Tumut High School Newsletter

Issue 2 - 9th March 2021

Respect, Responsibility, Safety

Captain's Chat

Vice Captain Harry talks about Principal's & Values Awards

At our report assemblies (held end of Terms 2 and 4), along with the provision of reports and a yearly debriefing, students have the prospect of earning two awards - the Principal’s Award, and the Values Award.

These awards are presented to students on the basis of academic and behavioural achievements to positively reinforce the hard work they have put into their schooling throughout the academic year.

The Principal’s Award is given to students who have an average grade of B, in order to recognise the accomplishment of students dedicated to scholastic achievement.  The Principal’s Award allows the recognition of many students who apply themselves to their work and attain high achievement. The award therefore diverts the focus of students from their positions relative to each other, to the actual quality of their educational outcomes, and it recognises these students with the award’s presentation in front of the rest of their year group at an assembly.

The Values Award is given to students who consistently meet positive attitudes to learning outcomes - as shown in our Semester reports. These report outcomes regarding the PBL values of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety are used in order to ensure consistent application of behavioural assessment by teachers. Since all students get a report for all their subjects, this method is an efficient way for assessing a student's attitude to learning. The award is to emphasise the importance of students’ attitudes to learning throughout the year, and are acknowledged for their efforts in front of their peers.

Students who are diligent in their learning and who maintain high academic and positive attitudes to learning can look forward to being recognised at the end of each semester with these two awards. 

Vice Captain Jeane talks about THS Leadership Opportunities

Here at Tumut High we are granted many opportunities to lead and coordinate in a team/group setting throughout our schooling, right from Year 7 through to Year 12. These opportunities vary in what the activity is and attempts are made to accommodate different personalities and strengths - there truly is something for everyone whether it be academic,sporting or wellbeing -  Tumut High School provides every opportunity they can.

You may lead your team onto the field or court to win a state title in any of our sporting endeavours, you may be a senior at an event such as swimming or athletics and your role as a “leader” even though it is an individual sport, would be setting an example for the juniors attending and showing them guidance. Another is leading the school like myself, Liana, Andy and Harry are doing by being in the SRC and choosing to represent the school.

Being in the SRC itself presents its own leadership opportunities in the roles of President, Vice, Secretary etc and we are proposing to introduce a new structure inviting a year group to run a meeting with one of the Senior leaders to aid them each week. This will present all students with the opportunity to lead the SRC in their agenda for a meeting. Pictured are Year 11 girls Keely and Megan who are active leaders at Tumut High being SRC Members and demonstrating good leadership by wearing correct school uniform.

Everyone can show leadership by upholding our school values of respect, responsibility and safety which ensures you are always embodying the values of a leader.

Captain Liana talks about Senior students expectations

At Tumut High School, the expectations of students are high but also achievable and as senior students everything increases - workload, expectations and responsibilities being the major changes. It is expected of seniors, being almost finished school, that we treat everyone with respect, that we are responsible for not only ourselves but others around us and to always be taking into consideration the safety of others.

For over 10 years of schooling the expectations have been there to wear our correct school uniform including black closed in leather shoes and to complete all assessments and tasks given in each class  to the best of every individuals ability and submit them on the due date.

With all these greater expectations, the teachers of Tumut High notice us demonstrating our PBL values of respect, responsibility and safety and have allowed senior students to have flexible attendance.

Flexible attendance is where we as seniors, are able to leave school grounds during recess, lunch and study periods allowing us the opportunity to further demonstrate that we are young responsible adults who can be trusted to do the right thing in all settings including at school and within the community.  Year 11 will be having their Senior Induction shortly to arrange flexible attendance and I hope all Year 11 accept the challenge to do what they know is the right thing to do.

I personally feel as though it is a major highlight of becoming a senior and I’m sure many of my peers will agree with me on that, we do see it as not only a privilege but another opportunity to prove ourselves to both the school and community.

Captain Andy talks about extra-curricular opportunities at THS

Tumut High offers a vast array of extra-curricular opportunities. Such opportunities offer significant social benefits to our students. Opportunities outside the traditional classroom expose students to mixing with other students at the school that may not be in their year group. These opportunities allow us all to interact with others that have the same interests and to demonstrate our understanding of our PBL values - respect, responsibilty and safety -  in different settings.

Extra curricular opportunities are also valuable educationally as they present learning in a unique and engaging format. There are so many extra activities at our school that are relevant to so many of us.

Not just all the great excursions our teachers organise for our courses, but we can engage in so many sports including school, zone and Riverina representation and even State and National as well as in house sports such as the student/teacher volleyball competition. 

For students interested in agriculture there is the Farm Management Program and cattle parading through the RYCE Program. And for the creative students the performing arts has been pursued through Tournament of Minds and CAPA shows. For those interested, Chess Club, public speaking and debating are often on offer. 

I would like to strongly encourage any of our students to be directly involved in the decision making about events and activities surrounding leadership groups such as our SRC and the Batyr Group. 

I have only touched on a small number of extra curricular opportunities offered at Tumut High and I would be happy to meet with any students who have some new ideas of clubs or groups they would like to see at our school.

The outcome of engaging in extra curricular activities is the further development of students social, emotional and academic skills as an extended learner and something I value, is along the way students will enjoy themselves and forge valuable, and perhaps unlikely, friendships.

Staff remember Mr Lopez

What's On

NSW Department of Education 2021 Calendar

View the attached calendar for 2021 term dates and school holiday dates.

Dates to remember

Dates for you to know;

- Wednesday, 10th March: Year 9 to 12 Brumbies Rugby Union Training Session

- Wednesday, 10th March: Year 11 Senior Induction Period 5 (students only)

- Thursday, 11th March: Year 11 Parent Senior Induction Q&A (parents must book through office on 6947 0600)

- Friday, 12th March: Year 10 to 12 Road Safety Education SafeT360

- Monday, 15th to Friday, 19th March: Year 10 Ten Trek 

- Tuesday, 16th March: Parent Teacher Interviews face to face for Year 7 and new students. (see below for bookings)

- Tuesday, 23rd March: Parent Teacher Interviews over the phone for Year 8 to 12. (see below for bookings)

- Tuesday, 23rd March: Year 11 & 12 CSU Explore Day

- Monday, 29th March: Year 10 Geography Earth & Water Lake Albert excursion

- Thursday, 1st April: Last day of Term 1

- Tuesday, 20th April: Students return for Term 2

Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 1 Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled as follows:

- Week 8, Tuesday 16th March 2021 face to face interviews for all Year 7 students 4pm to 5pm and new enrolments to Tumut High 5pm to 6pm.

- Week 9, Tuesday 23rd March 2021 over the phone interviews for all other students in Years 8 to 12.

Bookings are to made through Sentral Parent Portal. Details for Sentral Parent Portal are on our website or follow this link;


School Notices

Schools continue to be safe and all students should be learning on campus unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence. Activities permitted at school will be conducted in a way that is safe and appropriate in the current environment. Staff will continue to maintain physical distancing with other adults.

The following is now permitted at Tumut High School from 8th March 2021;

- P&C meetings and assemblies with parents/carers in attendance

- All visitors to the school site must comply with sign-in arrangements which includes the school sign-in sheet and checking in using the Service NSW QR Code

- Parents/carers can be invited to attend school sporting events and activities 

- Students are able to mix together across year groups for all school related activities

- School orientation programs can continue

- Musical groups are permitted in well-ventilated spaces or outdoor areas

- During solo and group singing, a distance of 5 metres between people they are facing is to be maintained


COVID Intensive Learning Support Program (ISLP)

Dear parents and carers,

As we all know, 2020 was a tough year.

This is particularly so for our students and teachers who have risen to the challenges in a disrupted year that included seven weeks of remote learning due to COVID-19, and in our local area, that came on top of bushfires and floods.

For our students, this has been an unsettling time.

The government and department have recognised this with the announcement of a program aimed at ensuring that schools can identify students who would benefit the most from intensive support. This will be tailored to their requirements to ensure that students’ educational outcomes continue to improve in 2021.

The 2021 COVID intensive learning support program will provide small group tuition for students who need it most across NSW primary, secondary and specialist schools.

We have started the implementation of small group tuition program in our school. The groups will be conducted during school hours aiming to support all areas of learning through improved literacy and numeracy.

Students identified by the school will receive contact from the school to provide further details.

Any enquiries can be forwarded to the ISLP coordinator, Mrs Karen Hayes, during school hours on 6947 0600.

Tumut High School Resource Centre website launch

Our Librarian Mrs Stiles is excited to launch the new THS Resource Centre website to "help students read the world".

The website is bursting with great links and information to assist students with study, revision and assessments. Will also be a great resource for parents/carers to support their children.

The link can be found on the school website and by clicking on link below;


Check out the virtual library which has been developed to increase the visibility of the resources and services that are provided at the Tumut High School Resource Centre. It also provides direct access to the Oliver Library system that students use at school.

Features of the website will be provided over the coming weeks through our Facebook page, THS Radio news and future newsletters.

Tumut High School Positive Behaviour for Learning

Canteen Term 1 2021 specials

"War on Waste" at THS

Over the past couple of years staff and students at Tumut High School have been working on introducing recycling at our school both in the classroom and outside in the playground. Staff members Ms Munro and Ms Bailey are working hard behind the scenes meeting with Snowy Valleys Council to have recycling in place on a permanent basis. The SRC with the THS canteen and the THS P&C will be driving this project when fully established. 

For now, students are encouraged to use the four yellow "Earn & Return" bins for their plastic and glass drink bottles from the canteen & also aluminium cans. These should be placed in the bins without crushing them. Valmar reimburses us for this collection & ultimately we will be purchasing a chilled filtered water station for the students to use. There are four yellow bins - near the steps to A Block, in the canteen area, outside the door to the PE classrooms and on the corner of the cement apron out the side of the MPC.

Our next PBL lesson will focus on "Respect - Care for people and property" - students will be discussing how we all can help to save our planet and take responsibility for the waste we generate in our school. 

Students recycling at THS

Hogs for Homeless THS Visit

Tumut High School was lucky enough to have a visit from Hogs for homeless who had teamed up with Gus Worland and visited our school on Wednesday 17th of February. 

Whilst their visit was only brief, it was excellent to hear from them, and hear the sound of their bikes as they rumbled into school for our visit. Gus Worland and Freddie Fitler spoke to us about our 'Mental fitness' and how important it is. Gus and Freddie spoke, and Gus asked Freddie questions about strategies he uses with the NSW origin team, strategies that we too as young people could use in our everyday lives.

Their biggest pieces of advice, were to try and reduce our exposure to our devices and to help limit the impact that social media has on our daily lives, to start our day with a glass of water to help de-stress our body, to breathe using big belly breaths to relax our bodies when we become tense. And, the biggest take away from this was that rather then reaching for our phones for affirmation when we are down, create a list of people we feel safe talking to, and to talk to them share what's going on in our lives and recognize that it is ok to reach out, ok to cry no matter whether we are male, female or other, we all need to take care of ourselves to be the best version of our self that we can.

Special thanks to James and Courtney from Play Rugby League South West NSW for organizing the visit to our school. And also a massive thank you to Hogs for Homeless and their support crew and Gus Worland. We are so lucky to have guest speakers like this visit our school.

By Ms Sturt, Senior Learning and Wellbeing Coordinator

Representative school sport at Tumut High School

Please access the link below to view information regarding Riverina School Sport including calendar of events. 

Please be advised that conditions apply for each trial. The Sports Organiser or Head Teacher PDHPE will ensure recommendation by the individual managers/conveners are met. As for knockout competitions, Tumut High is committed to offering a range of sporting opportunities for our students. Although there is a range of sports to compete in, Tumut High can only commit to certain ones and information is provided to students regarding trials etc through the school daily notices.

By Miss Norton (Head Teacher PDHPE)

Visit this website for details on all school representative sport including state knockout competitions and calendar of events.

Student stories

World's Greatest Shave

Our students Daniel (Year 11) and Eddie (Year 10) are participating in the World's Greatest Shave in March.

They are keen to raise awareness of the Leukaemia Foundation and raise some much needed funds along the way. They hosted a BBQ at THS and raised $360. The boys would like to thank the students for supporting their BBQ and to staff and families who have donated on their fundraising page.

On Thursday, 11th March 'spiders' for $2 each will be for sale from the canteen at recess to further support their fundraising at THS. Then they will be looking forward to their final fundraiser with the Tumut Eagles community on Saturday, 13th March where they will be shaving their heads at half time of the Pre-season Charity Match.

If you would like to support the boys please click on the link below;


World's Greatest Shave fundraiser with Tumut Eagles

Year 7 MTVA

In MTVA, which is Mandatory Technology Visual Art, we have been learning how to use a creating site called Inventor. We have been creating objects so we can get used to how it works and then we put our learning to use as we modified the design of an F1 car – (the model cars that use gas cylinders to launch). After designing our cars on Inventor we cut them out with a special machine and sand it down to be super smooth and ready to race.

By Matt Rossington Delany

"Sculpture by the Sea" for Year 9 to 12

Visual Art Students in Years 9-12 enjoyed the Sculpture by the Sea workshops held this term. Exhibiting artist Akira Kamada and workshop facilitators, Meghan and Jo, enthralled students with examples of sculptural work, and taught them many new art techniques. Students created amazing and unique sculptures using upcycled and found objects.


“Sculpture by the Sea” is an event held alongside Bondi Beach to Tamarama Beach where artists from across the world come together and display there incredible sculptures. We were lucky enough to have one of the artists themselves and 2 experienced “Sculpture by the Sea” educators visit with us at school and explain what they did and how they did it. We were shown an easy way to make sculptures out of recycled materials and made some ourselves. Most students went for an abstract approach others used different techniques which we learnt during the workshop. There were many cool and unique sculptures which students created and maybe one day we could see them on Bondi Beach. Everyone enjoyed the workshop and learnt something to improve their artistic and creative skills. We would like to thank the CAPA faculty for organising this great experience. 

By Jemma Wickman, Year 9

"Sculpture by the Sea"

Year 12 Geography Excursion

From the 17th to 19th of February the Year 12 geography students accompanied by Mrs Chapman and Mrs Stroud explored the Kosciuszko National Park. On Wednesday the 17th, we departed school at 9:00am to travel to Jindabyne. On our first day we had an introductory session with Darren at Dainers Gap. While at the gap we discussed invasive species and how the National Park is combating the issue. Following Dainers Gap we looked at Perisher Ski Resort and developed our understanding of how they manage environmental threats produced by the ski resort such as the Ski Tube. Our accommodation was adequate, and a (student) team of cooks and cleaners came together both nights to cook our meals. 

On Thursday we woke up early to start our climb. We arrived at Thredbo around 9:00am and took the chairlift up to Eagles Nest. From here the group took a 6.3km walk up the summit, stopping along the ways for fieldwork and to admire the view.  Upon arriving at the top of Mount Kosciuszko we had our lunch and took photos before making the hike back down. Dinner was once again served by the team of chefs and cleaners. 

On the Friday we woke up stiff and sore, but ready for our final day, we ate breakfast before departing to several sites such as the National Parks learning facility, where we received a lecture from Dan Nicholas which summed up all of our fieldwork from the past two days. We also stopped at Charlottes Pass where we examined the boulder fields in which the endangered Mountain Pygmy Possum lives and the Charlottes Pass entrance to the Kosciuszko walk to sum up our learning over the past few days. 

On behalf of Year 12 we would like to say thank you to Mrs Chapman and Mrs stroud for taking us, as well as our thank you's to Andrew our bus driver and Darren for assisting with field work. 

By Year 12 Geography student

Year 12 University of Wollongong Excursion

On Monday the 15th of February 20 students from Tumut High travelled to Wollongong to attend the Discovery Day at the University of Wollongong on the Tuesday. We travelled with students from Tumbarumba High and also Gundagai High, which we do every year, and the students are able to forge new friendships and share their experiences of being a Year 12 student.

For more than 20 years UOW has offered their Discovery Days program, giving Year 12 students the opportunity to experience the UOW campus, attend taster sessions for  courses, stay overnight in UOW accommodation residences, and get a real feel for student life. After the many challenges of 2020, the university worked hard to design a Discovery Day experience on the Wollongong campus that adhered to all current COVID safety requirements, allowing students to experience all that university has to offer while ensuring the wellbeing and safety of all participants.

Students were able to experience some of the accommodation available as they stayed at International House on the Monday night. The most exciting part of the Discovery Day experience is when students chose a timetable of lectures that aligned with their personal interests and career goals, and they spent the day as a university student. Students were able to speak with lecturers and current students, accommodation, admissions requirements, early entry, alternative pathways with the UOW College, scholarships, and facilities and services available on campus.

By Careers Adviser, Mrs Stroud

School Swimming Carnival success

Following on from our school swimming carnival a team from Year 7 to Year 12 went to Cootamundra for the Southern Slopes Zone carnival and had a great day both in the water and hanging out together. Both Kade Knight (Yr 12) and Eddie Dodds (Yr 10) broke records on the day and the Open boys freestyle relay (Kade, Duncan Smallwood, Andy Dodds and Nathan Butt) broke the relay record. It was a great opportunity for our junior swimmers to step up and swim in the older age groups in the relays and we congratulate  Will Driscoll, Jemma Wickman, Will Crawford and Dylan Butt for swimming up and helping the older swimmers swim on the day at Zone with some great placings in the relays.

The Riverina Swimming Carnival was held in perfect conditions and the team again proved a force in the pool with Kade and Eddie again breaking records along with the Boys Open medley team (Kade, Eddie, Duncan Smallwood and Daniel Castle) breaking their own Riverina record by 5 seconds. The Open Girls and 16yr boys relay teams swam hard coming in at 3rd place.

Other swimmers on the day to impress with good times and great team spirit were Elizabeth Evers,  Jemma and Keely Wickman, Megan Castle, Emily Mudie, Kian Knight, Will Crawford, Noah Parker and Dylan and Nathan Butt.

Off to the State Championships with Kade, Eddie, Duncan, and Daniel is  Will Crawford coming 3rd in 14 yrs 100m breaststroke and both Andy Dodds and Nathan Butt in the 4x50m Open boys freestyle relay who had a clear win in Leeton with teammates Kade and Duncan.

We wish them all the best when they compete in Sydney next term from 28th April to 30th April 2021.

Swimming Stars

Tumut High School Swimming Carnival Achievements

Congratulations to the following students for their participation and success

at our 2021 THS Swimming Carnival being named Age Champions.

(Formal acknowledgement of this achievement will be acknowledged at a report assembly)

12 years - Joshua Murdoch 

13 years - Kian Knight and Elizabeth Evers

14 years - Will Crawford and Valley Edwards

15 years - Byron Crawford and Jemma Wickman

16 years - Eddie Dodds and Abby Sutton

17 years open - Kade Knight and Megan Castle

THS RECORDS broken at our carnival on 11th February 2021

Eddie Dodds - 16yrs 50m freestyle - 25.25 (was 26.46), 16yrs 50m backstroke - 30.18 (was 32.00), 16yrs 50m butterfly 28.25 (was 28.44) and 16yrs 100m freestyle - 57.31 (was 57.81)

Kade Knight - 17yrs Open 50m butterfly 27.25 (was 27.53), 17yrs Open 50m breastroke 33.38 (was 35.28), 17yrs Open 100m backstroke 1:07.59 (was 1:08.00), 17yrs 100m butterfly 1:01.37 (was 1:06.42), 17yrs Open 50 freestyle 56.75 (was 57.40) and 17yrs Open 100m breastroke 1:13.72 (was 1:16.82)

National Forum - Rural Youth Ambassadors in Canberra, speaking on behalf of rural young Australians everywhere

From places as remote as Streaky Bay in SA, Yanakie in Victoria, and Tumut NSW, 18 rural and remote young Australians including myself travelled to Canberra to meet with Federal Ministers and education officials to share their thoughts on rural and remote education across Australia. Over the course of three days, we attended several meetings to speak on behalf of their peers all over the country.

The National Forum in Canberra was the outcome of a year-long leadership program delivered by the Country Education Partnership (CEP) across New South Wales, South Australia, and Victoria. The program aims to develop leadership skills of rural and remote young people, while also providing a formal, national voice for rural students on issues affecting their education and communities.                        

The forum began at Parliament House, where we met with The Hon. Dan Tehan, MP and Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, his chief of Staff, and advisors. We shared our stories, ideas and proposals with the Minister and his staff about schools working together, mental health, and after school information. After this meeting, we met with our respective local politicians and discussed the national forum and their proposals. The final meeting of the day was with The Hon. Andrew Gee, MP, Minister for Decentralisation and Regional Education. We again talked about what we had talked about in our previous ministerial meeting, though better after the mornings practice. Minister Gee asked us to provide more details about our ideas so he can take it to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment and the National Education Council. 

Thursday started with a meeting with Robbie Beale from the National Careers Institute (NCI). Mrs Beale consulted the Ambassadors for feedback on the NCI’s delivery of “Your Career” information nationwide. A discussion followed, and we shared ideas about how delivering this information to school leavers in Australia could look in the future. We then met with Kristy Van Oome and Marie Schneider from the Regional University department, who led a discussion on how the Country University Network could best support rural and remote young people to attend tertiary education in rural communities. After lunch, the group met with the Education Minister The Hon. Alan Tudge, MP, and The Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services The Hon. Luke Howart. Phil Brown, the CEO of Country Education Partnership (CEP), attended the meeting with the Ambassadors. And reflected ‘It was great to see their ideas acknowledged and encouraged through the positive response expressed by the Ministers.’ We finished the day with a short tour of the ANU campus.

Day three involved a tour of the University of Canberra campus, and a conversation with members of the Rural Education & Communities research group out of the Centre for Sustainable Communities, followed by a video conference with members of the National School Resourcing Board where we again shared our ideas about how to support mental health in schools, how schools in local geographic areas could better service their students by working together and sharing resources.  

We were happy that the ministers all asked us to provide documentation of our ideas in the form of briefs, which served as an acknowledgment of the work the rural youth ambassadors from the three states have done over the past year. We think the Ministers and government organisations were impressed with our presentations and ideas and are optimistic they will take our ideas on board and will want to work with next year's group. 

Thank you to all involved who facilitated many of the meetings and allowed the entire event to happen. 

By Harry Bottero, Year 12

Skoolbag App

Installation instructions for parents downloading and using the Skoolbag school communication app - get it on your Apple & Android mobile devices.

Skoolbag App update

To ensure your app is up to date please visit:


To ensure you are receiving notices specific to your child's school year please update your year group. To do this open up Skoolbag App and click on our school logo icon at top of the page. Then click on GROUPS. Click on Add/remove groups to update your year groups. 

Community Announcements

eSafety Commissioner

Please familiarise yourself with this invaluable website which offers help for all Australians to have safer, more positive experiences online.


Tumut Girl Guides

Tumut Eagles "Come and Try"

Tumut Eagles Soccer Registration

Youth Exchange

Tumut Bullants "Come and Try"

Tumut Bullants Junior Rugby Registrations

Census 2021 jobs

Adecco Recruitment has partnered with the Australian Bureau of Statistics to recruit 38,000 temporary employees in areas across the country. These employees will play an important role in helping people to lodge their Census forms for the Australian National Census 2021.

The Census provides valuable insights into the make-up of Australian society and is often the only source of data on small population groups and small geographic areas.

To view current vacancies visit website link below;


Tumut High School

We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge Wiradjuri and Wolgalu people, the traditional custodians of the land and also pay respect to Elders both past, present and future.

Respect, Responsibility, Safety