Kotara South Public School Newsletter

19 May 2021 | Week 5 | Term 2

From the Principal


Welcome to week 5 of term 2. We are now half way through term 2 and are in full swing with our learning. Literacy and Numeracy is our focus and students are engaged in quality learning in their classes. Across our rooms Kinder to year 6, teachers are focusing on being fluent when reading aloud. Did you know that fluency informs comprehension? A fluent reader has accuracy, prosody (reading with expression) pace, volume, smoothness and phrasing. This assists with children being able to understand what they read at a deeper level. You can assist your child at home with fluency by reading aloud to them and then having them read aloud to you on a regular basis.

In week 3 of term 3 (Education Week), our KSPS staff will be presenting the Reading Roadshow to parents and community. We invite you to be part of the Reading Roadshow so that to stay informed on the effective evidence-based teaching strategies and teaching methods that optimise progress for all students when learning to read.

Today our school is participating in the External Validation (EV) process. This is part of the School Excellence cycle and is underpinned by the School Excellence Framework (SEF) and supports all NSW public schools in the pursuit of excellence. The SEF provides a clear description of effective practice across the key educational domains of learning, teaching and leading, and informs and guides decision-making by principals. While improvement efforts are designed, driven and assessed on an ongoing basis by each school, an external process is important for providing an assurance to the school and the system that the progress being made aligns with the expectations articulated in the SEF. External validation is an integral and deliberate element of school planning and supports effective self-assessment to inform high impact strategic directions. External validation is not an inspection. It provides an opportunity for schools to discuss their judgement about the school’s practice, and the evidence that underpins them, with a panel of peers. An external validation process provides an assurance to the school and to the system that the progress being made aligns with the expectations articulated in the School Excellence Framework. We are very excited for this process to take place and I would like to thank the team leading this process: Mrs Ward, Mrs Cox, Ms Summers, Ms Gibson, Miss Martin and Mrs Fear. More information on the outcome in next fortnight’s newsletter.

In Week 10 of this term, your child’s mid-year Student Report will be available through the Parent Portal. We encourage parents to check access on the Parent Portal so that you can easily access these documents when they are posted.

Our parent information session for Kinder Readiness will occur on Wednesday 2 June from 6pm to 7pm in the  KSPS Library. Entry via gate 2 on Rae Cres. We encourage all prospective Kinder parents to attend this session and be aware of information and kinder readiness skills for students potentially starting Kinder in 2022. Please see Mrs Ward – Early stage 1 Stage 1 Assistant Principal for further information. 

Across NSW, all public schools have a focus on attendance. We know that being at school, on time everyday improves the learning opportunities for each and every child to connect, learn and grow.

Today is Pyjama Day. This is a fundraising day for our year 6 leaders. As a school we raised $300.70. 

PSSA sport continues this week. For some senior students, there is a knockout gala for soccer and netball on Thursday 20th May. Students attending this day, must be at school by 8am to catch the bus. Please see the notification on Skoolbag for the details of this sporting event.

Last Wednesday night, the P&C held the May meeting. During this meeting the new sensory playground was discussed. This space is in the process of being designed and will occupy the space between the hall and the walkway leading to the canteen. It will include and outdoor mud kitchen, a shop, a water play area all in a natural bush setting. This area is planned to encourage students to engage in imaginative play that promotes creativity, language development and collaboration. Currently our P&C are applying for a grant to support the development of this area.

I finally have the pleasure in finally announcing that the Cooler Classrooms Program (air-conditioning) is being installed on Monday 24 May! This NSW Public Education Assets funded installation will cover each classroom and library and have 3 roof mounted reverse-cycle air conditioning units for each classroom and more units in the library. There will be disruption to each class as the installation occurs. Each class will move to the E block spare space for 2 or 3 days during this time. We will make every effort to be flexible and work with the contractors to allow for the program to move forward without delay.

In September, we will also start work on our new A block cola that will be erected outside the Kinder rooms. The old garden beds will be removed, allowing for space where tables and chairs for students to eat at, do outside learning and meet with friends. This will run along the length of the A block building to the ‘elbow’ near the external stairs. I also have drink bubblers and hand washing taps being installed for junior classes to easily use. This major works is a joint venture between NSW Public Education Assets and KSPS. At the same time we will refurbish the old outdoor stage area. In the Christmas holidays we will have a new designed play quad area for children to play on at lunch and recess.

As the Principal, it gives me great pride to continue major/minor works across our school that will improve the site as a whole and promote public education for all students. As our school is an ageing asset, there is always so much work to be done in this space. I would like to thank Mr Ward (KSPS GA), Mrs McMahon (KSPS SAM), Mrs Shantel Harris (Assets) and our KSPS  P&C for all the work happening in the background to ensure these projects get off the ground successfully and be a long-lasting improvement that future-proofs our school.

A reminder that the ever-growing pile of lost property of jumpers, hats, lunch boxes etc is located in the canteen area. We regularly have  Lost Property monitors to go through the items and return named clothing etc  to students.  Labelling all your child’s items is essential to ensure it has a chance of getting back to them safely. Please remind your child that he/she is responsible for their belongings and putting item in their bag  will prevent the loss of items.  You are welcome to come into the school and go through these items to find your child’s jumper, hat etc.

As we continue to live with COVID, we welcome parents on site at any time through gate 1 front office whereby you will need to QR code check in and the  site sign in on the iPad. These requirements are needed by all adults visiting the site as a contact tracing requirement for the NSW govt. Thank you for your patience with this matter.

As this is a busy term with lots happening, stay up to date by using our KSPS website calendar for upcoming events. Our website houses all school information. Find the KSPS Website link here

Our school improvement plan is strong, stable and focused on making a difference to your child’s overall education and wellbeing. Our infographic below displays these strategic directions and the activities supporting them. More information to come in future newsletters on the specific areas of learning and growth for each activity.

Sue Maxworthy -Principal




Congratulations to our Kotara South debating team on their win against Cardiff South Public School. The Kotara South Diamonds debated against the topic ‘That all well behaved students should receive a 30 minute early mark every Friday”. The adjudicator’s feedback was that our arguments were convincing and well presented. The Kotara South Diamonds will continue in the Premier’s Debating Competition this term, with our next debate against Belair Public School. Congratulations to Violet, Oliver, Wes and Zoe for all their hard work and dedication. Also thankyou to Seanna and Emilyne who timed and chaired our debate.

 Miss Martin – Debating Coordinator

Starstruck 2021 RISE UP

Congratulations to our fantastic Starstruck students. The show is nearly here!! In less than 4 weeks our students will be performing at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre to ‘Slice of Heaven’. Kotara South students are CAST B and perform on Friday 18th June at 7pm and Saturday 19th June at 1:30pm. Thankyou to Wes, Isaac, Sophie, Lily, Lexie, Emma, Mitchell, Oliver, Holly, Rose, Myah, Sarah, Phoebe, Milliana, Yulanda and Zoe for representing KSPS in this year’s show!!

Melanie Gibson- Starstruck Coordinator

Library News

Tips to Motivate your Child to Read

1.      Make time for reading. Allow reading to be a relaxing and enjoyable time, free from pressure.

2.      Set aside a regular read aloud time with your children. Audio books are another great option for a reluctant reader.

3.      Make sure the reading material isn’t beyond your child’s reading abilities. 

4.      Create a cosy reading nook. A special reading space may be all the encouragement your child needs to settle down and spend time with a good book!

5.      Look for a variety of reading material. Kids often gravitate toward the fiction shelves in the library, but don’t stop there. There are many other genres to consider: joke books, cookbooks, how-to books, graphic novels, and biographies are all great non-fiction possibilities. Even children’s magazines can encourage your child to read.

6.      Provide access to books. Use your public library. Create a home library. Keep books accessible. When your child decides he wants to read, you want to be sure there’s a book at his fingertips.

Suggestion for 5-7year olds. Check out Sally Rippin  https://www.sallyrippin.com/

Or Aussie Kids https://www.penguin.com.au/brand/aussie-kids

 Mrs Harvey - Librarian


Literacy and Numeracy

This term, I am working closely with some students in Stage 2 and Stage 3 to enhance their reading comprehension skills. Based on Scarborough’s Reading Rope, a major focus of our discussions in class is around building background knowledge, vocabulary and verbal reasoning. A reader’s background/prior knowledge is important to comprehension because the author can only write so much in a text, so it’s expected that readers have a certain level of understanding before they read.

What is Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension is a complex process that involves many processes working together in order to understand a text. Comprehension is not just finding answers in a piece of text – it is an active process whereby the reader creates a version of the text in their mind. Comprehension is heavily dependent on the reader’s oral language abilities, understanding of word meanings, and ability to engage with the text at a deep level.

Activities to support reading comprehension at home

Encourage your child to talk about the texts they read at home. This could be done at the same time as your child working on their reading fluency as per Mrs Ward’s newsletter item in week 3.

Ask your child questions such as:

·         What have you learned from the text so far?

·         What does the author mean when they say ____?

·         What does the word _____ mean in that paragraph?

·         What point is the author trying to make in this text?

·         How would you change the ending?

·         What connections can you make between the text and other stories you’ve read/heard?

It’s also beneficial to read a variety of genres such as picture books, non-fiction, articles, poems, song lyrics etc. on a similar topic to build background knowledge.

Kara Brailey – Years 3 - 6 Literacy and Numeracy Teacher



Stage 2 Superstars

As part of Creative Arts and PE this term, Stage 2 students are learning a range of dances from a cultural context. Apart from the cardio workout they receive, students are learning to maintain a regular, steady beat and perform routines that connect movements. They move with an awareness of safe dance practices and provide each other with positive feedback on their performances. We definitely look forward to these lessons each week! See a short clip of one of our dances on Facebook.

Mrs Cox, Mrs Bird, Miss Martin, Mr Warren – Stage 2 Teachers

Counsellor Corner

Managing emotions

Primary school kids are still learning to identify emotions, understand why they happen, and how to manage them. As children develop the things that provoke emotional responses change, as do the strategies they use to deal with them.

Some children show a high level of emotional maturity while quite young, whereas others take longer to develop the skills to manage their emotions. This is really normal – everyone develops at different stages and paces.

All children need support from their parents and caregivers to understand their feelings, as well as encouragement to work out ways to manage them – some might just need a bit of extra help to figure things out.

Understanding your child’s feelings

Supporting children’s emotional development starts with paying attention to their feelings and noticing how they manage them. By acknowledging children’s emotional responses and providing guidance, you can help kids understand and accept feelings, and develop effective strategies for managing them.

·         Tune in to children’s feelings and emotions: Some emotions are easily identified, while others are less obvious. Tuning into children’s emotions involves looking at their body language, listening to what they’re saying and how they’re saying it, and observing their behaviour. Figuring out what they’re feeling and why means you can respond more effectively to their needs, and help them develop specific strategies – for example, when we’re feeling nervous, we can try taking big deep breaths.

·         Validate your child’s emotional experiences: Listen to what children say and acknowledge their feelings. This helps children to identify emotions and understand how they work. Being supported in this way helps children work out how to manage their emotions. You might say, “You look worried. Is something bothering you?” or “It sounds like you’re really angry. Let’s talk about it.” 

·         Set limits in a supportive way: Kids need to understand that having a range of emotions and feelings is OK, but there are limits to how feelings should be expressed appropriately. You can set limits, talk about why these exist, and how one person’s feelings shouldn’t make someone else feel upset. For example, “I know you’re upset that your friend couldn’t come over, but that doesn’t make it OK to yell at me.”

·         View emotions as an opportunity for connecting and teaching: Children’s emotional reactions provide ‘teachable moments’ for helping them understand emotions and learn effective ways to manage them. You might say, “I can see you’re really frustrated about having to wait for what you want. Why don’t we read a story while we’re waiting?” 

·         Be a role model: Children learn about emotions and how to express them appropriately by watching others – especially parents and other family members. Showing kids the ways you understand and manage emotions helps them learn from your example. If you lose your temper (hey, it happens!), apologise and show how you might make amends.

·         Encourage problem-solving: Help children develop their skills for managing emotions by encouraging them think of different ways they could respond. You might say, “What would help you feel brave?” or “How else could you look at this?” 

·         Providing security: Kids are reassured by knowing that a responsible adult is taking care of them and looking after their needs. Parents and other family members can help children manage their emotions by creating a safe and secure environment. Kids need extra support from you when they’re feeling tired, hungry, sad, scared, nervous, excited or frustrated. Regular routines, such as bedtimes and mealtimes, reduce the impact of stress and helps to provide a sense of stability for kids. 


 Belinda Robinson – School Counsellor/Registered Psychologist

Hunter AFL

During week 3 my family and I went up to Byron Bay for the state AFL competition.  On the first day we had two games. One against North Sydney which we unfortunately lost 36 to 12 and the second game was against Barrier (Broken Hill area). We won 88 to 0.

The second day we played two games. We played our first game against North Coast and we won 42 to 23- which was the first time that Hunter had beaten them. The second game was against MacKillop and we lost 48 to 2. 

On the third and last day we played one game for our teams’ placement on the ladder. We had to play Riverina who have won the state competition 8 times previously. In the first quarter we were winning 12 to 0. In the second quarter, we were leading 13 to 6. In the third quarter we were still leading the game 19 to 15. Unfortunately, In the last quarter we lost 22 to 24. It was very close.

The Hunter team came 8th from 13 teams in the competition.  It was the first time that Hunter placed in the top 8 in 50 years.

 MacKillop came through to win the competition.

Oscar Toole 5/6P

Assembly Awards

Week 3 & 4

K O'R  

Jeronimo Gentle-Torres
Bodhi Hain
Peter McKee
Isabel Smith
Louis Summerville
Annabelle Walsh

1/2 A 

Bryce Gundry
William Harris
Layne Alexander
Edward King
Tahlia Abel
Sia Cristaudo
3/4 B 
Lucy Holmes
Rory Fenwick-Mulcahy
Holly Brock
Lexi Sullivan
Jed Alexander
Sophia Askew
5/6 J 
Ashleigh Googe
Dylan Googe
Emma Jennison
Isaac Smith
Lani Lane
Wes Martin

K P 

Jordyn Cutbush
Harvey Fletcher
Lenox Buttons-Madsen
Mallory Wall
Connor Mitchison
Jaxson Johnston

1/2 E 

Flynn McDermott
Cooper Mason
Annabelle Lemon
Zayed Amanat
Scarlett Migus
Ruby O'Brien
3/4 C 
Finn O'Brien
Ivy Owens
Angus Playdon
Jada Capriotti
Agatha Joya
Joe Forrester
5/6 P 
Liam Sharpe
Bella Vaughan
Chase Hain
Mitchell Jago
Mathew Zerndt
Rasbani Kaur


Macy Cherry
Toby Allard
Matilda Sharp
Blair Farrow
Brock Van Der Zanden
Georgia Menzies

1/2 M  

Caden Densham
Paige Cutro
Ellie Mcilveen
Willow Langi
Chokden Thinley
Samatha Seivl
3/4 M 
Imogen Moran
Patrick Steel
Tommy McClymont
Cooper Hill
Maya O'Brien
Lia Sheldon
5/6 S 
Liam Buchanan
Sonny Hulsman
Joseph Kyle-Whitson
Xavier Cowie
Milliana Bourke
Joel Dagwell


Manu Hanlon-Mullen Marriott

1/2 Mc 

Hayley Jago
Ariana Vizer
Rio Michalitsis
Hadley Cook
Sarah Andresen
Keira Wallace
3/4 W 
Christian Moyle
Eva Moylan
Bowie Harrison
Bronte Rippon
Cooper Betts
Chloe Maddern-Richards

Upcoming Events

Keep track of school events by signing up for notifications on the Skoolbag app. ‘What’s On’ reminders are posted each Sunday evening. Or, please check the Events page of the KSPS Website for upcoming dates and details.

Contact information

Kotara South Public School provides a supportive learning community where students are valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Strive to Achieve

P&C Association

Fundraiser – Your Food Collective

Don't forget our fundraising partnership with Your Food Collective - a great way to buy fresh, locally made or grown produce while supporting KSPS.

Here's how:

1) Do your weekly shop online at https://yourfoodcollective.com/

2) Enter our Special Fundraising Code FUND4KSPS at checkout to donate 5% of your spend to our cause (excludes delivery fee). New customers will receive a free gift with their first purchase!

3) Enjoy fresh, local produce (home delivered or DIY pickup) while supporting KSPS and local farmers!

Get behind our great cause and fill your fridge and pantry with fresh, local fare. We appreciate your support! (And YES - your friends and family can also purchase using our Special Fundraising Code FUND4KSPS). The fundraising partnership is in place from now until Sunday 4 July.

Entertainment Memberships

Our Entertainment Membership fundraiser is active all year round. When you purchase a (digital only) membership, 20% of the membership price is donated to the P&C to support our fundraising efforts.

For the first time ever, anybody who purchases a $69.99 Single City Entertainment Membership will be upgraded to a Multi City Membership valued at $119.99 for FREE! That’s a $50 saving and access to over 10,000 offers!

As we are currently unable to travel overseas, people are exploring Australia a LOT more, which makes the Multi City Membership the perfect option.

This is a limited time offer and it ends Monday, May 31 at 11.59pm AEST, so be quick!

Purchase via this link to support KSPS: https://au.entdigital.net/orderbooks/346s62


Mrs Best is in need of helpers to help fill the roster for this term. If you’re able to volunteer, please add your name to the online roster: Online Canteen Roster or contact Mrs Best directly (or via a message left at the school office). Fiona will send you home with a delicious lunch as a thank you for your assistance.

Thank you so much for supporting the BEST canteen!

Tips for using Qkr! online ordering

Did you know you can cancel a canteen order on Qkr? If you've placed an order in advance but you no longer need it (eg if your child is sick), you can request a credit to be used on a future canteen order, so long as you cancel the order prior to 8.50am on the day of the order. We are unable to refund orders past the cut-off time.

- Open the Qkr! app and select the "Activity" tab at the top of the screen to see your past orders.

- Tap on "receipt" for the order you want to cancel

- Tap on the red "minus" sign and you will be given the option to cancel all or part of your order (so long as it is before the cutoff time), with the value of cancelled items stored as credit for next time.

Check the date! PLEASE double check the order date when placing an order. Mrs Best is having to make quick lunches for children who are supposed to have a lunch order for that day, but it has been ordered for the wrong date. We will never let a child go hungry, but we ask you to please help avoid a lot of additional work and running around by Mrs Best by double-checking your order date before you submit it, or checking the receipt once the order has been placed.

Uniform Shop

Orders are filled on Tuesday mornings. All orders received before 8.30am on Tuesday will go home with your child that day. Please order and pay using our online store: https://kotara-south-public-school-pc-association.square.site/. It is important to include your child’s name and class in the “Notes to Seller” part of the online checkout so we can send the orders to your child’s class to take home with them.

In-person visits to the uniform shop are available by appointment only. Please email the P&C or the uniform shop (kspsuniforms@gmail.com) if you need to make an appointment.

Upcoming events

Sunday 6 June – Gardens and Grounds working bee, 9am -11am. Everyone is welcome (including kids!). BYO gloves, and gardening tools if you have them – we do have some to borrow on the day.

Sunday 11 July – Kotara Bunnings BBQ. Please sign up using the online roster if you are able to help.

 Thank you for supporting KSPS P&C!

Email: kspspandc@gmail.com

Facebook: Kotara South Public School P&C

Next meeting: Wednesday 12 May, 7pm in the school library