Hello, Giinagay, Hai
Dear Scotts Head Public Students and Families,
As I write my Principal’s Column today, I write the words of transition. I became a teacher to make a difference in young people’s lives.
After much thought, personal reflection and professional guidance, I have been successful in being able to spread my circle of influence state wide, through merit selection gaining the position of a Behaviour Specialist Advisor for NSW. This will give me the opportunity to utilise my behaviour expertise and personnel management skills to lead a Behaviour Specialist team to build the capacity of schools to support students with complex and challenging behaviour. This new level in the DET is part of Delivery Support that work with local teams, both non-school and school-based teams. As a non-school based teaching officer, I have right of return to Scotts Head PS at the end of this three-year contract. I will continue to live locally and be part of the school community.
I am finishing up today and taking some leave before I start this next position. The reason for this quick departure is so I am able to attend to a few health appointments and family commitments. Thanks to Annie Balfour who will be the Relieving Principal and Debra Bodne-Schmidt for taking the Year 1/2 class.
I temporarily farewell the Scotts Head community with love, respect and gratitude for the support I have received during my nearly nine years in the role. Scotts Head PS is an exceptional school and an exceptional community for so many reasons.
Leadership is an incredible privilege. It is exciting because you can achieve things you’ve aspired to do throughout your career. It is hope-filled because you appreciate the capacity, generosity and talents of those around you. You are only as good as your team and I want to thank the staff for their endless energy, skills and devotion to the school, they are incredible group of professionals.
In our context it is joyful because we work with children and young people and are reminded each day of possibilities. Leadership lets you give and receive. The Scotts Head community is very generous and as I reflect on my years as Principal, I’m overwhelmed by the many gifts that you have given me.
Thank you to all parents for your endless hours of volunteering, chaperoning, reading, organising, donating and doing whatever is necessary to support students—both at home and at school. Special thanks to our P & C who, as usual, go above and beyond the call of duty to provide whatever is necessary to add to our students’ already rich school experience. A huge thanks to our ex-students who are invaluable in what they give back to the school – whether that be as special guests or through career advice and mentoring, or in returning to share celebrations like our Aboriginal and Indonesian cultural events.
To the students: Thank you for all your dedication to learning. I am so honoured to be your principal; you make me proud and keep me laughing and young at heart. I am grateful for your kindness, joy, astute insights and amazing talents and will continue to witness to Learn as you Grow.
I am thankful for the colleagues who I’ve worked with, particularly the leadership teams. I thank them for leading with justice, compassion and being committed to the excellence for both students and staff.
Community is also about the future, and the ongoing conversation between what now and what next. Our new four-year plan will take us into that future – the directions are about our staff and students, who have all made a significant contribution to its creation, a perfect example of collaboration, creativity and expertise.
I look forward to seeing you again in the future as our journey together continues, it has been a privilege and an honour to learn, teach and lead with you all.
Please read the poem below which is our mantra.
Thanks, yaarri yaraang, terima kasih.
Bu Gillian
Gillian Stuart - Principal