The Friendly Link

Students, staff and parents working for the future

In the last edition of the Friendly Link, I relayed feedback the school received around the area of Learning. Learning encapsulated the areas listed on the table below. If you missed it, download the last newsletter and check it out.

There were three areas of the school’s core business – Learning, Teaching and Leading that the school received feedback on. This edition will focus on the domain of Teaching. May I once again thank the community for their responses.

The questions were developed from Excelling statements within the School Excellence Framework (SEF). The SEF supports all NSW public schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of the key elements of high-quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

The Framework describes 14 elements across these three domains which define the core business of excellent schools. 

Each year, schools will assess their practices against the Framework to inform their school plans and annual reports. The description of excellence in the Framework supports schools as they engage their communities in the development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.

In this edition, I will highlight elements from the Learning domain.

When you look at the survey results, the scale represents:

1= Almost never                                       

2= Sometimes                                          

3 = Often                                                 

4 = Very often                                           

5 = Almost always 


This evening is the AGM for the Parents & Citizens Association. The P&C forms a major link between the community and the school and I encourage families to stay in the loop and get involved through the P&C and its associated services (fundraising, canteen and uniform room). I would like to thank the executive committee and coordinators who did an outstanding job last year despite the challenges of the pandemic. I look forward to working with the new committee for 2021.

The meeting will take place in the school library at 7pm tonight Wednesday 17th March 2021.


One of the main elements of positive wellbeing is the ability to be engaged in a task or work and achieving what researchers call ‘flow’. Flow is where you are fully immersed in a task, that enables you to lose a sense of time as our focus and skills meet the challenge of a difficult task. Every time we are disrupted, it takes a cognitive load to get the momentum up again and get back in the ‘flow’.

The school is aiming to create processes to limit or stop the disruption of students and teachers during class times especially the morning. One strategy is trying to limit messages and movement throughout the school during this time.

I would also like to extend this with the Administrative team in the office. Please only pop in to the school on important or urgent business throughout the day. I am requesting that any forgotten items can be dealt with via a quick call or to not to worry about it if your child does not absolutely need it. I would really appreciate your support with this!


Regular attendance is compulsory for every student. It is essential if students are to achieve their potential and increase their career and life options. Schools in partnerships with parents are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff, as part of their duty of care, record and monitor part and whole day absences.

In the event your child is sick and unable to attend school, you must by law provide an explanation to the school upon return or within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence by means such as a telephone call, written note or email. The 7-day timeframe for explaining absences is a requirement of the Education Act (1990).

School commences at 9:15am. If your child is late, parents must take their child to the office to receive a late note before returning to class. If you are late and do not take your child into the office, it will be classed as an unjustified absence. There has also been a significant increase in early pick-ups as well for various reasons. Please try and make appointments outside school times if possible.

The Home School Liaison Officer inspects the school roll and identified around 30 students with patterns of attendance that are of a concern. You may receive a phone call from your child’s teacher or myself to discuss these issues. Please take this issue seriously and make attempts to ensure attendance improves.

The Department of Education’s goal is for 90% of students attending 90% of the time. Our school is currently performing slightly below this target at this point in time.

At the end of Week 3: 92% of students at school greater than 90% of the time. By Week 7, this fell to 88% of students at school greater than 90% of the time.

Obviously, if your child is unwell then keep them at home. However, do your best to ensure good attendance as it is a critical measure of your child’s success at school. 


Congratulations to these students on their selection and representation of East Hills District PSSA.

EAST HILLS 11’s RUGBY LEAGUE: Cooper Hayward, William Cope and Pauli Kolopeaua

Good luck at the SSW PSSA Regional Trials


Last week Alicia Crosbie trialed for tennis at the Sydney South West Regional Championships. Congratulations to Alicia who was selected to represent the region to go to the NSW PSSA Championships at Broadmeadow in the Hunter Region next term. 


Congratulations to all our swimmers who competed in the Sydney South West Regional Championships at Bradbury last Tuesday. Below are their results:

Allison Gorsevski  - 11 Year Freestyle - 23rd

Alicia Crosbie - 11 Year Backstroke - 13th

Ryoma Reynolds - 12 Year Freestyle - 12th

Anthony Peng - 12 Year Backstroke - 9th

Senior Boys Relay (Cooper Hayward, Ryoma Reynolds, Aiden Brown, Anthony Peng) - 12th

Stay well, Chris Whitten (Principal)


OVERDUE FEES:  Statement of accounts will be sent home before the end of term with your eldest child to advise or any overdue fees.

PAYMENTS: For your convenience, please place all payments for all your child/ren in ONE envelope; there is no need to write out separate envelopes for each child / multiple payments . However, You will need to place all completed permission notes in that one envelope as they go to the individual classes.

QR CODE: Please be sure to scan the QR code on arrival or prior to entering the school, located on all gates and in the office.

SKOOLBAG APP:  Please be sure to download the app to receive all important correspondence from the school. Also go into GROUPS and Add/Remove previous/new class groups your children are in this year to continue to receive current relevant information. 

CHANGE OF DETAILS:  Just a reminder to parents, its important to provide in writing to the office any change of details especially address & contact numbers. 

CANTEEN: Lunchbox is open each week from Wednesday's - Friday's.

BANKING: Is every Wednesday. Don't forget to bring in your bank books.

UNIFORM ROOM: The uniform room will be open every Friday now for the remainder of the term, so it will be open this Friday 19th March 2021. 

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: Begin Friday 2nd April - Friday 16th April. 


                                                       **All students commence Term 2 on Tuesday 20th April 2021**