Marks Point Public School Newsletter - Week 8, Term 1

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Findon Street, Marks Point NSW 2280 Phone: 4945 4433 Fax: 4947 7842 Email:

From the Principal

Dear school community,

Welcome to Week 8!

Thank you to family members who attended our BBQ breakfast and yarn, parent information sessions and Individual Planning Meetings. During the middle of Term 2 we will be holding parent/teacher interviews for all students to discuss your child’s progress as reflected in Semester One reports.

Guitar lessons with Wendy Hood

Student attendance

COVID update Week 8, Term 1

We are happy to announce that Parents and Carers are now able to enter school grounds. If you wish to do so, please abide by the following:

  • Parents and Carers wishing to enter school grounds, may only enter through the office gate, located on Findon Street (where you will find witches hats to help guide you to the correct gate).
  • Proceed straight into the school office and scan the QR Code, sign in in and show a staff member when completed.
  • Before school - Parents and Carers must leave the school grounds when they hear the music playing.
  • Afternoon pick up – Parents and Carers may enter school grounds after the bell/gates are opened. Again, Parents and Carers must abide by the sign-in arrangements. Following this, Parents and Carers are not permitted on school verandas.
  • Should you need to speak with your child’s teacher, prior arrangements can be made via the school office.

Alternatively, parents can kiss and drop their child/children at the school gates. This promotes and encourages independence, social skills, resilience, less disruption to students and classes and follows school routine.

Kindest regards,

Sharne Turpin


Assembly Week 7 - Congratulations to all students for showing the school's core values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence!

Newcastle Herald article promoting our student leaders for 2021

Aboriginal art work - 6DY

PBL Focus: classroom, school rules and expectations

P & C News

The next meeting will be held on 18 March at 7pm in the assembly hall and adhering to COVID guidelines. 

Uniform shop news

Easter Hat Parade 2021

Our Easter Hat Parade will be held on Wednesday 31 March at 12pm under the school COLA. We can’t wait to see your Easter bonnets!

Nutrition and Sunsmart Snippet

Belswans Junior Football Club

Canteen and Uniform Shop List