St Anthony's Primary School Girraween

Term 4 - Week 4 - 2021

From the Principal

Welcome - we are all so happy to be back at school!!

Due to the extended lockdown and remote learning that has taken place last term and early this term, we need to alter the way that we report about your child's learning this semester.  The report you receive at the end of this term will take the form of Student Learning Observations, in a style similar to the first half of last year.  Full information is provided in this video.

2022 Organisation of Classes

Over the next few weeks, teachers and leaders will be working together to create the 2022 class groupings.  This is done to achieve the most appropriate academic and social mix of students that maximises learning for all students.

Teachers will create two class groups which endeavour to be evenly balanced with consideration to gender, academic ability, support for learning, behaviour, friendships and class size.  It is a task which takes time, effort and information.   Your child's teacher will draw upon as much data as they currently have to create these classes including friendship information directly from your child.

If you feel that there is an important aspect in regard to your child that the teacher is not currently aware of in preparing next year's class, please put your considerations into writing and send confidentially to Ms Ducksbury via the school email or letter to the office by 22nd November, 2021.

Principal transition periods

Dear Parents, 

Between now and the start of 2022, a transition period will occur in the Principal leadership of St Anthony's as I commence my new role later this term. Below are the key dates:

Ms Linda Ducksbury - last day at St Anthony's Friday 26th November

Mr Patrick Cairns (Acting Principal) - November 27, 2021 - January 27, 2022

Mrs Patricia Reilly - Principal St Anthony's 2022

Thank you to all the families who have expressed their well wishes. I am so looking forward to spending quality time with the students and staff at St Anthony's over the next four weeks and being able to connect with as many parents as I can within the restrictions we still have at school.

Warm regards,

Linda Ducksbury

School News

With thanks to St Anthony's Teachers

Friday 29 October is WORLD TEACHERS' DAY -  a day to celebrate and show gratitude to all our teachers for the amazing work they do, the commitment they show to our students, families, school community and importantly, to their colleagues. Tell your teacher tomorrow what they mean to you!

Relocating or changing schools in 2022? Let us know

We need to be informed if your child/children will NOT be returning to school at St Anthony's in the 2022 school year (other than current Year 6 students).  Could you please provide WRITTEN NOTICE to the School Office immediately if your child will NOT be returning next year.  This information needs to be passed on to the Catholic Education Office, as it impacts our funding for 2022.  Ten weeks notice is required for change of enrolments to avoid incurring any additional fees.  We also have a waiting list in some grades for 2022 and could offer this place to another student.

Thank you for your support.

Tell Them From Me Survey

Thank you to the 49 parents and carers who gave us their feedback through the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey in Term 2.  TTFM gives us an insight into teachers', students' and parents' experiences of our school community and helps us to identify areas for improvement.

Some Key Points from Parent Feedback

Overall, parent responses to the survey are positive, although there are areas that show a small decline from last year.  These areas tend to be parts of school life that would be impacted by COVID restrictions that we had to follow in the first half of the year, such as parents feeling welcome and less informed about their child's learning.

It is pleasing to see increases in parents supporting learning at home.

Responding to Parent TTFM Feedback

Over the course of this year, we have worked on reviewing our school's homework guidelines and practices, as well as revising the student report that is given to parents each semester.  Both of these are point of parent feedback that have been noted in previous TTFM surveys.  Keep an eye out for the release of updated homework guidelines this term, and for more information about our revised student reports next year.

School Fees

Sport News

With everyone back at school this week, we were finally able to present our event winners and age champions with their ribbons and trophies.  Congratulations to all our successful competitors.

Important Upcoming Dates

Some school events can proceed, following COVID safe procedures.  Please remember, however, that COVID restrictions for schools do not allow parents to visit the school site at this time.

Mon 1 NovAll Saints Day
Tues 2 NovAll Souls Day
Wed 10 NovMusica Viva Performance 9am - 11am

Wed 8 Dec

Christmas event - TBC
Wed 15 DecLast day of term for students

Library News

Now that we are back at school we are trying to get back all overdue library books.  Because most students borrowed in the last weeks of Term 2 we have been left with a great number of books to get back.  It would be appreciated if these books could be returned as soon as possible.  If uncertain of title class Teachers have a list of what titles a student may have overdue.  Any students who  still have overdue books next week will receive a note.

School travel passes gives eligible school students free travel between home and school or TAFE on NSW public transport, including trains, buses, ferries and light rail. Depending on where you're travelling, you may receive a free school travel pass, a School Opal card, or both.  This follows on from the information above.

St Anthony's Uniform Shop

The uniform shop will be open for pre-orders only. Order forms can be downloaded from our school website. This can be sent with you child or emailed to 

No cash will be accepted at this time; please complete the payment using the order form.

Orders will be sent home with your child.

Mel's Tasty Bites - Canteen Update

The Canteen has now reopened.  Help us follow COVID Safe Practices by ordering online as much as possible.

MENUS - check out the St Anthony's menus at

CANTEEN ACCOUNTS - consider opening a canteen account to minimise cash handling, see information on our website

BIRTHDAYS - Please contact the Canteen for options.