon arrangements to go straight to their teacher or the office. We understand that these arrangements can change throughout the day and ask parents to always contact the school office, prior to 2.30 if possible, so children can be notified. All staff will be under the COLA with their students to observe the afternoon dismissal and assist students.
BackFlips Against Bullying
Last Wednesday our students attended a fantastic wellbeing incursion, “Backflips Against Bullying”. The show was very interactive and very enjoyable for our students. Talented gymnasts delivered a very powerful and clear message about bullying.
The P&C will be holding the AGM on Tuesday 2nd March 2021. All parents are invited to attend. The meeting will be held in the school staffroom.
Mrs Sue Gibson, Principal