Nhulunbuy Primary School Newsletter

Term 1 - Week 3

Principal Note

Nhamirri walal,

It’s amazing to think we are already three weeks into Term 1. 

The first two weeks at Nhulunbuy Primary school focussed on ensuring everyone was on the same page regarding whole school and class expectations and routines and how this fits with our NPS values.

We have had eight new staff members join the NPS team. Clem Brasher and Chloe Dehne at Preschool; Alicia Mansfield in 1/2B; Gabby Henderson in 3/4C; Sophie Thomas in 5/6D; Annie Thompson who leads School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB); Cassie Keane our Special Education Teacher in Charge and Aldona Brewster who starts Monday in Transition.

Our enrolments have increased this year and we have included 2 additional classes. We have a third Transition class and a fourth Year 3-4 class. Attendance has also been very good, with most carers communicating when their children are away. Letting the school know why your child is absent is very important. We are required to record this data daily.

Last week our teachers posted some important documents for you on Dojo. Parent Overviews and related documents have been created by teachers to ensure you know what is being taught across each learning area this term.  If you haven’t had a read, I encourage you to check it out. Likewise, if you would like a hard copy, please contact the front office.

Hopefully you have heard about Goldies, Mac time and ways your child can be acknowledged for positive behaviour in the playground at NPS. School Wide Positive Behaviour is a priority this year and we have been working hard to identify meaningful and purposeful ways to acknowledge students’ efforts to demonstrate the school values in different ways.   

At Morning Muster, we presented badges to our School and House Captains and Vice Captains for 2023. We have had a huge amount of interest for the Student Representative Council (SRC). This week students in every class from Transition to Year 6 have been presenting their reasons why they should be elected as the class SRC rep. Standing in front of your peers to ask them to vote for you is no small ask, and I am so proud of each student who has done this. Being elected is an enormous privilege and responsibility.  Missing out can also be very hard. We are mindful and committed to making sure that students know how they can continue to contribute their thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way. We can all take initiative, take responsibility and share our ideas.

March 1st is a Pupil Free Day, so that our staff can focus on Maths, specifically Number. Maths is one of our Annual School Improvement foci for 2023. Consultants from Top Ten will spend the day working with teachers to support understanding through modelling and working with hands on manipulatives.

It will be great to see you in the hall at 5:30pm next Wednesday at the NPS Primary Meet and Greet. We will start with a brief introduction of all NPS staff followed by classroom presentations. Teachers will deliver three twenty-minute presentations in classrooms with repeated content, so that families with multiple children can make their way to each of their children’s different classrooms. If you would like to make a time to sit down with your child’s teacher, you will find their email listed in the newsletter or please send them a Dojo message. 

Kind regards,

Rachel Blundell



School Captain Report

Hello and welcome to Week 3!

This is Deon and Cate, your School Captains for 2023. We are very excited to write our first school update for the newsletter.

Last week 3/4A performed their assembly on the Pride value ‘Persistence’. It was great to see so many families enjoying the entertaining act on ‘Kindness – paying it forward’.

All School Captains and House Captains received their badge. The House Captains have been doing a great job at running the sports equipment borrowing system at recess and lunch.

Students in Years 3-6 are enjoying swimming lessons. Thank-you to Miss Ange and Miss Sarah for walking with classes to the pool.

MAC Time is a hit! This is where students who have received the value cards are picked out at Monday Muster. Two lucky students per class get to spend an hour with Mr Mac.

This week, SRC speeches and elections were underway. SRC play an important role in representing the student ‘voice’ of the school.  Stay tuned for announcement of the successful candidates!

Have a great fortnight.

Deon Mukangaya and Cate Pelns  

School Captains

School Captains and Vice Captains

Arnhem Sports Captains

Daliwuy Sports Captains

Mitchell Sports Captains

Wirrwawuy Sports Captains

Please slide across to view more photos from PE....