Blaxland Public School

Term 2 Week 10

Thought for the week

“Time for a break”

Important Dates

Term 3

Week 1

Tuesday 13 July

  • First Day of Term 3 

Permission Notes and Payments

The School’s preferred method of payment is online via the Blaxland PS Website
  • Year 5 and 6 Sydney Academy Camp - final payment due by Friday 17 September

List of Notes sent home

For all notes sent home please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.

Message from Mrs Ellis

Term 2 has been an exciting term of teaching and learning at Blaxland Public School for the students and teachers. We have had a relentless focus on developing our students grit to never give up when learning and it is always the best part of my day when I walk into the classrooms and I can see and hear a buzz in the rooms with the students wanting to talk about their learning.

COVID-19 Advice

As we are all aware, COVID-19 has been more prevalent in NSW over the past week. The DoE guidelines have stated that we must limit visitors onsite. Fortunately, school holidays begin after today so hopefully the situation will have settled by the time we return to school. Parents and Visitors attending buildings in the school must maintain the social distancing rules, sign in using the QR code and wear a mask. We are allowing one person in the Administration office at a time. All parents entering the school grounds must sign on using the QR codes that are located outside the front office. All adults must maintain the social distancing rules at all time. If dropping off or picking up your child/children please do not stay onsite for long periods of time.


Sydney Zoo Excursion

This week, the K-3 students went on an excursion to Sydney Zoo. The students had a fabulous time linking their learning in the classroom to the real-life experiences at the zoo. We have attached some photos from the day. The assistance of the parent helpers on the day was greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mrs Everett for organising the exciting day for everyone.

Principal BBQ Lunch

Yesterday we held our first Principal’s BBQ lunch in recognition of those students who have received a Silver award, ACE award or an Aussie of the month award. Congratulations to all students. A happy time was had by everyone.

Term 3

All staff will return to school on Monday 12th July for a Staff Development Day and all students will return to school on Tuesday 13th July. Best wishes to all families for a safe and relaxing holiday.

Sydney Zoo Excursion

School Parking Reminder

We know that parking outside our school can be frustrating for all people concerned but we are governed by the road regulations set by NSW Transport.

The safety of our students is of paramount importance and the No Parking Signs and bus zone signs must be followed by all drivers at all times. Please find attached the parking rules guidelines set out by NSW transport to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the rules.

PBL Principal's Barbeque Lunch

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop will be Closed during the School Holidays and will open when School resumes for Term 3.

School Jackets

School Jackets are back in stock. All sizes are available for purchase. 

P&C News

Thank you all for your Scholastics Book Club orders. We have earned $195.88 in reward dollars for our school! Happy reading!


The P&C would like to wish all families a fabulous holiday! See you next term!

Student Banking

Student Banking day is Thursday.

All student bank books must be handed into the admin office at 9:05am on Thursday mornings. If you would like more information, please see Mrs Smith in the office.

In the Garden - Term 2 Week 10

In these last weeks of Term 2, we dug out the purple sweet potatoes, and boy were there a lot! These tubers will be available outside the school office today so please help yourself to a sweet potato or two and let use know what you make with them. Did you know that just 150g of baked sweet potato contains 100% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A and vitamin C. I know I’ll be making some baked sweet potato tonight.

A special thanks to Cecilia and Evan for their muscles and hard work digging out the sweet potatoes, as well as washing them. We couldn’t run the school garden without these extra pair of hands. So thank you.

The garden bed the purple sweet potato were in, will be prepared over the school holidays to plant 2/3P’s broad beans they have been growing from a seed in class. What a wonderful learning experience. I look forward to watching these beans grow and harvesting them later in the year.

Lastly, please enjoy some of the photos from the garden and have a lovely school holiday break.

Happy gardening, Theresa (parent volunteer)

Student Awards - Term 2 Week 10

PBL Focus - We wear a hat, we stay in bounds, we use equipment safely, we pack equipment away and we stay out of the sports shed unless under direct staff supervision.

Assistant Principal Awards

  • Madi
  • Amelie
  • Xavier
  • Naomi
  • Anastasia
  • Ivy

Principal Awards for Attitude, Commitment and Effort Awards (ACE)

  • Kyle
  • Luke
  • Penelope
  • Soraya
  • Ambrielle
  • June

Silver Awards

  • Heidi
  • Izac
  • Max
  • Cooper
  • Anderson
  • Anabelle
  • Jackson
  • Taya
  • Cleo
  • Carly
  • Amelia
  • Olive
  • Baxter
  • Matthew
  • Will

Merit Awards


  • Cora - Amazing reading in Literacy groups.
  • Saxon - Excellent effort in ten Time!


  • Cali - reflecting carefully in "sentence a day".
  • Charlie - displaying "grit" during maths.


  • Xavier - consistent effort in persuasive writing.
  • Adalyn - approach her learning with a positive attitude.


  • Marcus - working hard on all his learning goals.
  • Billy - his positive attitude towards learning.


  • Lewis - positive attitude and good humour in class.
  • Jessica - super homework every week.


  • Michael - amazing research during writing.
  • Baxter - writing an outstanding information report.

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