Dear Parents and Community Members,
Greetings and Welcome back! I hope that you have had a safe and fabulous holiday and are now eager to commence another positive year of working in partnership with us, to support the ongoing development and success of all students and the school community.
It was a joy to see the smiling faces of children and parents in the week prior to school commencing, as they entered the school grounds to meet staff and reconnect with their friends.
It was wonderful to welcome back many ‘old scholars’ who returned to visit us before highschool commenced, reminiscing about their days at Primary school and recollecting their precious memories.
I have enjoyed visiting each class and have loved listening to the many and varied experiences the students have enjoyed during their summer holidays!
Students expressed how eager they are to reconnect with their friends, get to know their new teachers and ofcourse immerse themselves in their learning!
It was also wonderful to see how well the new Preschool, Reception students and other new students to our school have settled in. The staff and I extend a warm St Joseph’s welcome to our new students and their families.
The staff and I look forward to another positive year where together we witness the growth, development and success of each and every child.
Let us work in collaborative partnership to ensure that St Joseph’s Catholic School vision is proclaimed and lived in word, action and deed and our motto “In all things love” continues to inspire us to achieve our goals and aspirations! To be who we are called to be!
God Bless
Maria D’Aloia