Liverpool Boys High School Newsletter

Week 10 Term 3 2019

Important Dates to Remember

College 2 Graduation- Thursday 26th September 

Last Day of Term- Friday 27th September 

Term 4 Start Date- Monday 14th October 

HSC- 17th October - 11th November 

Take Over- 28th October - 15th November 

Year 12 Sign Out- Monday 11th November 

Year 12 Formal- Thursday 21st November

Principal's Message

What a fantastic term we have had! I’m so proud to be principal of Liverpool Boys High School. Over the last two months we have successfully won the Secretary’s Award for an Outstanding School Initiative- Project Based Learning and the title of 2019 Australian Government Secondary School of the Year! We are officially recognised as one of the best school’s within Australia. 

Our work for the boys is among the best in Australia. This is down to all our staffs’ hard work and those who were part of the journey in the last 6 years. Our support for each other and our collaboration together has been some of the keys to the success. In a letter of congratulations from Mark Scott, Secretary of NSW Department of Education, he states that our “school team has made an extraordinary difference in the learning journeys – and the lives – of the young men in our care.” A sentiment that I believe holds true. 

In addition to our fantastic staff I want to congratulate our students who are the driving force behind everything we do. Mr Scott's words reflect how we feel perfectly, “the students at Liverpool Boys High have stepped up and shown that they are ready with the persistence, wisdom and hard work that are necessary to thrive in their schooling, they should be proud of themselves.” Our students take on change and prove that innovation is key.

We have been overwhelmed with support from far and near, in fact we were honoured to receive support and recognition from Liverpool City Mayor Wendy Waller. Myself, Mr Surace and a couple of our Student Executives accepted a Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor last month. In The Mayor’s media release she mentions that “It’s such a thrill to see a local school being recognised for its innovation and excellence at a national level.” She also acknowledges Liverpool Boys High School as “blazing a trail to the future” and that as a school we have "enhanced its reputation for education innovation.”

To celebrate as a school community we held an afternoon BBQ celebration where all staff and students took time to eat together, relax and celebrate our awesome achievements.

To all our staff, students and community these awards are for us all… thank you! I can’t wait to see what the 2020 holds for Liverpool Boys High School. 

Mr Michael Saxon 

2019 College Graduation

Congratulations to our 2019 College Graduates!!

It's been a long 6 years and you should all be so proud to of made it. We wish you all success in whatever paths you take. Remember to visit and keep us up to date on all your achievements. In saying this, it's not yet goodbye, many of you have your HSC exams coming up and we wish you the best of luck in these!

Also a big THANK YOU goes to Ms Halal who has stuck by you and supported you throughout these years. She truly deserves this upcoming break! 

2020 School Captains

Introducing our 2020 School Leaders!! Congratulations to our new School Captain Edin (right) and our Vice Captains Bassam and Rushil (middle & left).  We are excited to see your leadership skills in action in 2020... Well done! 

These boys went through a rigorous process before being successfully selected. 

 The process included:

  • An application form with two references
  • A written CV
  • A speech
  • A staff and student vote
  • An interview

The Take Over is coming.... Follow our FB for more info.

NSW Premier's Copyright Agency Creativity across the Curriculum Scholarship, 2020

Congrats to Ms Wilson who worked so very hard to win the NSW Premier's Copyright Agency Creativity across the Curriculum Scholarship, 2020. This scholarship will allow Ms Wilson to travel to America and research Big Picture Education there. 

We are so proud of her efforts within the school and Big Picture! Congratulations again Ms Wilson and we look forward to following you on your research journey next year!

Ms Wilson's message

Earlier this year I decided to apply for one of the 2020 Premier Teacher Scholarships. These scholarships are open to any NSW teacher working in the public or private system. It opens in February and you have till April to complete the application. Working in the evenings and on weekends it took 3 months of research and writing to complete. I made so many drafts I was going around in circles and it was through the critiques and feedback from other people that helped me sort out my ideas and structure a well-written application.

There are 17 scholarships for different subject areas and I applied for the Creativity Across the Curriculum. My research topic is, Creative and innovative learning pedagogies being implemented using the Big Picture learning design. Pedagogies are the different ways people teach and as a teacher I find teaching the Big Picture design incredibly interesting. In May 2020, I will be spending four weeks going to Big Picture schools in North America and one week at a Big Picture school in Tasmania.

I really appreciate all the congratulations I have received from students across the school and my advisory even through me a surprise party! I feel very honoured to have received this scholarship and I look forward to sharing my travels with you all next year.

Ms Jane Wilson 

Opera House Project

For the past two terms, 12 boys from year 8 and 9 at Liverpool Boys High have been engaging in a one of a kind creative learning experience with creative learning specialists from Sydney Opera house. The driving question for the project was: How can you use virtual reality (VR) in an educational contest?

The Boys have recorded their journey in the use of VR for learning and have been exhibiting this Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the Opera House. The exhibition will involve a snapshot of the audience putting on VR headsets to experience an immersive journey with the boys. Watch out for the VR link on the school’s website, Facebook and on the Skool Bag App.

Billionaire Studies

In billionaire studies, students studied how the stock market works and how one can make billions of dollars through the stock market.


In the Science project, students learned how messing up with chemicals can ruin one’s life.

Mr Paul Amon

GoIT Challenge

The GoIT Challenge is a nationwide STEM challenge for year 8 students organised by Tata Constancy Services (TCS) a Global Technology Company. We entered 3 teams and 1 of them made it into the finals! Our boys will attend the finals 22nd October. Well done boys!

TCS believe the shortage of students studying STEM is a national priority. The TCS’ GoIT Challenge aims to inspire year 8 students to think differently about technology. To learn technical aspects – but more importantly to apply technology to any educational discipline, to any industry or to any community problem.

There are two components to GoIT Challenge; 5 classroom quizzes and a community project .

  • 5 quizzes on technology and their application to multi-disciplinary areas. 
  • A project that applies technology to solve a problem in the student’s community. 
  • Reflections on our Liverpool Community

    Being Year Advisor of the graduating class of 2018 was a highlight of my teaching career, but earlier this year my Year Advisor role took a different turn when one of my graduates,  Alex Ioane, tragically passed away. One can never be prepared for an event such as this and with the support of each other, his year group, other LBHS students, staff and his family have been helping each other get through this difficult time.

    I taught Alex HSC Visual Arts and still had his artwork, so we thought it would be a special to get the artwork’s framed for his family. Alex and his family love Rugby League and his HSC artwork was of three football players he looked up to. I took the artworks to Liverpool Framing and the owner was amazing. Anne was not only incredibly supportive, as I was quite emotional, but in support of this tragedy she discounted the cost of the job.

    Having the support from local businesses makes you feel proud of the Liverpool Community and reminds me that with support we can get through anything.

    Ms Jane Wilson 

    UNSW ASPIRE Program

    This term we have participated in various ASPIRE programs run by UNSW. ASPIRE is an award-winning outreach program working in communities where the number of school students who go on to university is low. Their aim is to help students discover that there are more options available to them when they leave school than they thought. Going to university could be one of them.

    We had Year 8 attend a UNSW Taster Day, Year 9 attend a Career Scene Investigation event (both at UNSW) and year 10 attended a Degrees to Work event hosted by SMEC in North Sydney. 

    All events provided students with awareness on uni life, pathways to success (TAFE, ATAR, Early Entry to Uni, Employment) and opportunities to network with people who would mentor them in setting goals for their future. 

    Mr Saxon Completes The Blackmores Sydney Marathon 2019

    Congratulations to Mr Saxon who ran 42.2km in the Blackmores Sydney Marathon! Mr Saxon trained relentlessly for months, focused his energies and proved he is capable of accomplishing amazing things and triumphed. While the weather conditions brought challenges for all participants, he persevered and showed the true determination that makes a Marathon so special. 

    Parent Cafe

    Parent Cafe! 

    Come and join in our second last parent Cafe for the year! 

    Tuesday 22 October 2019, 9:30 am 

    Casanova Cafe Liverpool Plaza 

    Special Guest speaker Teacher/Librarian Ms Donna Page - Speaking about the Renaissance Reading Program. 

    Enjoy free Coffee and cake :) 

    For further information please contact Rosa-Maria 0437 701 898 

    Homework Centre

    Homework Centre is available every Wednesday in the library from 3:06pm-4:30pm. This is great if you could do with some additional help in class work, homework and assignments. UTS Tutors will be available to assist in what they can. It's a friendly environment & students from any grade are welcome. Please see Ms Abboud if you have any questions. 

    P.S- Drinks and nibbles are provided!

    Building Communities Program Fundraising

    Here at Liverpool Boys High school, we are passionate about connecting with our community and alumni.  We believe that strong community engagement supports students to reach their full educational potential. We are seeking donations to support our 2019 activities. Visit the link below to see how you can donate.

    Return and Earn 2019

    We are still collecting containers. Please continue to bring them in and dispose of them in the correct bins- Yellow lid bins. 

    * Remember to keep lid and labels on and to not crush the containers. 

    For more information please see Mrs Tucker. 

    LBHS Website Links

    We are constantly updating our website with new and relevant information. We have included some links below to certain sections that we believe are important to become familiar with: (Just click on them & it will open in a new window)

    BYOD at LBHS

    Assessment and Reporting

    What to Expect in High School

    Parents, Carers and Community

    Are you interested in joining our P & C?

    This year Liverpool Boys High School would like to set up a Parent and Citizen Committee (P&C). We are asking for expressions of interest from our parents. 

    If you are interested in joining his fantastic committee please contact our CLO Rosa-Maria Hormis on 0437 701 898. 

    Bring Your Own Device


    From NOW – BYOD is compulsory for year 8 to College 2. A device is a small laptop, tablet or Chromebook – not a phone! Every student from Year 8 to College 2 is required to bring a device to school every day. At the bottom of the page is are some examples of suitable devices- These are not devices you must get but purely suggestions. 

    For more information or assistance in regards to BYOD please contact our Community Liaison Officer Rosa-Maria Hormis- 0434 701 898.

    Skool Bag App

    Ensure you have downloaded the Liverpool Boys High School Skool Bag app. This will be regularly updated with news, events and announcements. We encourage all parents students and staff to have the app. 

    Newsletters will also be created and sent through Skool Bag App.

    This app is available on iTunes and Google Play for free.

    LBHS Social Media

    Follow Us

    Stay up to date with regular news, announcements and activities relating to Liverpool Boys High School. 


    Instagram: @LiverpoolBoysHs

    Twitter: @LiverpoolBoysHS

    Facebook: @LiverpoolBoysHS

    Sports Facebook: @LBHSsportsinfo

    Liverpool Boys High School Website

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